Any game ever make you cry or really sad?


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Anyone ever genuinely cry from a video game or become emotionally upset? My question refers more to the story and events of the game, not because you hated it or you got into a fight over a game or anything like that.

Metal Gear Solid 3 made me a little teary eyed. Not all out crying but I was a bit emotional.

I know Aeris's
is probably the first to come to peoples minds, but it never effected me. Mainly because I always thought there would be a way to
revive her eventually
. Yippie for needless spoilers.
A few of the Thousand Years of Dreams sections in Lost Odyssey got me teary eyed. And yeah, the ending of MGS3 as well. I'm sure there have probably been some other games too, but I can't remember at the moment.
Off the top of my head I can come up with a few times where I cried while playing a game:

  • Metal Gear Solid 3:
    The death of The Boss.
    Such a sad moment.
  • Shadow of the Colossus: Near the end of the game,
    when Agro falls off the cliff
    I had trouble continuing after that because I was so sad;
    I'm glad he was alright in the end.
  • Dragon Warrior VII: This one is a little strange there is a sub-story in this game that involves a robot whose master you help out in the past, then you go to the future
    and that robot is still trying to care for his master, even though his master has been dead for a very long time
    something about that just made me want to cry.
  • Persona 3: During the ending when
    the main character dies in Aegis's lap.
    Still haven't played FES yet, I should get to that at some point.
[quote name='icebeast']

2. Shadow of the Colossus: Near the end of the game,
when Agro falls off the cliff
I had trouble continuing after that because I was so sad;
I'm glad he was alright in the end.

Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot that one. It's pretty much my favorite game ever, and I felt the same way about that moment as you.

And I remembered another one. At the end of Half-Life 2 Episode 2, when
Eli dies. That moment was a combination of shock and sadness.
Lucca's mom getting her feet mangled in that conveyor belt accident was pretty intense at the time. (Chrono Trigger)

What else, Cid dying if you didn't feed him the right kind of fish in the World of Ruin. (Final Fantasy III)
For me it was MGS4...but I was kinda drunk when playing through it (makes all gaming experiences enjoyable...besides online just makes you rage quit). I never really felt sad, teary about a game, but there were few instances where I experienced anger (not from frustration, but from the story). Recent one is Red Dead Redemption concerning Bonnie McFarlane...
where Bonnie gets kidnapped...when I started it was like any other mission, but when I saw her hanging I took out the knife
another one I remember is FF6 (I was young then)...
where that general dude gets killed

theres probably more, but these are the ones I remember
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']What else, Cid dying if you didn't feed him the right kind of fish in the World of Ruin. (Final Fantasy III)[/QUOTE]

I thought that was kind of sad, but I found the sadder part of that sequence of events to involve Celes
attempting to commit suicide by throwing herself off a cliff.
Celes is my favorite game character of all time and to watch that is heart breaking.
MGS4 all the way. I also agree with RDR... the ending sequence with John, and then the post ending sequence.

I also found the ending sequences of both BioShock 1 and 2 to be rather moving.

Oh... and some of the stuff in Heavy Rain is indeed "heavy."
The ending of Final Fantasy X, no other game has ever brought be to tears. Going through the whole game getting attached to all the characters and getting hit with that ending. It was just so powerful. I wish more games could do that.

Final Fantasy 7 did nothing for me, I'm sorry but I think people way over react about that game.

edit: I almost forgot the end video for the Good ending of BioShock 1 brought a tear to my eye as well.
As a kid, the ending to Klonoa made me sad, as did the infamous scene in FF7
Aeris dying
, also
the flashback where Zack & Cloud escape the lab and Zack gets killed

In Silent Hill 2, towards the end
when the one crazy chick that kept talking about her daddy just ran into the flames. Hell her whole subplot depressed me

Silent Hill 3 was probably the last time I felt an emotional connection
When Heather finally returned to find Harry dead.

No VG nowadays really resonates with me emotionally.
Metal Gear Solid 3 - So sad to see Snake get his eye shot protecting Eva.

Metal Gear Solid 4 -
I thought Solid Snake actually killed himself towards the end of the game, then the credits roll. After that, I was fooled and Solid Snake didn't kill himself but it was quite sad to see Big Boss meet up with Solid Snake.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Paying $60 for Prey CE made me sad.[/QUOTE]

It was a fucking happy-fest compared to paying full price for Far Cry 2.

I was very emotional after glancing back at the receipt.
[quote name='FroMann']Metal Gear Solid 4.


That part really did it for me. I've seen the good and the bad in video games before but I was tearing up... it was probably one of the most powerful moments in gaming memory.

Ico's ending also did it for me. It was simply beautiful and the perfect way to end the game.
I was rather upset when
Dekar appeared to die
about halfway through Lufia II, but that just made the part where he
came surfing to the rescue
towards the end of the game all the more badass.

