Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I guess it's not surprising Todd's Fallout is turning into a melange of Borderlands and RAGE. Essentially it's just going to be a dungeon/office building explorer with custom weapons. Good enough.
Well this pic shows science in it so it seems like skills will be in at some capacity. Who knows what this whole "rank 1" means.

75% off The Banner Saga - $4.99
66% off The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - $6.79
75% off Transistor - $4.99
70% off DG2: Defense Grid 2 - $4.49
75% off Gauntlet - $4.99
So many games I am interested in, but they're destined to be bundle fodder before I'd get a chance to play them. (guess I missed the gauntlet bundle)
Transistor's trailer feels like a world inspired by Atlas Shrugged.

Far Cry 4 (UPLAY version) was $10 in Fry's deal, IIRC back in March.
I got FC4 (UPlay) free somehow... must have been an SSD purchase or something.

The original looks better?
Those guys did a terrific job in contrasting the 2 game versions. Looks like I'll be out another $9 soon.


RIP Skills.

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It's pretty definitive proof.  They simply took skill checks and baked them into SPECIAL.  Sort of what they did with Skyrim so 'Rank 1 Science' will probably be a perk reliant on Intelligence or something.

It's pretty definitive proof. They simply took skill checks and baked them into SPECIAL. Sort of what they did with Skyrim so 'Rank 1 Science' will probably be a perk reliant on Intelligence or something.
skyrim still had skills just like they always did, and the same system as previous elder scrolls titles where when you used skills they leveled up. what they got rid of was the governing stats (willpower, luck, intelligence, etc). so they did the opposite of what fallout (might) be doing.

Hasn't that always been the descriptions from SPECIAL?
nah, in previous iterations there'd be a little blurb that says something like "strenght is a measure of blah blah also impacts unarmed, melee, and big guns"

Gamebryo. Gamebryo never changes.
That engine is old and raggedly as heeeeyell. It's got a fair degree of limitations and is kind of a pain in the ass to work with too. They keep slapping makeup on that old thing instead of building a new one.

As for the Pip CE Whatsit Edition, I guess I'll be passing on that. I don't have Best Buy's club crap nor an iSomething that that case will inevitably be for.

Also, in consoleland apparently speaking the truth gets you banned.

There used to be a guy who was literally posting, "This is MSRP. Not a deal," replies minutes whenever someone posted something. Also claimed GCU was a rip off. Wonder he went.
I think he was banned.
Descriptions, yes. But the wording here is more specific and suggests it directly influences stuff like speech checks, etc.
Charisma has always influenced speech/barter checks, strength has always influenced melee damage, intelligence has always influenced skill point gain, etc. I'm not seeing much new here.

I could be wrong, who knows, I just don't see the evidence in the SPECIAL descriptions.

Charisma has always influenced speech/barter checks, strength has always influenced melee damage, intelligence has always influenced skill point gain, etc. I'm not seeing much new here.

I could be wrong, who knows, I just don't see the evidence in the SPECIAL descriptions.
Charisma added to your speech (and maybe barter, I don't know) but it was ultimately your speech skill that determined a speech check.

Charisma has always influenced speech/barter checks, strength has always influenced melee damage, intelligence has always influenced skill point gain, etc. I'm not seeing much new here.

I could be wrong, who knows, I just don't see the evidence in the SPECIAL descriptions.
Yeah, I think it's possible people are jumping the gun, especially given that picture of crafting where it says "science rank 1." Obviously given that at least some of the skills will be in the game to some capacity, we just don't know exactly how.

Charisma added to your speech (and maybe barter, I don't know) but it was ultimately your speech skill that determined a speech check.
Yeah, but the new description just says " affects your success to persuade in dialogue..." which is the same way it was handled in previous games. Your speech skill was modified by your charisma to determine what you'd need to succeed.

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Yeah, but the new description just says " affects your success to persuade in dialogue..." which is the same way it was handled in previous games. Your speech skill was modified by your charisma to determine what you'd need to succeed.
ur ghey Trust me on this one, skills are gone.

