Japanese Niche Games Deals & Discussion Thread 4.0


163 (100%)
Welcome to the Japanese niche games deals and discussion thread!  Feel free to talk about local and import Japanese games here.  Our goal is to maintain a thread dedicated to active deals on niche games including RPGs, Visual Novels (VN), Shoot'em ups (Shmups), Musou, etc.  Also maintained are pre-orders for standard, limited and collector's edition games with key release dates provided.

I've wikified the thread to make it more friendly and open to others that can actively update with important information. You can find the wiki post directly below this one.

NOTE:  Please, leave the censorship discussion away from this thread.  It's common for japanese games to have questionable content outside of the country.  We want to keep discussions to the game itself and not about cultural/societal tolerance.

A message from Thorbahn:

Our CAG Japanese Niche Games Thread also has a community on PS4, where you can interact and game with other members of the thread.

Our moderators are: Draekon, Las_Hole, and Waffleswanton

You can basically friend any of our members, or any moderator, and you will be able to request to join the community under "Communities friends are in" tab, and a mod will approve your request.

You can also leave your PSN ID in the thread, saying you want to join, and we can invite you directly as well.

As always, have fun and enjoy your stay!

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But should he watch it by 2006 TV Broadcast Order, Season 1 Chronological Order, or the 2009 TV Broadcast Chronological Order of Season 1 and 2? This is very important.
I still vividly remember watching the 2nd season and thinking "Wtf are they doing...."

Wait... you watched The Endless Eight without knowing the context? :rofl:
Still garbage nonetheless. I heard about it when airing and every week i was like oh yeah time to see this stupid episode again. I am not a Haruhi fan myself. Anime was too hard to watch at times and felt way overrated. Oh that last Shimoneta was very entertaining and I hope we get a second season someday.

Funny you guys mention that. I'm actually in the middle of watching Haruhi right now.   So far I'm rather unimpressed and there's only about eight episodes left.  The Endless Eight was painful to get through.   I'm having a lot of difficulty in seeing how this anime is not terribly overrated at this point. 

I felt Haruhi was extremely overrated at the time when it was all the rage and super popular.  To each their own though.  I think it was more because there was just a lack of shows at the time since anime was way less popular.  So watching it now would be even more lackluster since there are a lot more anime out now and certain standards are set.

WTF are you guys on about? Haruhi literally kicked off the whole light novel genre. You can call it overrated all you want, but it's the reason all the light novels and their anime counterparts are as popular as they are now.

And S1 is still great. S2 ruined everything, especially since it was already waning after 6 years of extreme popularity.

And in its defense, the anime needed you to know some of the back story to fully enjoy. At the time, most people did, because it was just that popular. Otherwise, a ton of subtlety flew over the viewer's head. To appreciate it now, you sort of have to watch it twice. Or read the light novel(s) first.

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haruhi was ok, i enjoyed it more watching it in order rather than the mixed up aired date schedule.

it's also a genre not most anime lovers enjoy.

ya, season 2 was shit. skip it.

I heard the movie makes up for season 2, but i never watched it cause... fuck season 2.

I wouldn't recommend it unless someone loves older animation, & slice of life with bizarre twist.
Sorry for bringing that up, don't you think we shoul- Nah, let's pour more fuel into the flame.

Never watched the Haruhi anime, but I did read the first light novel and it was pretty awesome. Also one of the recommended books in my local libraries summer reading list...

I should've clarified, I'm probably not going to use that deal because it is pretty terrible, but I had some free time recently and wanted to start watching some anime and didn't know where to start. I didn't want to go too off topic, so I thought that deal was probably a good way to get recommendations.
Wait... you watched The Endless Eight without knowing the context? :rofl:
I'm not gonna lie I somehow manage to block out Endless Eight from my memories and only just now remembered it due to your post. This scene when Light gets his memories back, yeah that's literally me right now.


The pain, the suffering, the "Kyon-kun denwa", just hoping this was it, this is the last one only to be left disappointed. Then their was the trolling of Kyoto Animation saying they'd do a movie based off Endless Eight, seiyuu's being asked their thoughts about the ordeal, the huge fan outcry, the previous lead director from the first season giving his opinion on the matter in at a anime con. All the drama week after week and then it finally happened that moment everyone was waiting for and it was over, I remember /a/ was just celebrating with threads upon threads of tears of joy.