Also, I second the Thousand Years of Dreams narratives from Lost Odyssey.
god of war 3. the story was so bad i cried because of how letdown i was by it all. it would have been worse if id bought the ultimate edition like i was thinking of doing.
Nice thread.
[quote name='Indigo_Streetlight']Lucca's mom getting her feet mangled in that conveyor belt accident was pretty intense at the time. (Chrono Trigger)

CT is one of my favorite RPGs. That scene was pretty intense. Actually there were a couple moments in that game that moved me. I was really into it. It was my first RPG!

[quote name='Zipomatic2']Wussies!

[quote name='lokizz']god of war 3. the story was so bad i cried because of how letdown i was by it all. it would have been worse if id bought the ultimate edition like i was thinking of doing.[/QUOTE]


I like this one part in Grandia 2 for DC with the 2 chicks looking at the water and it's reflection. That was pretty emotional for me. Now that I think of it, that whole game with the love triangle was soooo corny. But somehow it worked really really well.
First things first: I literally cannot cry. It is impossible for me to do so. I am that manly.

I know that MGS4 scene was supposed to be powerful and moving all that, but I hated it.

The ending of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. So hard to let go.

Oh, let's not forget the best game ending ever: Super Metroid
Lost Odyssey's 1000 Years of Dreams segments were really quite good. A few of them really can pull at your heartstrings.

I'm sure there's at least one more instance of it happening with me, but I can't think of it. Perhaps later...
Crystalis (NES) There's a part in the game where your village got destroyed while you were out in another temple attending to some enemies. The funny thing is I knew that it was a decoy just to get me to leave the village, but the game force you to leave. and while I was gone, the enemies killed the villagers and burned the village... really hearbreaking.

MGS4 made me cry... (a little).
[quote name='lokizz']god of war 3. the story was so bad i cried because of how letdown i was by it all. it would have been worse if id bought the ultimate edition like i was thinking of doing.[/QUOTE]
This was yet another of my full MSRP pickups over the last couple of years and as long as they don't further milk Kratos' storyline for another game in his part of the GOW universe I won't be pissed.

As for games I got a lil teary-eyed about, Red Dead Redemption also comes to mind for me like a few others have mentioned.:cry:

Another game that made me emo, though not sad insomuch as I smiled when I saw that they were back in the sequel:

Uncharted 2-
I admit it put a smile on my face to see Sully and Elena from the first game make appearances in the second one.;)
Ending to Persona 3 (as already mentioned by icebeast)
Ending to Shadow Hearts 2
Good ending to Bioshock and MGS4 ending made me emotional.
The ending to Adventure on 2600.....damn I was so attached to that large pixel. He made me feel .....human.......
I got a bit teary eyed at the good ending of Bioshock when I first beat it; my daughter was just born a few weeks before I finished and the whole father/daughter thing got to me.
Hmm, Nei from PS2 really made me sad as a kid when that happened, then pissed.

Legend of Dragoon has some sad parts in it.

Oh and FFx-2 really got me pissed. I bought the game on the commercial that two dip shits died. You have no idea how pissed I got when the truth came out about that scene.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Nice thread.

CT is one of my favorite RPGs. That scene was pretty intense. Actually there were a couple moments in that game that moved me. I was really into it. It was my first RPG![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think in Chrono Trigger there was a lot of "sense of responsibility" scenes, where your performance in certain mini-games or quests would lead to altered futures. Back before games would let you choose the good or evil path, that was some heavy stuff--changing the lives of your NPCs and all.
I'll also mention Secret of Mana's ending. Sprite looks so lonely without the rest of the crew, poor lil' guy.

[quote name='-Never4ever-']As a kid, the ending to Klonoa made me sad, as did the infamous scene in FF7
Aeris dying
, also
the flashback where Zack & Cloud escape the lab and Zack gets killed

In Silent Hill 2, towards the end
when the one crazy chick that kept talking about her daddy just ran into the flames. Hell her whole subplot depressed me

Silent Hill 3 was probably the last time I felt an emotional connection
When Heather finally returned to find Harry dead.

No VG nowadays really resonates with me emotionally.[/QUOTE]

Klonoa does really get to you with the squeaky voices, especially when
Grandpa dies.

That part of SH3 was more of a
Wtf moment to me. But at the same type it's completely awesome when you realize that Heather is half-Cheryl and half-Alyssa, not to mention her dad made sure to give her "evil god birth control." The second half of the game got me in the groove that I was playing a true Silent Hill sequel.
[quote name='LostRoad']Hmm, Nei from PS2 really made me sad as a kid when that happened, then pissed.

Legend of Dragoon has some sad parts in it.

