PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Damn. Tomorrow looks rough.


I finished off bronze rockets in all the games in Little Deviants. Not sure if that counts or not, or if I want it to count. Already spent too much time playing that, and will probably spend more I shouldn't.

Hoping to finish Uncharted 2 tonight as well.

And the kid may finish off Book of Spells for me before he goes to bed, complete with plat.
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I don't know the specifics so maybe you can set me straight if I've got it backwards, but I've read a lot of complaints that the game is lacking in content. I know that all the maps and game modes they release will be free of charge but if the game is already fairly bare bones when it comes to content then all the monster/hunters/skins they're throwing at the gamers as DLC seems pretty shady.
Honestly the only bit of lacking content is the monsters themselves. They each play very differently but theres only 3 of them. Thats my only real complaint about the game. The Hunters however are filled out nicely. There are a total of 4 classes currently with 3 different hunters for each class. Each hunter within the same class shares one main ability but differers in there secondary abilities and gadgets. It never feels like one outshines the others either, they're all implemented really well.

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This guy right here is all the community you need. Well not really, but I'm 2/3's of what you need.
Good point. I actually have been itching for something new in the multiplayer department. I may check my finances in a week or so and see about getting it. Will send you a message on PSN if/when i get it. If The Order ends up being terrible, I'll get it this week. Hoping thats not true, though.
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I'm about 14/20 missions deep into Mordor now, it's really all clicking now, and it's really good. The upgrades only make the game better. It's kind of a shame the story is so bland and I could care less about LOTR in general. I want to try to finish it up soonish though got to get ready for The Order on Friday. 

Spent a little more on the Flash sale than I originally thought I was going to. I grabbed Lara (base game), Rayman on Vita, and a bunch of the cheap Street Fighters. 

So Amazon said I should get my MM Limited Edition today. I checked the tracking and it says delivered-by porch or something, but it ain't here (and we've been here all day and would have seen if someone came to the house). Anyone ever experience something like that before?
Either the lazy stupid good for nothing postal carrier delivered it to the wrong address or left it on the truck for Tuesday. Hopefully it is the second one.

I forgot they are off tomorrow too.

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I finished off bronze rockets in all the games in Little Deviants. Not sure if that counts or not, or if I want it to count. Already spent too much time playing that, and will probably spend more I shouldn't.
I got about 1/3 of the silvers before I couldn't take it anymore. That game requires a special kind of weirdo to plat it. I hate that it's still in my car, taunting me.
Either the lazy stupid good for nothing postal carrier delivered it to the wrong address or left it on the truck for tomorrow. Hopefully it is the second one.
If it's my mail lady it's the first one, she consistently delivers lady in the next buildings over mail and giant ass packages to my mom all the time. Their names are not even remotely similar
Man Freedom Cry is pissing me off.  I keep coming up short with taking out some ships I need to complete the mission I am on.  I took 2 of 3 out and had the 3rd almost sunk and a Hunter took me out.  His ship is lame.  The crew is yelling for me to use the mortar except I don't HAVE the mortar yet.  I might put this one back in the back log.  Will give it another try first I guess.  

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Has anyone here played the How to Survive game thats in the flash sale?  Wondering if its worth the experience if a friend and I were to both pick it up.

My daughter likes to watch bar rescue with me.

She also likes to fart on me. We were watching it on the bed so I put her in a dutch oven as punishment.
Ha wow..after 7 years, I just got the yellow light of death on the ps3.. fuck
Hope you've been taking advantage of the cloud saves and there isn't anything important left on there you need to get. If there is you can always take it apart and bake it in the oven; should last you another month or so after doing it. I did that and it worked like a charm (even though I had 5 screws left over when I put it back together).

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That video isn't exactly glowing about the game. I didn't watch the whole thing, but words like "lackluster" were used.
I'm just now watching it. I linked the video because TB generally does a good job showing the gameplay elements, not because his opinion on games is particularly brilliant. I use him more as a "here's the gameplay elements, decide whether you like this stuff for yourself," kind of thing. The video is a year old as well, so some of the things he had issues with may now be resolved. I wouldn't expect there to be drastic differences, though.

Supplementing that video with something PS4-specific might not be a bad idea, though.

Has anyone here played the How to Survive game thats in the flash sale? Wondering if its worth the experience if a friend and I were to both pick it up.
I just grabbed that and Geometry Wars. so down for co op sometime. I skipped on Lara Croft cuz I barely touched guardian of light and hopefully square enix will give it ps+ someday probly.

Anyone wanna do a few DA I mp runs on threatening with me? I'v got 3 more to go and doing it with randoms is getting old. lol. Hit me up. also BF4. and Warframe. etc. co op night

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Anybody finish up DA:I, btw? Curious how it fits into the rest of the universe. I've not played the first 2 games yet and am wondering if they're similar enough or connected on a story level that playing those first makes more sense.

