Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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2 pages back?


May 5th, 2017
PreyoShock looks pretty damn good, I must say.

It's really hard to go wrong w/ anything Arkane puts out, TBH. They normally don't disappoint, in gameplay department + world-building department.

I still wish Human Head got their open-world Prey 2 version released, though. I thought it looked great, at E3 back in the day when it was being previewed.


Tonight we play Vermintide and try to channel our flailing energies towards killing rats.
Oh, that game is a blast!

It certainly filled my "Where the hell is Left 4 Dead 3?" itch in the gameplay department, even though Vermintide basically swapped-out Warhammer universe + Skaven-rats for Valve's universe + zombies; and also added the twist of getting new loot after each run which feels very ARPG-like.

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Big RE fan. I love RE1-3 with RE remake being my favorite. The beginning of RE 7 reminds me of silent hill 2, with protagonist getting a random email from his wife who has been missing for 3 years. And when he reaches the location his wife said to find her, it kind of turns into Texas chainsaw massacre the game lol. Have only been able to play for two hours last night, but it already feels much better then 5 and 6 (probably not saying much lol) and I'm loving it so far.
Ooh, I was a big fan of Silent Hill 2. Great game + story. Not the best PC port technically, though. Also loved SH1; really liked SH3 (but not as much as SH1+2); and SH4 was good but not great.

I dunno what it was, but even despite improved controls - SH Homecoming just wasn't doing it for me. [shrug]

Never finished it.

Resident Evil 4 [retail version for PC] was my entrance into RE series. Loved that game, despite the not-so-great PC port (horrible PC KB-mouse controls, but gamepad was absolutely fine). I do need to check out RE4 HD Steam version, since I do have it.

RE5 was a much better technical port (over RE4) - but the game just didn't speak to me as much as RE4. RE6 was good, but very flawed (b/c of its huge repetition w/ overlapping areas, stories, and battles). Personally, I liked the first story (Leon) + last one (Ada's). Revelations 1 was great, though; and I really like RE Rev 2 Ep 1. I need to get onto the other Rev 2 Episodes, since I got them.

Looking forward to RE7, at some point in time - i.e. when it gets cheaper.

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I still wish Human Head got their open-world Prey 2 version released, though. I thought it looked great, at E3 back in the day when it was being previewed.
Every time I see something about the new Prey I can't help thinking this. It looks interesting but I'll always mourn the loss of the original Prey 2. I still have the little keychain they gave out at E3.

So, I just bought Battlefield 1 earlier today because I have no impulse control.  About half an hour later smackaweiler points out that the Premium Upgrade is $30 on amazon, which may or may not be a glitch.

So that's the story of how I spent about 70 bucks today.

edit, yep it was a glitch.  HA HA HA Y U NO WEN

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So, I just bought Battlefield 1 earlier today because I have no impulse control. About half an hour later smackaweiler points out that the Premium Upgrade is $30 on amazon, which may or may not be a glitch.

So that's the story of how I spent about 70 bucks today.
Tell me about it. After bashing Nintendo about the NES Classic (which I truly do not want) I saw a post noticing that the nearest GS near me had some in stock. So obviously I bought it and have no idea what to do with it...but I have it, so that's something.

Signed an executive order making a tremendous game free on Steam. It's called CAYNE and I've made it free.

(p.s. You'll all have to chip in for the wall though)
That looks like the best thing your administration has done yet.

Also, there's a kickstarter up for The Banner Saga 3, not that any of you e-hoarders have played the first two games in the series. . . .

Okay, anime it is but it's definitely not hentai, so, whew. . . anyway, maybe I should go ahead and play the first game this year on my PS3 in preparation for this.

Nah, I can wait until 2018, when this goes on sale for $5.

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That's great that Ni No Kuni 2 is coming to PC. I've been playing the new DQVIII on the 3DS and thinking it's a real shame that Level-5 has never released any of their JRPGs on PC (that I'm aware of). When it comes to traditional JRPGs, Level-5 is the best in the dang biz.
Last night we played Vermintide which went fairly uneventfully and we had enough people for two full groups.  Rats were killed and I got shitty loot rolls all night long.  Eldritch on Rye made a showing which was something new.

Tonight we play No More Room in Hell which is probably going to be terrible or, if not, at least we'll play terribly.