Oh and FFx-2 really got me pissed. I bought the game on the commercial that two dip shits died. You have no idea how pissed I got when the truth came out about that scene.[/QUOTE]

In retrospect, I don't know why I bought FFX2. I wanted to like the sphere grid system, I really did--BUT THE PLOT, DEAR GOD, RIP MY EYEBALLS AND EARDRUMS OUT!!!
I liked FF X-2 ... :(

But back on topic the most recent one for me would be Valkyria Chronicles. I won't say the exact part for spoiler purposes, but it's at about the 3/5 point of the game and anyone who's played it knows what I'm talking about.
Lunar: Silver Star Story ending

Kingdom Hearts II ending

Lost Odssey when
Kaim is re-united with his daughter.

FFVII when
Aeris died
Not the most emotional scene ever, but still remains to be my favorite game ever.

Xenogears when
Scene with Krelian, Lacan, and Elly at the end all nude.

Zone of the Enders when
Leo heard that ADA was going to self destruct, then shut down. Viola's death was a bit emotional.

Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner when
I got to see Leo re-unite with ADA by talking with her.

Metal Gear Solid 4 ending, especially when
When I got to see Raiden alive and learn the kid was his. Just so emotional seeing the two together along with Rose.

Star Ocean: Till The End of Time when
I got to see Amena and (I forgot what his name was) re-unite towards the middle of disc 1), then die together. Also seeing Sophita and Fayt re-uniting.

Xenosaga Episode III when I got to see
Kevin re-unite with Shion, along with the ending.

FFX end with
Tidus fighting Jecht, and many times saying he hated him.

Xenosaga Episode II had emotional scenes with Jr.

Tales of Symphonia had some emotional scenes

Heavy Rain did feel a little emotional in parts.

There may be more games, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
Final Fantasy X (ending)
Final Fantasy XIII (cinematic before the final show down)
Shadow of the Colossus (bridge part and the ending)

That is all.

Others that have not caused tears but were powerful in different ways would be the final level of Braid, and when you face the Yellow Squadron in Ace Combat 4.
I got a bit emotional in Lost Odyssey in the same scene TMK mentioned. I've noticed since having kids of my own certain things like that get me.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I liked FF X-2 ... :(

But back on topic the most recent one for me would be Valkyria Chronicles. I won't say the exact part for spoiler purposes, but it's at about the 3/5 point of the game and anyone who's played it knows what I'm talking about.[/QUOTE]

I hated Legend of the Dragoon and Tactics Ogre too, so it's not unusual for me to be highly opinionated over certain game mechanics or storyline types. These two weren't a passing loathing either; it was more like "Okay, I don't like this, this, and this, but I'm going to beat the game (even if it takes a whole summer)!"

fuckin' spending three hours in training, controlling each party member individually so all of them could get one level up, in three hours. I mean, who can enjoy that? How dare some guy write a review on Amazon describing how Ogre Battle wasn't a thinking man's game like Tactics Ogre was. One reason O.B. was a classic was that you didn't have to grind-suffer, or have to deal with sadistic bonus content like the 100 level dungeon. T.O. hurt me, and I'll never forget that.
I have mixed feelings for FFX2. I liked the battle system, but it was really REALLY girly. I was a little embarrassed playing it at times. The scene when Yuna is singing with the flashback was sad. What I hated the most was the mission structured gameplay. It came across lazy.
[quote name='ihadFG']A few of the Thousand Years of Dreams sections in Lost Odyssey got me teary eyed. And yeah, the ending of MGS3 as well. I'm sure there have probably been some other games too, but I can't remember at the moment.[/QUOTE]

I agree on both accounts. The Thousand Years of Dreams stuff was really sad, but the again the entire game was a spiral of sadness. Still an amazing game, though.
I have never cried during a game's cut scene or dialogue or ending, but plenty of books and movies do make me cry. I'm guessing the interactive part of game sort of diminish the "crying" part of the player's emotion (he/she just don't have the time to cry knowingly that there's a button to press). Of course, I do think back after the game credits start to scroll, but then the climax sort of receded, so the "crying" part is over. Anyway, there are plenty of games gave me emotional experiences, like the sniper mission in MW1 and whenever they mention the word "honor" (I always get teary when I hear that).

Games definitely offer a lot more emotional experiences than books/movies, I don't think it's a pretty sight that a big boy/girl wiping the tears away with one hand while the other hand is still clenching to the controller. I'm not saying gamers don't have hearts by not crying or anything :)
Haven't had a reaction where I cried playing a video game due to its story, however, I did notice a tug on my heartstrings during pivotal moments in (the aforementioned) games such as Shadow Of The Colossus, MGS3, and MGS4.
[quote name='GhostShark']I agree on both accounts. The Thousand Years of Dreams stuff was really sad, but the again the entire game was a spiral of sadness. Still an amazing game, though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the Thousand Years of Dreams would pull at you. I swear they got a depressed person on the verge of suicide to write most of those.
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