Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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No I can't help with your "cheap" deals today.

Genuinely fucking terrified of going into work this morning. It's going to be a bloodbath
It's not the end of the world, yet. Market's only down 5% and I'm on my third cup of tea for the day.

Say hello to our new overlord:


(£ is down 7.3% against $, don't expect to make a killing)

RIP Carls and Flowette-lands. It was a pleasure to meet you guys.

In other news, since the British Pound is losing its value like a crazy (I've read it hasn't been this low since 1985) it might be a good idea to check deals on UK sites.
Yeah, that's my plan... Sadly, gameplanet was a disappointment.
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So I just realized that Punch Club, which was on my wishlist, is 75% off. Anyone who owns it want to chime in on whether it is worth it? It has a bundle fodder vibe to it but I dunno.
It's very grindy. And not that much fun, actually. You're basically repeating the same actions OVER AND OVER in order to get your fighter strong enough to beat the next waypoint. Not much to it really. I enjoyed it when I played but got bored near the end and didn't finish.

It's just a bit dull, really. 75% isn't horrendous though.

So I'm assuming if something isn't a daily right now, that it'll be cheaper when it is. Or is everything already at the price that it'll be the entire sale?
So I just realized that Punch Club, which was on my wishlist, is 75% off. Anyone who owns it want to chime in on whether it is worth it? It has a bundle fodder vibe to it but I dunno.
It's a fun game on my Android tab, although it's more resource management (training, eating regularly, winning fights) than action. Most of the gameplay requires tapping an area to move your guy to the point on the map where you want him to go. I would imagine that tapping becomes pointing and clicking in the PC version.
I'm between Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil Remaster or Dead Rising 3.

If I picked up the re game I might pick up an another cheap game.

Any input? Not sure if I missed some rare hidden game that will be fun to play
I would probably go with Dead Rising 3 if you want more action, since the old RE games are pretty slow and dated.

I've just wasted about an hour looking through my wishlist and bookmarks, for games I passed on during previous sales. Aside from finding quite a few games I'd already bought (on Steam or a in bundle), I noticed something else disturbing:

About 50% had the same discount, 20% had worse discounts, 10% better, and the last 20% wasn't discounted. A mix of AAA and indie games, not discounted at all during a sale, despite being so during prior sales.

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I've just wasted about an hour looking through my wishlist and bookmarks, for games I passed on during previous sales. Aside from finding quite a few games I'd already bought (on Steam or a in bundle), I noticed something else disturbing:

About 50% had the same discount, 20% had worse discounts, 10% better, and the last 20% wasn't discounted. A mix of AAA and indie games, not discounted at all during a sale, despite being so during prior sales.
Welcome to the world after Brexit. #BlametheBritish

It's very grindy. And not that much fun, actually. You're basically repeating the same actions OVER AND OVER in order to get your fighter strong enough to beat the next waypoint. Not much to it really. I enjoyed it when I played but got bored near the end and didn't finish.

It's just a bit dull, really. 75% isn't horrendous though.
Sounds like bundle fodder in a Humble Bundle soon enough.

If anybody else tells me "nobody is crazy enough to actually vote for Donald" I am just replying "Brexit" from now on. I doubt 99% of them will know wtf I am talking about but I am doing it anyway.

For any bored Tremorbros, I keep getting some thing for Wasabi sauce or something (explore china or explore Japan or something, I have been clicking it mindlessly and paying no fucking attention to the actual content) where you skip the steps and get 24-33 coins at a time. Getting it under V11 Videos and also under Supersonic Brands. Seem to get it in batches of 3 or so then some other stuff then I get it again. Have made about 600 coins casually clicking while mostly watching Brexit stuff. YMMV.
Nice knowing you England. Thank you for our language. I guess. Even those it's a weird bastardization (yes I used a z deal with it) of Germanic and Latin that doesn't follow its own rules many times.

If anybody else tells me "nobody is crazy enough to actually vote for Donald" I am just replying "Brexit" from now on. I doubt 99% of them will know wtf I am talking about but I am doing it anyway.

For any bored Tremorbros, I keep getting some thing for Wasabi sauce or something (explore china or explore Japan or something, I have been clicking it mindlessly and paying no fucking attention to the actual content) where you skip the steps and get 24-33 coins at a time. Getting it under V11 Videos and also under Supersonic Brands. Seem to get it in batches of 3 or so then some other stuff then I get it again. Have made about 600 coins casually clicking while mostly watching Brexit stuff. YMMV.
People laughed at his candidacy. They said he'd never win primaries, never get the nomination, polls show everyone hates him etc etc yet somehow he keeps winning. So yeah, don't rule it out. The Bernie or Bust Watch the World Bern (Burn/Bern puns are so tired :roll:) kooks will likely help him out too.

