Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
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I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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I think you guys missed the point to LA Noire. You don't have to get all the right answers unless you are going for completion. The game advances regardless of how well you do. It's one of those games where you are supposed to be wrong sometimes, and only cheating makes you perfect. This is because your character isn't perfect and you are supposed to feel just as frustrated as he is. Heck, it's been awhile since I played it, but I think it even lies to you sometimes.

I mean, it's not your fault or anything. The worst part about that game (assuming you are okay with the "barely a game" design), is that it tells you when you miss something. It makes you feel like it's a game that you have to win, as opposed to a game that you "experience".

It also breaks any immersion you might have otherwise had in those sequences. You are supposed to take the bad and keep going, but by telling you that you did something bad, it makes you want to do it right. This completely ruins any fun the game might have otherwise had.

Anyway, it's an interesting experience, but I agree it's kind of a chore to actually finish. I also do agree that some of the things the game wanted from you in interrogations were kind of annoying, regardless of all of the above. 

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Can someone give me advice on whether I should buy the GTA games or not? I don't usually play sims so I'm not sure.
And here I was hoping we would become neighbors and do all sorts of Simly things as best sim friends! Would it change your mind if I told you I was a Cowboy-astronaut-millionaire?
Just started playing Borderlands GOTY. Quit after 30 minutes, can't stand the game. The childish humour, claptrap's singing, the repetitiveness of the missions, the oversized hud, the annoying handholding, the fact that it's obviously an unoptimized console port...

Is it the fact that I play as a sniper and this game isn't meant to be played realistically? I mean... I get hit 50 times and there's barely a scratch on me.

What's your experience with the game?

I think you should give it more time. I thought BL very dull when I first started it. It wasn't until I was a couple of hours in, I was getting new skills and weapons, and I was getting more variety in the enemies that I started enjoying it more. The beginning area is definitely entry-level in its difficulty. The real fun comes when you start having lots of combat, IMO, and it takes a little bit for that to ramp up.

Just started playing Borderlands GOTY. Quit after 30 minutes, can't stand the game. The childish humour, claptrap's singing, the repetitiveness of the missions, the oversized hud, the annoying handholding, the fact that it's obviously an unoptimized console port...

Is it the fact that I play as a sniper and this game isn't meant to be played realistically? I mean... I get hit 50 times and there's barely a scratch on me.

What's your experience with the game?
Personally, I loved Borderlands. Sniper was my favorite class. If it's too easy, maybe look for a difficulty mod? Dunno about any, since I played on Xbox. Then again, if you can't stand the humor or mission repetitiveness or HUD...those are things that aren't gonna go away. The humor is a big part of Borderlands, and if it really grates you about all you can do is mute the game. Maybe it's just not for you.

Just started playing Borderlands GOTY. Quit after 30 minutes....the annoying handholding...I get hit 50 times and there's barely a scratch on me.
The answer to your second and third statements is your first statement. Your likely still in the tutorial quests. Yes, this is not a realistic military shooter (and neither are CoD or BF for that matter) as the art style and humor are a bit over the top, it's by design. (Claptrap can be a bit annoying at times, but again, by design.) The game is primarily about looting and guns. If that interests you, I'd recommend you stick with it. You could always pair up with someone in the CAG Borderlands group for some co-op action.
The answer to your second and third statements is your first statement. Your likely still in the tutorial quests. Yes, this is not a realistic military shooter (and neither are CoD or BF for that matter) as the art style and humor are a bit over the top, it's by design. (Claptrap can be a bit annoying at times, but again, by design.) The game is primarily about looting and guns. If that interests you, I'd recommend you stick with it. You could always pair up with someone in the CAG Borderlands group for some co-op action.
it kind of boring without anyone so that true but man the gamspy doesnt like me joining with friends so i give up uninstalll and put my i will play in the future backlog with far cry red faction painkiller bllack edition girls gone wild simulator euro turk simulator and many more

it kind of boring without anyone so that true but man the gamspy doesnt like me joining with friends so i give up uninstalll and put my i will play in the future backlog with far cry red faction painkiller bllack edition girls gone wild simulator euro turk simulator and many more
I have 278 hours in BL1, all solo. I guess I thought it was fun.
I have 278 hours in BL1, all solo. I guess I thought it was fun.
I played BL1 strictly solo, as well. I had a great time with it. I thought it lent itself better to solo play than BL2 did (I thought it was more difficult...BL2 solo is such a piece of cake it wrecked my enjoyment a bit...apparently if you join w/more players the difficulty goes up a bit, but I vastly prefer solo play in video games in general).

Just started playing Borderlands GOTY. Quit after 30 minutes, can't stand the game. The childish humour, claptrap's singing, the repetitiveness of the missions, the oversized hud, the annoying handholding, the fact that it's obviously an unoptimized console port...

Is it the fact that I play as a sniper and this game isn't meant to be played realistically? I mean... I get hit 50 times and there's barely a scratch on me.

