GGT 308 was cast for Season 4 of The Tester

Too bad it's an Obsidian RPG and it has game breaking bugs and you're not going to play it anymore.


I mean, that's what you said (and it's totally valid).

Play Super Mario RPG.

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I was able to get those Zelda posters from Club Nintendo since they restocked them. Had to go above and beyond platinum though since I had no coins left....ended up using 900 coins total this year now, more then any other CN year before :( But I get the posters!!!!! And I'm still prepared enough for Platinum next year already with more games on the way.

Okay, done with Crank, which was alright, but I mean, anything seems better than the piece of shit the Outsiders turned out to be. Reading The Book Thief now and it's dope. Gives me the feels.

Having music in your head is the future. Saint's Row IV shows us the way.

Melonie Mac kept tweeting about how she streamed all of South Park today. I mean, I guess it's her job, I guess, so good for her.

Other stuff & things.

Messed around on the Project Spark beta a little more now that it's on Xbox One, people already have some really creative stuff up and I'm excited to see what there's gonna be after more time has passed and people have had more time to work on stuff.

Uh, South Park totally blindsided me. This game is fucking good.

Stick of Truth is pretty awesome so far, I'm about 3 hours in and loving it, and I'm only a casual fan of the show.
Seriously is.

It totally will. And after the experience I'm having with Origins, it's probably day 1 for me.

Especially if they don't worry about multi and definitely if they drop the stupid multi achievements.
Glad to hear you're digging it. Easily my favorite.

I completed it a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it a lot more than City
My man.

Play Super Mario RPG.
The combat is way closer to SMRPG than I ever could have guessed and I fucking love it.

It totally will. And after the experience I'm having with Origins, it's probably day 1 for me.
Especially if they don't worry about multi and definitely if they drop the stupid multi achievements.
Yeah Arkham Knight is confirmed for PC as well as PS4 and X1 already. All the logos are in the ad.

I haven't played Origins. Needed a break from the series after the first two. Not sure I'll get around to it as I have so much stuff in the backlog.

yo ghost the fuck that pink haired girl has a hollow too or what
She's going HAM. That's what. It was said a loooooooooong time ago, that she was spiritually stronger than Kenpachi and most vice captains, just nowhere near as physically strong as them.

She's going HAM. That's what. It was said a loooooooooong time ago, that she was spiritually stronger than Kenpachi and most vice captains, just nowhere near as physically strong as them.
why she keep saying ken-chan is gone? Bitch hes getting a bankai he'll brb

So guys, I only got two hours of sleep last night (studied my ass off until 3 AM and woke up at 5 AM to resume studying) and Mikey just told me that it's not Thursday today lolololololol

After tomorrow, I'll finally be able to start South Park

''I'll stomp his ass for free, cause a punk like that is a piss in the wind''. God I love pantera

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3-1 was as far as we got.  It's hard as hell to play with my kids, but as much as we die over and over, they never really complained.

Too bad it's an Obsidian RPG and it has game breaking bugs and you're not going to play it anymore.


I mean, that's what you said (and it's totally valid).

Play Super Mario RPG.
Yeah, I can't play it anymore because the game "forgot" to give me an item.


why do you feel the need to play every game?
lol, I play a lot of these games as well, but he seems to play even more then I do :eek:

This is pretty cool, looking forward to the other two

I'm actually really excited for the game. Going to play the heck out of it for a week.

Debating whether or not to get FFV on my phone. It's on sale for $7.50. :whistle2:k
Lol a week :p I'll be playing Titanfall for a loooooooonnnnnng time

I bought FF1 on my phone and hate playing it on there, I would probably hate playing Five even more just because of the controls and stuff, but if you can get past that it is a good price.

Add me on Origin! luxuriasin

Yeah, the sprites are a huge turn off. Kinda sucks they decided to change the sprites for their games. 

So is the Stick of Truth worth $45? I wouldn't mind getting it and powering through it this weekend. 

hear about the story of that g/f and her b/f chasing around her ex husband down a hallway for 20 hours and all he had to do was press X to fight him.

crazy story

Add me on Origin! luxuriasin

Yeah, the sprites are a huge turn off. Kinda sucks they decided to change the sprites for their games.

So is the Stick of Truth worth $45? I wouldn't mind getting it and powering through it this weekend.
Just watch it for free on youtube.

I wish. I passed by that area once some hot asian girl in a mini skirt was doing some goofy dance. I quickly went home and...

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damn dawg playing more of castlevanai its not that bad but its still annoying you have to sneak around like a shitty version of a batman game (batman origins) quest to quest

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bread's done