Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

I think Blue Exorcist is solid,the characters are likable and the interactions are fun. It's a nice change of pace from the typical shonen.

Are you limiting yourself? Try 7 year old girls. I saw a shit ton of AoT stationary, AoT clock in the shape of a heart, dinnerware, napkins, charms, etc.

All I'm saying is that it's weird considering the tone of the anime/manga. The kawaii cute shit doesn't match the content. I understand if it was an isolated piece of merchandise, but It was everywhere.
That merch is actually aimed at high schoolers, because here in Japan, they still love all that cutesy stuff at that age.

Watching the Sailor Moon subs on Neon Alley. The show is still highly enjoyable, but I hope the DVDs and Blu-rays fix the age-old problem of the screen jitter. Also hoping that Viz will give the opening and ending credits the Bleach treatment instead of the Naruto treatment. And as much grief as the DiC dub got for its music, Jadeite's theme being a jazz lounge song is a bit off putting.

Also, Neon Alley has a lot of ads. Halfway through Episode 1 and I already have seen 8 ads.
So I just found out I have about a 3 degree relationship to Kuroko Basketball. My wife's aunt and uncle are really good friends of the creators parents. Their kids used to play together as kids as well. I thought it was kinda cool. During my visit they didn't know I watched the anime. They had a bunch of merchandise but I had already left. It's a shame but still it's kinda cool knowing.

Finished up Sword Art Online earlier this week. It was another series, like Attack on Titan that I've heard good things about and wanted to watch.

From the get go, I was afraid that the story was only going to take us to the end of SAO world and not explore what happened in the real world. To my surprise, I got a lot of the real world in the later third or so. The adventures inside SAO seemed like standard fantasy MMO stuff. I didn't get the urgency of the situation from the players who wanted to level up and escape. Then again, there were those who were unable to (like the younger children in the orphanage), or didn't want to escape (like the fisherman). When Kirito married Asuna and adopted Yui, I think I realized the anime was building the in-game world in order to make the "end" of the SAO world more significant.

I enjoyed the peek we got into the real world with Kirito and Asuna. They were as much a couple in the real world as they were in SAO. When they first got married I thought the anime was going to turn into a love story, especially with the introduction of Yui. I hope we get to see more of them in the upcoming season two in July.

The relationship he had with his sis/cousin Sugu was... interesting. I'm not sure I caught the purpose of it and was surprised it showed up in this genre of anime. Asuna's real world husband to be was also interesting. The appearance of tentacle porn and rape was really jarring.

Overall, I really enjoyed SAO. I wish we could have gotten more real world scenes but I was satisfied nontheless.

I wasn't sure what to watch next on Netflix but B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time seemed fun. Turns out it's a pervy comedy from a female POV. Kill La Kill just got added and like AoT and SAO, I've heard good things about it so that'll be my next series to watch.

I wasn't sure what to watch next on Netflix but B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time seemed fun. Turns out it's a pervy comedy from a female POV. Kill La Kill just got added and like AoT and SAO, I've heard good things about it so that'll be my next series to watch.
From one Layton avatar to another, WATCH KILL LA KILL! Favorite show of last season, by far.
I liked Kill a Kill but I haven't finished it yet. Personally I prefer Space Dandy when it comes to over the top action/comedy anime. Only problem is it's only Hulu.

Also been watching JoJo and I'm about to finish up the second part. Only a few episodes away from Stardust Crusaders and I can't wait.

Anime related I've been playing J-Stars Victory Vs. It took me several hours to figure out what the hell I was doing but now that I got the hang of things I'm loving it.

Yamada's First Time is really funny, which is saying something considering it's the same joke used over and over again. The only bad part is that it's only 11 episodes and I don't believe they are making a Season 2.
There is a store near me that has a used copy of the End of Evangelion for $80. Is it worth buying?
You can get it cheaper on Amazon right now(multiple copies under $55). It's worth buying around the Amazon price, but not $80. Plus at least with Amazon you'll have buyer protection if you run into a bootleg.

Just look at what's happening with the Evangelion tv show DVDs. Most of those climbing in prices as they're now all out of print and no retailer has any new copies. So better to just get it as cheap as you can.

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Haven't posted here for  a while ha. But as of late, I have continued on my One Piece marathon and am 190 episodes in!  Now it is pretty much among my all time favorite shows/manga!

As far as this season goes, been watching a handful of shows, but my favorite has to be Kawai Complex. I love the art and characters and am really getting the Pet Girl vibe with it. I do wonder if it will end up having more than 13 episodes, as I have not seen anything official.

Haven't posted here for a while ha. But as of late, I have continued on my One Piece marathon and am 190 episodes in! Now it is pretty much among my all time favorite shows/manga!