Of course, no one likes it when their cheese gets moved, and the noisy are out in force in terms of bashing the changes in various places. Swap out the changes for a completely different direction of changes, and they'd be just as noisy. The only way they wouldn't complain is if Marvel Heroes stayed exactly the same except for buffing their personal favorite characters and giving out some free stuff.
Don't just lump everyone together as an unthinking herd. The changes are pretty extreme and was was lost is pretty substantial. It's a different game now, going in a different direction, and that direction is definitely flipping off a good chunk of players. The old game had a ton of problems and needed large and small fixes in a really big way. I could make a huge list of needed changes that wouldn't forsake what I enjoy in the game. i could also make a short list of trivial fixes that would address a lot of the big problems this was for. None of those are what happened, though, because the developers want a different direction entirely, and that direction is quite explicitly "less thinking and fewer options for players" and "less effort for developers". On top of that, the game is now even more of a broken mess, the changed story sections are super dull, and most of the supposedly good stuff in the update is several to many months out still. The game has been dumbed down. The developers are lazy, and doing poor work.

It's really not a "change is bad" situation when a company deliberately tries to take out big aspects of a game that players enjoy, especially when they do a horrible job of it. It's like if someone took Fox's mom out for a makeover, and she came back older, fatter, and with her mouth sewn shut.

Don't just lump everyone together as an unthinking herd. The changes are pretty extreme and was was lost is pretty substantial. It's a different game now, going in a different direction, and that direction is definitely flipping off a good chunk of players. The old game had a ton of problems and needed large and small fixes in a really big way. I could make a huge list of needed changes that wouldn't forsake what I enjoy in the game. i could also make a short list of trivial fixes that would address a lot of the big problems this was for. None of those are what happened, though, because the developers want a different direction entirely, and that direction is quite explicitly "less thinking and fewer options for players" and "less effort for developers". On top of that, the game is now even more of a broken mess, the changed story sections are super dull, and most of the supposedly good stuff in the update is several to many months out still. The game has been dumbed down. The developers are lazy, and doing poor work.

It's really not a "change is bad" situation when a company deliberately tries to take out big aspects of a game that players enjoy, especially when they do a horrible job of it. It's like if someone took Fox's mom out for a makeover, and she came back older, fatter, and with her mouth sewn shut.
I'm not saying the changes are competently done, I'm saying the complainers will complain no matter the quality of the changes.

And I still disagree on dumbed down. The illusion of choice on skill points and ultimate points isn't real choice. Just getting as many skill points and Fighting points from gear as possible isn't choice. Unlimited dash and travel being the entirety of the gameplay is the opposite of choice. Small tweaks that didn't deal with the big issues weren't going to be enough.

I mean, maybe I'm dreaming the think that the new way of doing skills will result in something that resembles the interesting choices that exist in Diablo 3, as quite probably the designers don't have the ability to pull that off, especially when talking about over 50 heroes to make choices for. I will note that in the past week of playing D3 again I've made more and more interesting choices than I did in the month or so of playing MH before that. (And a big part of that is movement. There are limited movement abilities in D3. Mitigating those limitations is a choice that requires giving up something else. Increasing movement speed through skills, gear, and Paragon levels requires giving up something else. I never had to give up anything for movement in MH.)

Don't just lump everyone together as an unthinking herd. The changes are pretty extreme and was was lost is pretty substantial. It's a different game now, going in a different direction, and that direction is definitely flipping off a good chunk of players. The old game had a ton of problems and needed large and small fixes in a really big way. I could make a huge list of needed changes that wouldn't forsake what I enjoy in the game. i could also make a short list of trivial fixes that would address a lot of the big problems this was for. None of those are what happened, though, because the developers want a different direction entirely, and that direction is quite explicitly "less thinking and fewer options for players" and "less effort for developers". On top of that, the game is now even more of a broken mess, the changed story sections are super dull, and most of the supposedly good stuff in the update is several to many months out still. The game has been dumbed down. The developers are lazy, and doing poor work.

It's really not a "change is bad" situation when a company deliberately tries to take out big aspects of a game that players enjoy, especially when they do a horrible job of it. It's like if someone took Fox's mom out for a makeover, and she came back older, fatter, and with her mouth sewn shut.
Listen guys, I'm all for off-topic rants that make some readers cheer and some reply with their own rants, but you're going a little too far with all of this analogy bullshit. If you want to talk politics, talk politics. Say what you mean. If you think Trump's a giant douchebag, say so. If you think Trump's an older, fatter Jesus with worse hair, then say that. FFS, don't start talking about bug fixes when you mean executive orders or saying Kickstarter campaigns instead of protest marches. The world is confusing enough as it is.

I'm not saying the changes are competently done, I'm saying the complainers will complain no matter the quality of the changes.
People who disagree with the changes are not "the complainers". That's pointlessly dismissive and insultingly misrepresentative.

Dumbing it down is explicitly the intent and undeniably the result. I don't mind the movement changes too much (although I agree it is less fun being so much slower), so that's not really even on my issue list. We have fewer options now and they are pretty much spelled out for you. You might as well just click "build A" or "build B" with what they did (in other words, the illusion of choice is worse now, not better), and that's just the abilities. The story sections are so dumbed down you barely feel like you are even in a game now. It goes on and on.