Who has a link to that site that updates price changes?  That should show the 'hidden' flash deals.

Never mind, the crappy deals have revealed themselves.

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Yeah, but the new description just says " affects your success to persuade in dialogue..." which is the same way it was handled in previous games. Your speech skill was modified by your charisma to determine what you'd need to succeed.
Yeah, i think it's too early to freak out and make definitive statements. The special descriptions definitely arent enough proof they got id of the system, especially since this picture mentions a skill. It looks like they definitely changed up the skills system, we'll have to see what they did.

Is that a screen shot from the Commodore 64 version? :speaktothehand:

I picked up Killer is Dead during that GG glitch where you got $4 in blue coins back, making it $2.50. Then I never played it. I should catalog a list of games I bought just because they were glitched and never touched.

78% off alice i think is an all time low for having it on steam. bought that


not a fan of that mechanic but it won't ruin the game for me. seems like they're trying to focus on having not complete crap gunplay which is a welcome change.

I bought neither for $0 and spent my money on better games.

RE: FO4, it's fine.  They just scraped off the last vestiges of RPG qualities and turned it into an A(big A for AK-SHUN!)rpg.  I don't think people expected an 'improvement' on New Vegas since that was done by Obsidian.  I'm still a bit surprised by the amount of streamlining/mainstreaming but such is gaming today.  I miss the good ol' days when all those hot womyn would mock me rather than say 'ZOMG HAVE YOU PLAYED FO4 YET?!?!'

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does anybody have a recommendation regarding the ys games (as in which one is best/where to start)? im not a huge fan of the anime art style so that's always kept me from buying them but ive heard a lot of good things so might pick one up.

does anybody have a recommendation regarding the ys games (as in which one is best/where to start)? im not a huge fan of the anime art style so that's always kept me from buying them but ive heard a lot of good things so might pick one up.
If I had to pick one to start off with I'd maybe go with Origins. It's chronologically the earliest story wise. It's pretty accessible too I think to a modern audience and new people who aren't long time Ys fans. Although it's not a very Ysy Ys I guess since it doesn't have the main protagonist in all the other games.

It's also PC exclusive though so there's that. The other ones I believe are out for PSP (and Vita/PSTV) here in the states.

Ys Book I & II are the very first Ys games (remade obviously otherwise they'd be all 8-bit) but the 'bump' combat is hard for new people to get used to. It's kind of like how everyone complains about Witcher 1 combat because it's just so different than anything they are used to.

Felghana and Ark are decent. Gameplay is similar to Origins though you only have the one character throughout. I personally like Ark a little more between the two but it's a really new release on Steam so it's only 50% off right now.

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Was watching some of the Fallout 4 coverage.  It looks so crisp and detailed.  I love that they've taken very cool ideas from mods and put them in the game.

Making your own buildings is something straight out of mods like Real Time Settler.  Being able to customize your own weapons and power armor from your own base sounds so amazing.  I hope it lives up to the potential of the idea.

Just think, this time next year we'll be arguing over whether it's discounted enough to buy yet. :)

Has anybody here submitted a refund request for anything? If so, have you heard back from them yet? How long did it take?

I just submitted a request for 6 different items which I had purchased over the past few weeks. They're now cheaper thanks to the sale. It's late Sunday night (valve time) so I'm not expecting anything right away. But I'd like to get an idea if I can expect that money refunded before the sale ends. It's almost $50 in steam wallet funds. So I could put that money to good use before the sale ends.

Has anybody here submitted a refund request for anything? If so, have you heard back from them yet? How long did it take?

I just submitted a request for 6 different items which I had purchased over the past few weeks. They're now cheaper thanks to the sale. It's late Sunday night (valve time) so I'm not expecting anything right away. But I'd like to get an idea if I can expect that money refunded before the sale ends. It's almost $50 in steam wallet funds. So I could put that money to good use before the sale ends.
da fuq were you purchasing before the sale??

bread's done