Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I guess it feels worse because they (the big bad publishers) are wololo-ing our strongest defense against their dlc shenanigans: mods.
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I just don't see how it was any worse than Square or Ubisoft or Rockstar or whoever selling you a hat or horse armor or 1 million in game cash or whatever. That stuff is ridiculous too but somehow having an 'official' publisher name on what is essentially a mod makes it okay?

Hell EA eventually even copied the paid modding community for Sims with their Sims 3 store where you could buy a chair or a hairdo ala carte.

Publishers have been doing paid minor content for years and some of it is much more minor than what some modders offer.
Well for me that specific example is not really applicable because I never download cosmetic mods. Closest thing to that which I download is graphics mods, or reworking items/presentation for immersion (like for Skyrim there's a mod that renames gold coins from your inventory into septims). I feel like if either of these were to be implemented as official dlc there'd be a hellstorm. Most of my mods that I download are either graphical enhancements or content mods. I'm not really opposed to paid mods in theory, although it'd suck because I'd probably only have a couple mods installed on skyrim as opposed to around 90 or whatever.

Well Sega did a blood DLC for Shogun and Rome which was super eyerolly but no one much cared. And of course there is the current trend of remix/redux etc to an existing game, which is really just publishers re-releasing with some mostly minor adjustments for next gen and then figuring they'll cash in on that with the PC too.

If we're going to find things to complain about there's no shortage of crap trends in gaming. :p

But the internet is the internet and the gaming community is the gaming community so they organized a lynch mob and Gabe caved.
Where they really screwed up was taking a game that has been out for ages and had tons of mods, and then flipping this switch without warning. There are too many Skyrim mods that are interdependent upon others for it to work. I don't even think that community would have minded as much had they began the program at the launch of Skyrim.

You're correct in pointing out that paid mods are not new and more publishers are getting on board. You can bet the next installment of TES will include the announcement of paid mods before it is even launched. .

instead of charging for mods steam should made it super easy to donate to the mod creater. a centralized, virus-free source of mods is worth the effort. maybe as a goodwill gesture take significantly less than their normal cut. one can dream.
meh to me cosmetic mods are more things like hats and clothes and stuff. i guess if you want to consider graphics to be cosmetic you can but to me they're two different categories.
I know what you meant. But graphics is sort of still cosmetic. Getting tilesets for an ASCII game doesn't make it any different to play, for example.

Would this be cosmetic?
Steam says my account is 10 years old today :oldman: - Happy Steamiversary to me! :beer: :D/ I'm never around for the drops here, but here's a list of presents for those of you that have an avatar & at least 100 (10 x 10) posts. Limit 2 per entity except the Draculas go as a set. PM for what you want to keep down the thread clutter. I'll reply with the keys/links as I get to them over the weekend. Anything left unclaimed will go to the lurkers next week. Have fun & remember the fallen. :grouphug:

Congrats to gilby, headpiece747, soulkyo, ShadowEX, ygoloib, JohnHarker, nitrosmob, greendayrulestce,

IkedaTeramusa, agentghost, poxi, Malkan, HBX, sk8ordie, MysterD, STEVE05, awp, Pickle14, sunasun & hostyl1 for raiding the pantry so far.

Here's what's left, same rules apply:

Afterfall Insanity
The Cat Lady
Deadly 30
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Gun Metal
Hero of the Kingdom
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Into the Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition
Jet Gunner
Major Mayhem
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
One Finger Death Punch
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World
RIP - Trilogy
Sang Froid
Speedball 2 HD
Star Ruler
Tower Wars

EDIT: All Done!
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Step 1) Make sure that your brain is turned on and functioning properly.

Step 2) Observe the shit being offered up in most bundles these days.

Step 3)........Actually, there really isn't a step 3. 1 & 2 should be enough to get the job done.
I seem to be having trouble with the first step. Can you help?

You're correct in pointing out that paid mods are not new and more publishers are getting on board. You can bet the next installment of TES will include the announcement of paid mods before it is even launched. .
I think modding will just not be available like so many other games out there simply because it cannabalizes their DLC market. This nearly was the case for skyrim if I remembered correctly. At the start, they didnt even want to release the creation kit/API/etc. for skyrim and folks had to reverse engineer the flash frontend for it and stuffs?

You guys aren't trying hard enough at being cheap enough.... 302 ... and there are a couple of bundles in there.   That's 7 years worth of games.... :)

Course if I could have remembered my account all those years ago I'd be at like 10 years... and still own Half-life... (stupid deployment)  Oh well.

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I even fakey'd some games, like carmageddon, Divinity and KF2... I'm Now waiting for Road Redemption sale on steam... gBux.
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Hey, maybe you guys can help me out? I know I'm not as active as I used to be.

Hubby's birthday is next week. He would love the Witcher 3. Are there any good deals on a PC version? Any client is fine.

I think modding will just not be available like so many other games out there simply because it cannabalizes their DLC market. This nearly was the case for skyrim if I remembered correctly. At the start, they didnt even want to release the creation kit/API/etc. for skyrim and folks had to reverse engineer the flash frontend for it and stuffs?
I'm pretty sure that, given the opportunity, most publishers would opt for both. Paid mods are essentially DLC with zero labor costs.

Hey, maybe you guys can help me out? I know I'm not as active as I used to be.

Hubby's birthday is next week. He would love the Witcher 3. Are there any good deals on a PC version? Any client is fine.
Oh bummer... you just missed the GMG deal which was in the low thirty dollar range. ITAD says that DLGamer has the best deal right now ($41.99) but I've never dealt with DLGamer and can't vouch for them.

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That would require some HOLA'ing as well. Given her long hiatus, I'm not sure if she's up to speed on that development and some explanation may be in order.
My bad, didn't realize that was purchase restricted.

Edit: I guess GMG with 27% off using SAVE27-OFWITC-HERIII would be cheapest click & buy scenario then.

EditEdit: (Not counting grey market dealers.)

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Thank you all for the links and info. The GMG deal is pretty good. I can get a physical copy on eBay for $40 that would arrive in time for his birthday. I would love to get the game cheaper, and he wouldn't mind a key. I just don't want to deal with other country stuff. I'm too girly and stressie.

Maybe something better will come up in the next day or so. I put a couple posts up around CAG offering my 12 Month Xbox Live Gold or Paypal. Maybe somebody will bite the bait for a cheaper copy.

Cheapest is HOLAing on GoG Ukraine.
I think they closed that loophole. It doesn't seem to work anymore when I try it. Same for Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

It doesn't surprise me really. People on Reddit and elsewhere were not subtle about doing that and so of course wind of it will get back to them. Duh.

As for a deal on it on the up and up, probably what the others said GMG is the cheapest right now (although CD Projekt claims they are not legit :p). Some of those eBay deals aren't terrible either if you have time to get it shipped in.

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Wait - you mean someone on these forums has less games than me on Steam?
How the hell did that happen!?!?
Me. Always. I almost never get around to actually redeeming the keys I buy.

Hell, even though I went through a bit of redeeming binge a month ago, I still have under 200.
bread's done