What's your experience with the game?
You definitely came in with the wrong expectations then if you were hoping it'd be a realistic shooter. It's meant to be a loot based ARPG with arcade shooter gameplay. It does take some time to get into it as well, especially since the first few missions don't let you go out and explore much and you can't access your skills until Lvl 5. The hu.or can be dumb and childish but it's part of it's charm. I'd recommend giving it some more time before you make a final decision on it.
I played BL1 strictly solo, as well. I had a great time with it. I thought it lent itself better to solo play than BL2 did (I thought it was more difficult...BL2 solo is such a piece of cake it wrecked my enjoyment a bit...apparently if you join w/more players the difficulty goes up a bit, but I vastly prefer solo play in video games in general).
I'm the same way (views on solo play). Funny you mention BL1 being more solo-able than BL2 because I had the exact same impressions when I first played BL2. It was weird, I had literally just come from playing BL1 and went into BL2 and just didn't appreciate it (but played it anyway cause I spent $25 on it). Put it down for a couple months, came back and now have 394 hours on record. While being very similar, they really do play noticeably different. But, I love 'em both. I'd actually like to try co-op (hence the creation of the group).
I played BL1 strictly solo, as well. I had a great time with it. I thought it lent itself better to solo play than BL2 did (I thought it was more difficult...BL2 solo is such a piece of cake it wrecked my enjoyment a bit...apparently if you join w/more players the difficulty goes up a bit, but I vastly prefer solo play in video games in general).
I have BL2 for PS3 I wanted PC version for co-op, but $4.01 last year was to cheap to pass up. I ended up playing solo, but played Split Screen with idle chars/controllers myself to amp up the difficulty/better loot.

I didnt get any DLC cause I am still hoping to get a GOTY addition for the PC, and run through it with actual co-op, and play as a mechromancer.

I played BL1 strictly solo, as well. I had a great time with it. I thought it lent itself better to solo play than BL2 did (I thought it was more difficult...BL2 solo is such a piece of cake it wrecked my enjoyment a bit...apparently if you join w/more players the difficulty goes up a bit, but I vastly prefer solo play in video games in general).
I can vouch for the difficulty going up with more players, just make sure they're around your level so they can actually help. I tried playing with my brother on my save while I was around lvl 45 and he was lvl 20. The difficulty shot up by good amount and everything became a real threat. Of course having to revive my brother every fee seconds didn't help much.
Unfortunate that the Steam version of the Hearts of Iron III Collection is still $30. My brother has just the base game on Steam, and I was planning on getting him the DLC. You're making it difficult to empty my wallet, Amazon.

I played BL1 strictly solo, as well. I had a great time with it. I thought it lent itself better to solo play than BL2 did (I thought it was more difficult...BL2 solo is such a piece of cake it wrecked my enjoyment a bit...apparently if you join w/more players the difficulty goes up a bit, but I vastly prefer solo play in video games in general).
Hmmm, I never really stopped to consider it... I played BL1 and BL2 mostly solo on the 360 and really didn't notice it too much... I played the siren in BL (invisible and running for the exit when in trouble saved me allot) while in BL2 I played with Axton. His turret is basically Co-Op without the difficulty spike.

Playing on the PC now with the Psycho... I'm not doing a good job of playing to his style, I believe, so I'm suffering in my opinion. I've been downed quite a bit even when playing alone.

Oh, and there is a massive spike in difficulty when people join... They give that warning for a reason. :D (By massive I mean its very noticeable and if your not use to it, or have been soloing for awhile, it will catch you off guard.)

Playing on the PC now with the Psycho... I'm not doing a good job of playing to his style, I believe, so I'm suffering in my opinion. I've been downed quite a bit even when playing alone.
If you're playing melee (which you really should) being downed becomes part of the playstyle. I'm down a lot with Krieg, but I have him built to constantly battle with low health. This was a build I was modeling after...

Edit: Silence the Voices is an awesome skill for melee damage boost, but I swear that 12% chance to hit yourself is like twice that.

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I'm the same way (views on solo play). Funny you mention BL1 being more solo-able than BL2 because I had the exact same impressions when I first played BL2. It was weird, I had literally just come from playing BL1 and went into BL2 and just didn't appreciate it (but played it anyway cause I spent $25 on it). Put it down for a couple months, came back and now have 394 hours on record. While being very similar, they really do play noticeably different. But, I love 'em both. I'd actually like to try co-op (hence the creation of the group).
I also want to play it in a group. The CAG group was a great idea, because if I'm gonna co-op I want it to be with people who aren't total strangers...I just need to get around to wanting to play BL2 again. I have so many games I want to play for the *first* time lol

Sorry also forgot this update:





LA NOIRE/MP3 - $7.99

GTA IV/MP3 - $7.99

Prices are pre-coupon.


I was interested in both L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, but I'm reading issues about Noire not patching right, and MP3 needing to register on Rockstar to even PLAY the game.