I haven't backed anything up recently, but there's nothing that'll set me back too far I can think of. My kids will be upset if they lose all their Minecraft saves though. I'll let it cool down for awhile and see if I can do something to at least get it started for long enough to back more stuff up. But now the decision will be to find a cheap ps3 or just say fuck it and get a 4
That's like giving someone a shotgun to the face for hitting you with a pellet gun... and to your own daughter? I thought I was cold...
My wife has farted on me a couple of times. She thought it was funny until I deliberately sneezed in her face. She hasn't farted on me since.

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[quote name="pharmacrest" post="12504670" timestamp="1424049662"]fuck it. fuck it. fuck it. fuck it.

fuck. IT!!![/quote]

That was my day as well.
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Week 4 results, bums has the honor of picking the next table and crunchewy has an insurmountable lead.

W4 (Monster Bash) W4 Hdcp W4 w/ Hdcp W4 Points Earned Hdcp Total Points Total Hdcp Crunchewy 2652457510 1 2652457510 10 1 40 1 Zimm108 1148740980 1.3 1493363274 6 1.4 30 1.35 mmitch079 885557760 1.5 1328336640 5 1.4 21 1.45 MildObstruction 1013027750 1.6 1620844400 8 1.4 20 1.5 Sophrosync 300212760 1.6 480340416 3 1.8 12 1.7 Cireone 651441420 1.6 1042306272 4 1.6 13 1.6 Mpaullin 279789890 1.7 475642813 2 1.8 10 1.75 BumslieOG 19576830 1.8 35238294 1 2 9 1.9

So I'm thinking about selling my little Mac Amiibo on Amazon because the price it's getting seems like a no brainer, but I've never sold anything on Amazon before, does that mean I'm more apt to get screwed by a scammer since I won't have a sellers rating? Any advice from people with experience much appreciated :)
Don't over describe, use the proper condition, make sure you package it properly, spend the 50 cents to insure it, and ship it on time and you'll probably be perfectly fine. Also do not undercut the lowest price and only match it if that's where you intend to sell it. If you go lower you tend to trigger all the high volume seller's automated adjustments and then they undercut you.

Not sure about the PS4 version specifically but the game is a PC port that's very well-reviewed:

84% of 7308 reviews are positive.

Skip to 3:34 to see gameplay.
I super highly recommend How to Survive. Played it on Le 'Bone and although it's far from perfect I enjoyed it immensely. It looks like yet another twin stick zombie shooter on the surface but it's really a survival game even though it controls that way. Pro tip: try to only drop things at safe houses or somewhere you can easily find them again or you'll spend a lot of time running around looking for it if it's one of the items that are limited quantity and you need for progression.

Is that a response to CrazyDiamond telling him to get a PS4 or one of those please ask me what is wrong posts?
you want me to do what?

-tittie e

That means I would tell you if something is wrong. So yes I was velo responding to crazy.

Amazingly I haven't had the quad yet. I should start on that soon.
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[quote name="tylerh1701" post="12504773" timestamp="1424052652"]And they forgot the fry sauce. Jesus.[/quote]

They fuck you at the drive thru.

You should have had Taco Bell. I did and got Baja Blast and didn't share it with my wife.
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Got my MM LE today (was delivered on Friday but to my parents house since my bro was there to bring it in right away). It does have a couple creases on it unfortunately, but it looks pretty cool.

It's still going for like $140 online, so that's easily $110 after fees and shipping, but I think I'm just gonna keep it for now. It is really cool looking. I haven't brought myself to actually open the box yet.
Yeah, my second LE (this one from Amazon) arrived this afternoon and I already sold it for $141 on Amazon. With my copy of the game already on the way, I couldn't justify keeping the statue.

They give Pete way too much credit in The League. He scores chicks way higher than he possibly could.
Are you sure you're not just projecting your anger at MildObstructionNotPeteAnymore being funnier than you onto this fictional character named Pete?

Sounds like a classic case to me.
Well congratulations then, that's awesome. Probably helps having a coop partner that doesn't go to bed at 5pm. Home free on finishing the trophies or is that lousy pacifism level still trouble?
I still got most of the developer trophies and that pacifism level. Haven't touched it in awhile, so we'll see how that one goes.

The actor does that in real life, too. He's married to the chick that plays Jenny.
I didn't know that, that's interesting. Seems to happen fairly often on TV shows, like half of the Sunny cast being married to the other half.

Anyways, she's all his. The chicks he brings home on that show are all way better looking then Jenny.

Now if he was married to Ruxin's wife then I'd be flipping the fuck out.

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Most dudes overpull. Most of my friends are with a chick that is probably a category or two higher than them. My wife is about 10 above me.

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