They did not succeed at what they said this would do, even to the basic degree I would have expected. I wasn't happy with what they were talking about doing. That they didn't even bother to manage that level pretty much removes room for doubt on the eventual quality when they get around to the other parts. It's definitely not winning over anyone playing D3.

Anyway, I really don't want to debate the content of the change. It's fine you may like the direction they're going while I do not. It's not fine when you say people who don't like the direction have no right to their reasoning and are just complaining about change.

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I'm not saying the changes are competently done, I'm saying the complainers will complain no matter the quality of the changes.

And I still disagree on dumbed down. The illusion of choice on skill points and ultimate points isn't real choice. Just getting as many skill points and Fighting points from gear as possible isn't choice. Unlimited dash and travel being the entirety of the gameplay is the opposite of choice. Small tweaks that didn't deal with the big issues weren't going to be enough.

I mean, maybe I'm dreaming the think that the new way of doing skills will result in something that resembles the interesting choices that exist in Diablo 3, as quite probably the designers don't have the ability to pull that off, especially when talking about over 50 heroes to make choices for. I will note that in the past week of playing D3 again I've made more and more interesting choices than I did in the month or so of playing MH before that. (And a big part of that is movement. There are limited movement abilities in D3. Mitigating those limitations is a choice that requires giving up something else. Increasing movement speed through skills, gear, and Paragon levels requires giving up something else. I never had to give up anything for movement in MH.)
Movement in MH is unlimited but it's a keybind you have to set in options now. The dashes/teleports don't really matter.

My main problem is the infinity system is boring. Also, I've knocked out all the content... and they added nothing new.

Movement in MH is unlimited but it's a keybind you have to set in options now. The dashes/teleports don't really matter.

My main problem is the infinity system is boring. Also, I've knocked out all the content... and they added nothing new.
My main problem is that it crashes after the first loading screen.

Pillars of Eternity II has a pseudo-kickstarter on Fig.  $29 for the game ($24 if you've backed on Fig before).  I never got around to playing PoE so I'll pass on it but sometimes people here grab these.  Feels a little weak compared to some with early backer free games and stuff.

Obligatory HairFlip.gif for a Kickstarter-related post:

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As much as I'm enjoying Derpablo 3 I wouldn't hold it out as any great example of freedom-of-choice.  If you want to progress through high level greater rifts you absolutely MUST use class sets and they're all designed around specific builds/stats/paragon distribution.  So while it might seem like there's a lot of freedom on first glance all of it is constrained by the two or three armor sets required to combat the ever-scaling enemies.

As much as I'm enjoying Derpablo 3 I wouldn't hold it out as any great example of freedom-of-choice. If you want to progress through high level greater rifts you absolutely MUST use class sets and they're all designed around specific builds/stats/paragon distribution. So while it might seem like there's a lot of freedom on first glance all of it is constrained by the two or three armor sets required to combat the ever-scaling enemies.
Make an LON Crusader.
Doom for $15? Not sure how the prices have been, will it be long before it's $10? I've heard a lot of good. Never played a doom game before.
As much as I'm enjoying Derpablo 3 I wouldn't hold it out as any great example of freedom-of-choice. If you want to progress through high level greater rifts you absolutely MUST use class sets and they're all designed around specific builds/stats/paragon distribution. So while it might seem like there's a lot of freedom on first glance all of it is constrained by the two or three armor sets required to combat the ever-scaling enemies.
I felt the fun factor of D3 went way down once you got past say T4 or so. Once you get above there what you said is absolutely true but if you stick to difficulties under that you can make some more varied builds.

I guess it shouldn't be surprising that on a site named CheapAssGamer, the most talk we've had in years is about a F2P game.  

Anyway, $155 4GB 480 at Newegg After Rebate.  Really great price for a current gen card.  I know a lot of people say "get the 8GB" but how many games even use more then 4GB of VRAM?  I mean the shitty optimization of that one batman game shouldn't be used as the standard.  For 1080P this should be fine, no?  

Anyway, $155 4GB 480 at Newegg After Rebate. Really great price for a current gen card. I know a lot of people say "get the 8GB" but how many games even use more then 4GB of VRAM? I mean the shitty optimization of that one batman game shouldn't be used as the standard. For 1080P this should be fine, no?
According to these tests, at 1080, the difference between the two cards is a 1-4% reduction in framerates due to a slightly smaller memory bandwidth. Aside from that, the cards are identical (unlike the 1060 3GB which is a crippled version of the GPU in the 6GB model)

For the math illiterate, a 1-4% reduction is nothing. At 80fps with the one, you'll go to 77-79fps with the other. The extra memory may be useful for futureproofing (although for $150 maybe you just want to buy new in a few years) but you won't see much benefit from it today at 1080 except in a few memory-hungry, poorly optimized cases.

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bread's done