Never underestimate the power of the masses to be small minded idiots easily manipulated by fear and sensationalism.


Okay that's my political soapbox for the day. You can all go back to your regularly scheduled bitching about how much a sale that you already knew ahead of time was going to suck sucks posts.

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I bought and played Melody's Escape last night, a side-scrolling runner set to music off your computer in the same vein as Audiosurf.  Game play is pretty simple; you run through the musically-generated level and press the appropriately colored buttons on your controller as you collect orbs or leap/dive/slide past obstacles.  There's four movement types (walk/jog/run/fly) you'll automatically switch to based on the tempo or energy of the song.  Timing for when you press buttons takes a little getting used to.

Even at the "Relaxing" setting, it's a real game.  Audiosurf has a mode where you're immune to bad moves but Melody's Escape expects you to actually play the game.  Otherwise you'll just watch Melody slam into things and respawn in a few seconds to do it again.  Not very relaxing.  There's also a "Visualization" mode where you can watch the computer take over and just direct Melody through the level if, for some reason, that's a thing you want to do.

The level generation is... not bad?  It seems to default to building the level based on "energy peaks" for many songs and only once (granted, out of ten songs) did I notice it say "Hey, this is a 4/4 beat so we'll use that to make the level".  Coincidentally or not, that was the song I did best at but I might have just been getting more used to the controls by then.  But the generation  is still pretty good throughout and you make long slides to extended notes, leap up or down as the tempo changes and it's about what you'd expect.

I doubt many people will jump on it since it's only 50% off and "future bundle", etc but I liked it.  I bought it mainly for the "play to your music" aspect so I can't speak for how good a runner-game it is at higher levels.  If nothing else, go play it when it's in your future bundle.

Granted, it could have been this way forever ago but I noticed that redirects me back to .com

It used to let you visit the UK site from the US without any shenanigans. 

My wife does some writing for a UK publication and her pay was negotiated in pounds so it looks like she just took an 8% pay cut.  Yaaaayyyyy....

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I saw this on the front page so its likely been seen by most but SE has one of those bundles where you get a discount if you own some if it.

Its Just Cause 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider... I have Rise from the Gamestop fuck up so its showing JC3 for $22.49 for me.
It was $15 on Amazon recently, but I guess this could be a deal if there is a drop in MSRP plus discount. #BlametheBritish

I bought and played Melody's Escape last night, a side-scrolling runner set to music off your computer in the same vein as Audiosurf. Game play is pretty simple; you run through the musically-generated level and press the appropriately colored buttons on your controller as you collect orbs or leap/dive/slide past obstacles. There's four movement types (walk/jog/run/fly) you'll automatically switch to based on the tempo or energy of the song. Timing for when you press buttons takes a little getting used to.

Even at the "Relaxing" setting, it's a real game. Audiosurf has a mode where you're immune to bad moves but Melody's Escape expects you to actually play the game. Otherwise you'll just watch Melody slam into things and respawn in a few seconds to do it again. Not very relaxing. There's also a "Visualization" mode where you can watch the computer take over and just direct Melody through the level if, for some reason, that's a thing you want to do.

The level generation is... not bad? It seems to default to building the level based on "energy peaks" for many songs and only once (granted, out of ten songs) did I notice it say "Hey, this is a 4/4 beat so we'll use that to make the level". Coincidentally or not, that was the song I did best at but I might have just been getting more used to the controls by then. But the generation is still pretty good throughout and you make long slides to extended notes, leap up or down as the tempo changes and it's about what you'd expect.

I doubt many people will jump on it since it's only 50% off and "future bundle", etc but I liked it. I bought it mainly for the "play to your music" aspect so I can't speak for how good a runner-game it is at higher levels. If nothing else, go play it when it's in your future bundle.
Hmmm, sounds cool. I'm a sucker for play with your own music games.

In "hidden gems" news, don't forget Nation Red:

I think they recently released Mac/Linux/SteamOS versions.  Not historical low, but it hasn't been that price in 3 years.  #BlametheBritish

Dev is also working a new game which essentially looks like a version of Nation Red where you get to make your own arenas/games.  Probably will be fakeybroing that depending on price.  

Don't worry Motoki, we all know this is the true motokihairflip.

You know what? She 4reals got best hair of the candidates. Not like the competition is fierce. For all those gay men supporting Bernie not a one of them could comb his god damned hair?

And we won't even talk about that thing living on Trump's head.

Doom can't be selling that well if it's already 40% off AND there's a demo. Last Bethesda game that had a demo was Evil Within. You can probably expect Doom to drop to $20 or less in another six months.
Honestly, I don't think that's the reason for the game's discount.

It's the game itself the reason as I see it. How many people do you hear talking about doom vs fallout 4 in comparison?

