The Last of Us $27.99 at Newegg, $29.99 at Best Buy / Amazon


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Please submit to Amazon for price match.  Digital and physical please.... for those of us that have $20 psn vouchers....


They will.... but.... this is $2 cheaper!
But if you're a Reward Zone Gamers Club Unlocked member, you'll be able to get the game for $23.99 + tax. Better than $2 cheaper, plus you earn double RZ points.

Thanks OP. I guess I'll finally pick this game up for a price I'm willing to pay.

Any word on a GOTY or complete edition?
They still have another DLC due after "Left Behind," which comes out Friday if I'm correct, so it would probably be a bit of a ways off still but since it won practically every GoTY, you'd think there's one due eventually.

Not too bad.

$23.99 + tax at Best Buy thanks to having Gamers Club Unlocked membership and the entire purchase to the rewards account as $48.00 in points (48 pts), Best Buy is really starting to be a good place for gamers to save money as long as they have the Games Club Unlocked membership.

bread's done