I take it back BlackRockWaifu don't watch Haruhi... well okay watch it and only just watch the first and last episode of Endless Eight.

I've always loved Haruhi. I can see why people would hate it, though. It really is one of those series that walks the line between new and old. When it's good, it's pretty damn great. I even thought endless eight was brilliant in a Wonder Showzen sort of way. Especially since there's no reused animation in any of the eight episodes. 

Not to mention that The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is one of the better anime movies I've seen. I must've seen it four or five times by now. Never tire of it. 

On a gaming related note:

I made it back into Master Rank in Overwatch at 3600. 

Hmm...get Danganronpa Reload 1-2 Reload or go for the Vita versions?  Get Zero Escape:  The Nonary Games on PS4 or Vita?

Given:  Don't have a PS4 or a 4K monitor/television, PS+ lapsed,  and already have 999/Virtue's Last Reward on DS/3DS.  Also, got Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls on my Vita backlog.

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Looks like Nioh has had its review embargo lifted. Here's the aggregate review threads for Reddit and NeoGAF. Reviews are fairly positive with an average of a mid 8, which is more than what I expecting.

Also, Fire Emblem Heroes launches today. It's not out in North America yet, but other regions have it already. If you re-roll your starting RNG gacha junk, it sounds like you want to put off linking your Nintendo account to it until you're happy with what you get. Optimal gacha time before re-rolling seems to be after the third story mission based on what I've been reading.

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Hmm...get Danganronpa Reload 1-2 Reload or go for the Vita versions? Get Zero Escape: The Nonary Games on PS4 or Vita?

Given: Don't have a PS4 or a 4K monitor/television, PS+ lapsed, and already have 999/Virtue's Last Reward on DS/3DS. Also, got Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls on my Vita backlog.
Is there any *significant* point to buying (playing) the remakes if you've already played the originals? Like played the shit out of them, platinum and all?

Bamco sale on PSN.

SAO games are near impulse-buy territory. Hollow Fragment $4.99, Lost Song $7.99 Vita ($11.99 PS4).

Loved the anime. Games any good? Cross-save between Vita and PS4?
I really enjoyed Hollow Fragment. It's basically the first series arc if you never left Aincrad after
defeating Kayaba Akihiko/Heathcliff on the 75th floor.
I honestly liked the additional Hollow Fragment zone and the storyline it added. Definatley a game you can put over 100 hours into. I'm currently playing Lost Song and it's not as good, but it's cute and I like the characters and their interactions. Plus, it's an easy game to platinum if you are a trophy hound. I think most say its about 40 hours to complete. If you like the anime, you'll probably like the games. The newest one, Hollow Realization, is the only one with a stand-alone story from the anime series.

Looks like Nioh has had its review embargo lifted. Here's the aggregate review threads for Reddit and NeoGAF. Reviews are fairly positive with an average of a mid 8, which is more than what I expecting.
Been Reading thru the blurbs on reddit its about 90% positive in terms of what team ninja was attempting to achieve. (8-9/10 and 4/5)

Positives being: the fluid addictive combat, loot and upgrade systems for weapons & character, challenging boss fights, freedom of side missions and multiplayer battles.

Negatives being: may be "easy" for veteran soul players (which is subjective) and some difficulty spikes and frustration from boss fights. (having played Ninja Gaiden 1&2, team ninja's rage inducing boss fights are something im already mentally preparing for lol).

Overall it's everything i was expecting after going through the beta last summer ( didn't play the recent demo to keep from being burned out).

Look forward to buying a new controller when February is over. :fridge:

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Wait... you watched The Endless Eight without knowing the context? :rofl:
I already read the LN going in but I didn't expect them to do that. Who in there right mind thought that was a good idea? 2nd Season killed the franchise with those eight episodes.

I felt Haruhi was extremely overrated at the time when it was all the rage and super popular. To each their own though. I think it was more because there was just a lack of shows at the time since anime was way less popular. So watching it now would be even more lackluster since there are a lot more anime out now and certain standards are set.
Like Elessar mention LN anime wasn't really a big thing back then. VN/Eroge adaptation was more of a thing back then. The TV broadcast order really helped too imo. It definitely drove me to keep watching every week.