As far as this season goes, been watching a handful of shows, but my favorite has to be Kawai Complex. I love the art and characters and am really getting the Pet Girl vibe with it. I do wonder if it will end up having more than 13 episodes, as I have not seen anything official.
i saw some episodes of kawai complex, and i enjoyed it as well.

Currently slogging through Blue Exorcist.  Good lord, I remember hearing good things about this show when it was first airing, but it's painfully average, and riddled with cliches.

Currently slogging through Blue Exorcist. Good lord, I remember hearing good things about this show when it was first airing, but it's painfully average, and riddled with cliches.
Considering it being in a Jump magazine, and is high up on the list of overrated anime on Japanese polls, I'm surprised you even gave it a chance.

Considering it being in a Jump magazine, and is high up on the list of overrated anime on Japanese polls, I'm surprised you even gave it a chance.
Heh, I've had a lot of free time at work lately, and I figured I'd pick something to watch that didn't require a lot of attention. Turns out I'd like to pay even LESS attention to it still.

So I started watching Initial D over the weekend and was flooded with nostalgia. It's like Dragon Ball Z, but with cars, and I LOVE it. The last time I saw it was back in High School. I actually never made it past the first season, so I'm looking forward to watching the other seasons.

About to finally finish up the Fishmen Island Arc in One Piece. To be honest I wasn't a huge fan of it and found it to be one of my least favorite arcs (after Skypiea). At times it felt almost like filler as the story is stagnant for much of the arc. Just 50 episodes of Luffy and gang beating up this week's flavor of villain (and Hordy is probably one of the worst villains in OP) With that said it wasn't all hate. It was cool to get a peek at the Strawhat's new abilities, but it was mostly a tease.

Hows the Punk Hazard Arc compared to it? I'm excited to get into it.


About to finally finish up the Fishmen Island Arc in One Piece. To be honest I wasn't a huge fan of it and found it to be one of my least favorite arcs (after Skypiea). At times it felt almost like filler as the story is stagnant for much of the arc. Just 50 episodes of Luffy and gang beating up this week's flavor of villain (and Hordy is probably one of the worst villains in OP) With that said it wasn't all hate. It was cool to get a peek at the Strawhat's new abilities, but it was mostly a tease.

Hows the Punk Hazard Arc compared to it? I'm excited to get into it.
i personally thought the punk hazard arc was one the boring/less exciting arcs.

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About to finally finish up the Fishmen Island Arc in One Piece. To be honest I wasn't a huge fan of it and found it to be one of my least favorite arcs (after Skypiea). At times it felt almost like filler as the story is stagnant for much of the arc. Just 50 episodes of Luffy and gang beating up this week's flavor of villain (and Hordy is probably one of the worst villains in OP) With that said it wasn't all hate. It was cool to get a peek at the Strawhat's new abilities, but it was mostly a tease.

Hows the Punk Hazard Arc compared to it? I'm excited to get into it.
punk hazard was alright, but the pacing was horrible... I would highly recommend watching One Pace's version of the arc instead of the aired episodes... (I watched the aired episodes but I imagine one pace's would be a lot better as in general they cut down 3 episodes into the length of one, and at least with the current arc you can't even tell where they cut stuff from 99% of the time)

Well shit, I was hopping for a change of pace. Does One Piece eventually pick up?

I miss the glory days of Water 7.
nothing quite matches water 7 but really punk hazard and the current arc aren't bad... they are just horribly paced in anime form (I haven't read the manga but i've been told it goes much faster and one pace goes much faster) I mean taken water 7, remove the filler eps... and then multiply the length by 3 and that is how the current anime arcs are going... no filler eps, but lots of filler content in every episode. it's going to be pretty much impossible for any arc to beat water 7 in the anime anymore with them going like that, thus why I am just watching one pace now as that really helps... I mean the random stuff going on in the current ep was already played out to long in one pace.... I would hate to see how I would feel watching the actual anime episodes which would have wasted 60 plus min on the played out stuff instead of 20.

Considering I'm watching off Hulu plus it takes about 8 minutes to actually get into the episode.

Commercial/ Long ass intro/ Commercial/ Short intro/ Recap/ Then the new content starts for 5 minutes until another commercial.

And where can I find this One Pace thing?

Considering I'm watching off Hulu plus it takes about 8 minutes to actually get into the episode.

Commercial/ Long ass intro/ Commercial/ Short intro/ Recap/ Then the new content starts for 5 minutes until another commercial.

And where can I find this One Pace thing?
I'm not sure on CAG's rules on linking to stuff (thus I refrain from doing it when it comes to stuff like this), but if you type one pace into google it's the top match.

Considering I'm watching off Hulu plus it takes about 8 minutes to actually get into the episode.