The market for a game like doom is rather smaller if we compare it to more mainstreamer games like Fallout 4 or Skyrim.

Except some special cases, games loses their value incredibly fast. If you know your game cannot reach certain number of units solds (market) it doesnt make sense to maintain its price when nobody is going to buy it.

You need to incentive the market before the game gets dust.

I would love to see how many people have Doom on their whislists on steam but I don't think that is possible.

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Honestly, I don't think that's the reason for the game's discount.

It's the game itself the reason as I see it. How many people do you hear talking about doom vs fallout 4 in comparison?

The market for a game like doom is rather smaller if we compare it to more mainstreamer games like Fallout 4 or Skyrim.

Except some special cases, games loses their value incredibly fast. If you know your game cannot reach certain number of units solds (market) it doesnt make sense to maintain its price when nobody is going to buy it.

You need to incentive the market before the game gets dust.

I would love to see how many people on steam have Doom on their whislists but I don't think that is possible.
Oh my poor, clueless Tomas! Doom has potentially a much bigger market. Shooters are a ton more popular than RPGs, especially with the casuals. So that's why the drop in price though. It's a much more cutthroat market. You need to compete with the CODs and Battlefields of the world.



2 - Smackattack

3 - GBKeroberos


A - Tomasety

2 - FissFiss

7 - Syntax Error


10 - Hitlercat

J - Blade


3 - Malkan

10 - Agentghost

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Co-op game that costs about the same (and is probably equally as shitty) as a gas-station sandwich?

Prime bro material.
Except this is the same site that shames people for 'buying' a 9 cent game (with fake money) instead of waiting for it to be free on gleam.

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It was $15 on Amazon recently, but I guess this could be a deal if there is a drop in MSRP plus discount. #BlametheBritish
Sh!t for got about that... Or missed it. Not sure which.

Anyone know anyone from Australia that does the steam gift thing? (Their price for early AC games is much like it was for Watchdogs last year.)

Giving away a copy of Verdun for the SpoderFox Events. The game is currently scheduled for the 30th, and you MUST show up to be eligible to win (You'll receive it beforehand to have time to download it and get used to it though).

To enter, simply pick a card from a standard deck of cards (And no, the joker is not eligible MysterD)

I will draw a winner Sunday afternoon sometime.

3 of spades
Giving away a copy of Verdun for the SpoderFox Events. The game is currently scheduled for the 30th, and you MUST show up to be eligible to win (You'll receive it beforehand to have time to download it and get used to it though).

To enter, simply pick a card from a standard deck of cards (And no, the joker is not eligible MysterD)

I will draw a winner Sunday afternoon sometime.

Oh my poor, clueless Tomas! Doom has potentially a much bigger market. Shooters are a ton more popular than RPGs, especially with the casuals. So that's why the drop in price though. It's a much more cutthroat market. You need to compete with the CODs and Battlefields of the world.
Except Doom is a single player shooter - or at least is praised for it's single player not multiplayer. It's MP FPSes that have the big audience, which is (probably) why the mainline Battlefields vastly outsold the Bad Company line, despite having the name and similar mechanics. "FPS-Bros" just didn't care about the story. All the Doom praise is given to the story-mode.

A game like Fallout though has a wider appeal in the sense that if captures the RPG crowd and at least touches those few shooter fans who like a story. I'd daresay that's a bigger potential market than what Doom could expect.

Except Doom is a single player shooter - or at least is praised for it's single player not multiplayer. It's MP FPSes that have the big audience, which is (probably) why the mainline Battlefields vastly outsold the Bad Company line, despite having the name and similar mechanics. "FPS-Bros" just didn't care about the story. All the Doom praise is given to the story-mode.

A game like Fallout though has a wider appeal in the sense that if captures the RPG crowd and at least touches those few shooter fans who like a story. I'd daresay that's a bigger potential market than what Doom could expect.
Are you some kind of videogame's analyst? Thanks a lot for the explanation.

Everything is the SAME PRICE from now til the end. There are no more dailies. The front page are just "highlights". Prices are not changing for anything.
Having said that... there were a few oddball price changes mid-sale last time. If I recall correctly, Ubisoft jumped in with bigger discounts for a brief time. There may have been a few others that ended early too.

In other words, it's a shitty way to run a sale and no one knows.

What the balls is up with you people buying Blood & Bacon at 10% off?
It's the summer sale's Shark Attack Deathmatch 2. Buy or be shamed!

Co-op game that costs about the same (and is probably equally as shitty) as a gas-station sandwich?

Prime bro material.
This guy knows what's up!

Except this is the same site that shames people for 'buying' a 9 cent game (with fake money) instead of waiting for it to be free on gleam.
In the bro group I try to shame people for not buying something and then rub it in their face when we schedule it.


bread's done