Sorry for bringing that up, don't you think we shoul- Nah, let's pour more fuel into the flame.

Never watched the Haruhi anime, but I did read the first light novel and it was pretty awesome. Also one of the recommended books in my local libraries summer reading list...
Lol, cool libary. Just watch the 1st season and movie. The movie is a must since it's pretty well done. If you really like it go for the 2nd season and you can rant/rave like the rest of us. :)

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Looks like Nioh has had its review embargo lifted. Here's the aggregate review threads for Reddit and NeoGAF. Reviews are fairly positive with an average of a mid 8, which is more than what I expecting.
Looking forward to it. One of the few games demo where I thoroughly enjoy it. I'm not even a big Dark Soul fan either.

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Which would be the best recent Gundam(English Subs) game to import for PS4 or PS Vita?
Gundam Breaker 3 (PS4) and SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (Vita)

If you want a very English friendly game with an In Depth Translation Guide, try Gundam SEED Battle Destiny (Vita).

If you have a PS3, Mobile Suit Gundam: Battlefield Record UC0081 and Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn are good choices as well

Anytime someone says "you need to go read the book to understand" then it means the show/movie isn't strong enough on its own merits.  A show does not require previous understanding or knowledge of separate materials in order to be criticized.  In fact, a non-bias critic that is not attached to nostalgia, and other elements of a franchise is often times a better judge of individual quality.

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Helps with Insomnia.
For real. I went into it with that attitude and fell asleep five nights in a row before completing them.

I saw 'Silence' in the theater the other day though! Wow was that powerful. Not great-great, but very glad that I saw it. Good movie. There were no Oscar snubs deserving of a nomination though, as it has been suggested. I think a lot of people in here would be interested in the setting, costumes, and cinematography. Well done, Scorsese.

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Anytime someone says "you need to go read the book to understand" then it means the show/movie isn't strong enough on its own merits.
Nope. There are sometimes other reasons. The broadcast order gave the story mystery, plus a climax and an exciting ending. You can watch it in chronological order to get everything the first time, but then the pacing is completely different (with literally nothing happening for the ending). The first light novel was in chronological order. So like I said, you can either watch it twice, or read the light novel first to fully enjoy it.

It's the same with Memento. You can watch it in order, but why would you? All the suspense and surprise disappears. But you lose the motive behind some actions if you watch it out of order, as it's presented.

Tolkien mostly stuck to a group of people for each of the 6 LotR books and I don't see anyone criticizing that. Some times, things are just not linear and from one person's POV.

FMA:B was great despite somewhat needing to watch the first half of FMA (or read the manga) to appreciate. Yet it still stands perfectly fine on its own.

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I even thought endless eight was brilliant in a Wonder Showzen sort of way. Especially since there's no reused animation in any of the eight episodes.
That always impressed me, that the animation was new for each of the episodes. The Endless Eight episodes were genius (especially viewing it for the first time and not knowing what the hell was going on). It was something no other show had done to that point, and people still talk about it to this day. Haruhi was one of the few shows that had been hyped up and didn't disappoint.

That always impressed me, that the animation was new for each of the episodes. The Endless Eight episodes were genius (especially viewing it for the first time and not knowing what the hell was going on). It was something no other show had done to that point, and people still talk about it to this day. Haruhi was one of the few shows that had been hyped up and didn't disappoint.
Supposedly, the Endless Eight was aired because they decided to make The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya into a movie instead of keeping it in season two late into production and close to airing. They had to find some way to fill the huge gap in episodes.

A pretty shit thing to do. the Kyoto Animation director of the time even apologized for the Endless Eight.

I don't quite understand the "it was brilliant" mentality a lot of people seem to have. If something is bad, it's bad.