Commercial/ Long ass intro/ Commercial/ Short intro/ Recap/ Then the new content starts for 5 minutes until another commercial.

And where can I find this One Pace thing?
no where legally atleast. LOL

Madoka can get fairly disturbing. It's basically Sailor Moon meets the latter half of Evangelion.

Viz Media has licensed Doaremon.
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Yep. Disney actually announced it before Viz did. A little surprising they would work together again after the Shippuden fiasco.
Yep. Disney actually announced it before Viz did. A little surprising they would work together again after the Shippuden fiasco.
i just find it out , since disney produce their own animation shows. it is kinda of conflict of interest. don't they have to paid fee to air it on disney ?

I guess Doremon is something I can watch with my daughter. It is 4 year old friendly, right?
It's basically Japan's version of Mickey Mouse. It's about a robot cat (who lost his ears) who comes from the future to cheer up and inspire the childhood version of his creator. Hilarity ensues.

And if you think Pokemon and Detective Conan have been going on for a while, Doaremon has been going on since the 70's. It has become such a cultural staple that the title character is, no joke, an actual legitimate ambassador of Japan.
What is the latest news on Detective Conan anyway? Last I heard there was a Lupin crossover and the latest movie (at the time) had a pirates theme. 

It's basically Japan's version of Mickey Mouse. It's about a robot cat (who lost his ears) who comes from the future to cheer up and inspire the childhood version of his creator. Hilarity ensues.

And if you think Pokemon and Detective Conan have been going on for a while, Doaremon has been going on since the 70's. It has become such a cultural staple that the title character is, no joke, an actual legitimate ambassador of Japan.
I'm familiar with the character, but I've just never actually seen an episode. My wife used to watch it when she was a kid and she told me she always wanted the dokodemo-door.

But yeah, when Japan finds something they like they don't let it go. Look at Power Rangers (Super Sentai)

It's basically Japan's version of Mickey Mouse. It's about a robot cat (who lost his ears) who comes from the future to cheer up and inspire the childhood version of his creator. Hilarity ensues.
Hmm. Nobita didn't create Doraemon. In the future, they have robot cats. Doraemon is essentially a close-out, cause just about everything with him is broken (his cat-summoning bell, his ears, etc). It's about all his future descendent can afford, due to all the debt that Nobita racked up that his descendents are still on the hook for.

So Doraemon was sent back to help Nobita, so the descendents would be better off. He has a couple 4th dimensional pockets that is connected to a future department store, where he pulls out the gadgets. There's usually one on his stomach, except when it gets stolen. Things usually backfire, since Doraemon is defective, and not all that responsible.

And there's Nobita's friends. There's a bully, a rich brat, and of course the love interest.

In its essence, Doaremon is a glorified Hanna-Barbara cartoon. Though better than most of them, IMO.

What is the latest news on Detective Conan anyway? Last I heard there was a Lupin crossover and the latest movie (at the time) had a pirates theme.
Just chugging along like normal. The manga is still going too.
What is the latest news on Detective Conan anyway? Last I heard there was a Lupin crossover and the latest movie (at the time) had a pirates theme.
It's standard for one to be released every year now. Another one already (or is about to) be released called Dimensional Sniper.

So I started watching "Fairy Tail"...It's ok I guess.  I'm hoping it will pick up as the series goes on as I am 4 episodes in. I find the main characters voice really annoying though (the dragon fire dude). They reuse a lot of animation which is just lazy in this day and age. I can understand when everything was done on cels, but nowadays they should have more variety.

So I started watching "Fairy Tail"...It's ok I guess. I'm hoping it will pick up as the series goes on as I am 4 episodes in. I find the main characters voice really annoying though (the dragon fire dude). They reuse a lot of animation which is just lazy in this day and age. I can understand when everything was done on cels, but nowadays they should have more variety.
I originally dropped fairy tail about 15 episodes in... because it wasn't very good... and then the english came out so I decided to give it another chance.... turned out only the first 20 eps or so are very meh... while it's not the best anime ever, I have enjoyed fairy tail since ep 25 on or so.

As for cutting corners, well... it's to be expected with a series that is going to go on for a long time.

Thinking about starting up Haikyu and Baby Steps. Anyone have an opinion on them?
I am enjoying both of them. Haikyu is more of your standard sports anime (simple minded energetic main character who will eventually be the best of the best by learning comradery and the importance of hard work), while Baby Steps is a bit slower and takes a slightly different route compared to most sports anime (Intelligent main character, though still acts like an idiot most of the time... so not to far off from the norm there, but it's a lot more technical and repetitive hard work focused.) If you enjoy sports anime I'd say give them a watch (assuming you have already watched hajime no ippo and to a lesser extent Major and Cross game) If you don't like sports anime avoid them, they won't change your mind on the genre.

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