Anyone else have issues with these two games?

Took me about 9 months of failed starts and stops before i finally got a character over the level 5 hump in BL2. Once you get there suddenly the game is fun but up to that point, it's a full slog.

I was also mildly lamenting the difficulty until i joined INMATE the other night and repeatedly got stomped. I'm hooked now though. Anybody who wants to get that "revive a friend" achievement should definitely invite me.
If you're playing melee (which you really should) being downed becomes part of the playstyle. I'm down a lot with Krieg, but I have him built to constantly battle with low health. This was a build I was modeling after...

Edit: Silence the Voices is an awesome skill for melee damage boost, but I swear that 12% chance to hit yourself is like twice that.
I'll have to take a look after that... I'm such a low level that it likely doesn't matter much.

I mainly keep my distance... Though I do use a roid shield for the bonus melee damage.

Took me about 9 months of failed starts and stops before i finally got a character over the level 5 hump in BL2. Once you get there suddenly the game is fun but up to that point, it's a full slog.

I was also mildly lamenting the difficulty until i joined INMATE the other night and repeatedly got stomped. I'm hooked now though. Anybody who wants to get that "revive a friend" achievement should definitely invite me.
Yeah, like the worst 5 levels in the game... I should look to see if a mod has been made to start the game in Sanctuary with all previous stuff done. (and at lvl 5)

I also want to play it in a group. The CAG group was a great idea, because if I'm gonna co-op I want it to be with people who aren't total strangers...I just need to get around to wanting to play BL2 again. I have so many games I want to play for the *first* time lol
We should take a break from our RPG-ing for a evening of wub wub. Sounds like indef and Inmate might be in. I'd likely have to start a new character though, as all of mine are 50+. Though, Gibbed could be a solution for others. (In hindsight, I wish I had gone that route initially.)

Took me about 9 months of failed starts and stops before i finally got a character over the level 5 hump in BL2. Once you get there suddenly the game is fun but up to that point, it's a full slog.

I was also mildly lamenting the difficulty until i joined INMATE the other night and repeatedly got stomped. I'm hooked now though. Anybody who wants to get that "revive a friend" achievement should definitely invite me.
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Can you customize you character's appearance in BL2?
Yes, to a degree. Unlockable and DLC heads and skins (mainly color palettes) is the extent of it.

Yeah, like the worst 5 levels in the game... I should look to see if a mod has been made to start the game in Sanctuary with all previous stuff done. (and at lvl 5)
There's UVHM, which skips the tutorial stuff with claptrap. Gibbed will also do what you want.
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I was interested in both L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, but I'm reading issues about Noire not patching right, and MP3 needing to register on Rockstar to even PLAY the game.

Anyone else have issues with these two games?
Nope bought em both on console. Wheee! :whee:

I was interested in both L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3, but I'm reading issues about Noire not patching right, and MP3 needing to register on Rockstar to even PLAY the game.

Anyone else have issues with these two games?
No issues in any, I have an i3 + AMD GPU. Only played LA Noire about an hour, good game. Max Payne 3 is awesome, really. I couldn't stop playing it until the end
Can you customize you character's appearance in BL2?
There are a crap ton of skins and heads. The skins are mostly just alternate colors, but some of the more rare ones add different designs, plus there are seasonal ones you can get through shift codes (but only around the holiday they're themed after) plus a few exclusive ones here and there. The heads are all unique and there are a lot of pretty cool ones. There are four DLC skins and heads (paired together) for each character, but besides those you can find them all in game in a few different ways. There are around 100 skins last time I checked
Wow... I remember playing Zelda on NES and calling Nintendo for hints on how to get past certain parts. I think I learned the employees' names and remember them only giving little hints out so you still had to figure it out. They were great folks.
Haha, I actually know a bunch of those folks really well, they are indeed a really nice group of individuals.



On the topic of L.A. Noire, this is a must watch video, it is so awkward and funny


A CAG Borderlands Group? Oh heck yes!

I have 341 hours of BL2 solo only play, yes I'm crazy. Maybe it's a good time to step outside the box and give co-op a try :whistle2:k

Wow... I remember playing Zelda on NES and calling Nintendo for hints on how to get past certain parts. I think I learned the employees' names and remember them only giving little hints out so you still had to figure it out. They were great folks.
I'm also old enough to say 'In my day we didn't have no fancy internetz. We had to call up Sega and Nintendo for help and we liked it!'

The point at which Borderlands stopped being a grind and started being awesome for me, was when I found a sniper-machine-pistol.

Several dozen hours and thousands of decapitated mutants later, I am now spoiled for the mundane guns of other games.

We should take a break from our RPG-ing for a evening of wub wub. Sounds like indef and Inmate might be in. I'd likely have to start a new character though, as all of mine are 50+. Though, Gibbed could be a solution for others. (In hindsight, I wish I had gone that route initially.)
I would be in but nights are difficult for me... Sundays and Mondays only. :(

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