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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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My single game purchase (Tiny Metal Ultimate - standard) from the sale is also showing "in production" but with a "status: Ready". They probably all say that by default until it actually ships.

Got my order from the blowout sale yesterday

Just out of curiosity did you get any kind of notification it shipped and if so does your account properly reflect that it shipped. Just curious what to expect since it's been since 2021 that I've directly ordered anything from LRG.

Any time someone gets any type of heat online, they come back with "I've gotten so many death threats" or "I'm gay//trans/non-binary/identify as a waffle" and expect people to sympathize with them.

Like dude, you've been running scheme based on nostalgia for years now and over-promise and undelivered- yeah people are gonna be pissed. If you're that concerned about the death threats, stop doing such a shitty job.
If you're that concerned about the death threats, stop doing such a shitty job.
The cabal of scumbags profiting off deserved criticisms and complaints about their scumbaggery, spun to their benefit, disgusts me as much as anyone else; but not sure this is the best counterpoint. Imagining this as a company wide motivational poster “Concerned about death threats? Do a better job.” Pic is a cat we all know is a scumbag doing a bad job with a good dog typing at a computer.
I'm surprised by how many people placed orders given how much garbage there was.
I got Astalon, Ender Lilies, Blacksmith of Sand Kingdom, Night in the Woods, and This Way Madness Lies. I don't think any of those are garbage games, the Kemco one being a non-ExCreate games for the record.

There was good stuff there.

No one deserves death threats. Being on the internet with a gamer-based business, however, should have the expectation you're going to get hate mail given the current climate of always-angry, KIA, anti-SBI/DEI/ABC/123 being rabid and having Twitter to breed their rage.

LRG needs to take the appropriate precautions on assuring their security, their employees security, and means of reaction to gamer hate, such as the appropriate mental health offerings and HR/IT-like rolls to better filter that garbage out.

I, too, feel like "I got death threats" is used as a strawman to deflect any legitimate criticism. There's plenty of us pointing it out without resorting to calls of violence (and there's no reason to do so for games, for the record). And have so for years.

Also, Phoenix Resale is a dubious "influencer/content creator." Allegedly, he has been known to solicate games from his fans for cheap and then resale them. Allegedly, he goes to gaming conventions and does high pressuring buying using his status as a reason to work with him. He's essentially the kind of person primed to take advantage of a FOMO-based market. I'd never take anything they say as credible, IMO.
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The cabal of scumbags profiting off deserved criticisms and complaints about their scumbaggery, spun to their benefit, disgusts me as much as anyone else; but not sure this is the best counterpoint. Imagining this as a company wide motivational poster “Concerned about death threats? Do a better job.” Pic is a cat we all know is a scumbag doing a bad job with a good dog typing at a computer.

A better counterpoint is he made sure the DEATH THREATS part was on the thumbnail.

The death threats sure haven't stopped him from posting publicly about the old game shit he buys.

Not that I know anything about this (nor am I going to give the video a view), and I am mercifully out of the public eye to not warrant them, but these deaths threats, are we talking 'lol die you fuck" or something legitimate and specific with some psycho messaging him that he's going to drive to his house, break down his door, beat him silly and crochet a doily out of his spleen?

If it's the latter, well then yes, you have death threats. If it's the former.... I guess Josh has never played a FPS in online multiplayer before. If it's the former, he's as good as discerning death threats from an internet insult as AI is, which is a low bar.
bread's done