Humble Bundle Thread

I'm actually gonna have to agree with hal and spoder that the $15 tier of the codemasters bundle actually looks pretty tempting.

Not really sure why people were complaining so hard about it anyway; I mean yeah, it as mostly repeats, but it was the first time Grid2 and Dirt Showdown were in the dollar tier, and those are the only two games really worth playing anymore anyway.

Yeah it's not that cool for the CAG that has everything, but if you're just buying stuff for the +1s, go to Gala or BS (since poopees can't even come through with that anymore). Humble hasn't been known for having "never bundled before" games in a long ass time.
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Hey guys I'll sell you 15 random Steam games for $25 and donate a third of the money to charity. Who's in for the Blade-Aid Bundle?

I wouldn't bend over to pick up that bundle if it were lying on the street.

Well, except Gunpoint of course. I would pull Gunpoint out, shake the stink of shitty games off it, and give it to a friend I didn't much care for but need some leverage on at a future date.

Real friends get fresh copies of Gunpoint.

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Remember when we had a "teaser" for last month's Monthly Humble and we worked out most/all of the games included?

Has there been anything of a similar nature for December's bundle? It releases tomorrow and I don't think I've seen anything.

Remember when we had a "teaser" for last month's Monthly Humble and we worked out most/all of the games included?

Has there been anything of a similar nature for December's bundle? It releases tomorrow and I don't think I've seen anything.
I think humble learned their lesson. They're hiding their trash bundles fully now since the only value will be the "surprise" when people step on the bag to put the fire out and realize they have poop on their shoe.

Humble is getting customers used to feeling disappointed before the December Monthly bundle launches tomorrow.

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Kinda want the choo-choo game. But it'll be in another bundle at some point in the future.
Probably will.

I'm actually interested in the top two tiers, but if the BTA keeps dropping I'll just go for that. I have no interest in the $1 tier, though. If anyone only wants the $1 tier and not the BTA hit me up for a split.

I wanted Breach and Clear Deadline ... turn based strategy zombie game. So far, $3.60 for it and Magnetic: Cage Closed sounds pretty sweet.

I somehow magically managed to not get Hard Reset the last 30 times it was bundled, so I'll dollar this one.

Me: Humble, how much do you need for this weeks bundle?


I spent nearly twenty bucks on my lunch and didn't think twice about it yet I will sit here refreshing the humble page trying to get the lowest BTA possible on a bundle that is only three bucks and some change.  

This site has made me sick in the head.

I spent nearly twenty bucks on my lunch and didn't think twice about it yet I will sit here refreshing the humble page trying to get the lowest BTA possible on a bundle that is only three bucks and some change.

This site has made me sick in the head.
You'll get more enjoyment from your lunch than backlogged games though.

I spent nearly twenty bucks on my lunch and didn't think twice about it yet I will sit here refreshing the humble page trying to get the lowest BTA possible on a bundle that is only three bucks and some change.

This site has made me sick in the head.
Shhhhhh. You're making me hungry and I'm too busy F5ing to eat right now. :speaktothehand:

I'm kind of tempted on Train Fever, being part German and all. But I have most of the dollar tier and not interested in the bta, so $9 just for the train game is kind of expensive...

I've actually contemplated buying Train Simulator 2015 (so if anyone has an old key for 2013 which IIRC upgrades to 2015, I will love you long time. Or pay you, whatever you prefer.)
I spent two and a half hours F5'ing waiting for the price to hit the floor... and now I talked myself out of spending the $3.08.

What have I become?

Train Fever is kinda fun, but lacking in places. They've tried their best to re-kindle that Transport Tycoon vibe but something is just missing. The forums indicate that the economy doesn't work so great and trains are sub-optimal. I seem to recall that I made loads of money with buses rather than anything else, which probably defeats the object.

It's certainly not bad, it's just not great. Closest you'll get to TT though.
Meh.  While I was f5'ing, I figured if I want to play a squad/bro/tactical/whatever shooter (the breaches and clears was main interest), I'll play the copy of xcom I bought from amazon for $10 like 5 years ago.

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[quote name="mguiddy" post="13078345" timestamp="1449185906"]Meh. While I was f5'ing, I figured if I want to play a squad/bro/tactical/whatever shooter (the breaches and clears was main interest), I'll play the copy of xcom I bought from amazon for $10 like 5 years ago.[/quote]
That wouldn't work. It's actually a good game.
I know it's a CAG tradition/meta game type thingy, but I don't even bother with f5ing for better BTA prices anymore. I mean, if the difference is a dollar or two, sure; but mere pennies? Or tens of pennies?

Ain't nobody got time for that. well I guess some people do


Only had Payday 2. This was a good bundle. I think it's clear we're not going to get decent indie stuff outside of $12/15 tier bundles and monthlies.

Last month was a bit of a disappointment. This month has been great for me and I don't care how many you all had.

Didn't expect Rust to be in the monthly
Well schmidt ... well played Humble ... well played.

Edit: Meh, I have pretty much all the rest. Dodged a bullet there.

Edit 2: If they make RUST the game you get when you sign up for month 3, they'll probably get a record subscription

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Only had Payday 2. This was a good bundle. I think it's clear we're not going to get decent indie stuff outside of $12/15 tier bundles and monthlies.

Last month was a bit of a disappointment. This month has been great for me and I don't care how many you all had.

inb4 Rust is free on alienware arena

Decent monthly for me.  Had Banished (which I enjoyed enough that I bought 4 extra copies for giftage in a previous Steam sale) and CoH2 (minus the DLC).  Looks like I can forget to cancel for another month.

Meh.  I paid $12 for Rust over a year ago and that was when people actually were playing it.  ARK is the hot game at the moment and honestly it's miles better than Rust ever was. 

bread's done