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That always impressed me, that the animation was new for each of the episodes. The Endless Eight episodes were genius (especially viewing it for the first time and not knowing what the hell was going on). It was something no other show had done to that point, and people still talk about it to this day. Haruhi was one of the few shows that had been hyped up and didn't disappoint.
The problem with this is that most fans, me included, expected them to do more with the material and not waste 2/3 of a season on ONE chapter of ONE Vol. Even if you didn't know the story before hand you will be probably wondering why are they repeating the same episode by the 3rd episode even if they didn't re-use any animation. Other then blatant miking of the series to keep more material to work with for later seasons. Though that totally backfired.

Supposedly, the Endless Eight was aired because they decided to make The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya into a movie instead of keeping it in season two late into production and close to airing. They had to find some way to fill the huge gap in episodes.

A pretty shit thing to do. the Kyoto Animation director of the time even apologized for the Endless Eight.

I don't quite understand the "it was brilliant" mentality a lot of people seem to have. If something is bad, it's bad.
The Endless Eight story could have been told in 3 or 4 episodes and nothing of substance would have been lost. Many viewers would still say that would be too much. This is severe bloating and poor editing.

You like it? That's great. I wouldn't be able to show the Endless Eight to a single person I know that would enjoy it. That doesn't mean they "don't get it" either. It means the material is very inaccessible.

If something is bad, it's bad.
Entirely subjective. You'll find just as many people who could argue the contrary.

The endless eight's actually a metaphor for all of the copy-and-paste anime we were getting at the time--a trend that exists, even more so, today. It's pretty deep. Director told me so, and said he "apologized" only due to studio/fan pressure. In the end, he simply shrugged, said, you either "get it" or you don't, and left after finishing his saké mojito.

Entirely subjective. You'll find just as many people who could argue the contrary.

The endless eight's actually a metaphor for all of the copy-and-paste anime we were getting at the time--a trend that exists, even more so, today. It's pretty deep. Director told me so, and said he "apologized" only due to studio/fan pressure. In the end, he simply shrugged, said, you either "get it" or you don't, and left after finishing his saké mojito.
Haven't heard this one yet. a metaphor that lasted 3 hours.... great.

I understand that some people are bound to like it though ("If it's bad, it's bad" is just my personal sentiment towards it). I would just say that I'm inclined to think the studio just fuck ed the fans because they wanted to turn a part of Season 2 into a movie.

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Open your CEs!!!!!
I definitely do love the soundtracks and art books. It's just that selling the box / whatever other extras it comes with on ebay sort of doesn't feel worth the time, and throwing it away feels like a waste at the same time. So instead they accumulate and waste space :p

I kind of wanted the steelbook from Berseria and canceled my CE with the intention of picking one up on ebay later.

That.. Didn't really work out.

I understand that some people are bound to like it though ("If it's bad, it's bad" is just my personal sentiment towards it).
The way I see it is that alot of shows have done timeloops, There's only 2 that stand out: Haruhi & Steingate. (IMO)

What they did was different & to a degree memorable. I can't honestly recall most of the other ones I've seen that have done it because they either tried some wacky explanation or borrowed from those 2.

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It may have been creative but the endless eight was a waste of time for me. I was watching it week to week...so I can only imagine wasting my time watching that all at once. I don't think I ever saw the Disapperance of Haruhi (S2 really lost me as a fan)....so I will do that. I just hate wasting time even if there were some differences here and there in each episode. 

Fire Emblem Heroes is officially live for any who care. Links to Android's Store & Apple's Store.

I'm still on the fence about it, but messed around a bit with the APK earlier in the day. Ended up rolling a 5* Tiki which I kept, however I was hoping for Lyn. Gameplay/graphics/sound are all pretty solid, but no perma-death. Also stats do seem randomized on level and upgrading your castle increases experience gain. I'll probably give it a try for a little at least, but I hate free to play games so I don't know how long it'll last for me. My ID is 7738825239 in case anybody wants to friend me in it.

[customspoiler='Enjoy your terrible gacha RNG']

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Fire Emblem Heroes is officially live for any who care. Links to Android's Store & Apple's Store.

I'm still on the fence about it, but messed around a bit with the APK earlier in the day. Ended up rolling a 5* Tiki which I kept, however I was hoping for Lyn. Gameplay/graphics/sound are all pretty solid, but no perma-death. Also stats do seem randomized on level and upgrading your castle increases experience gain. I'll probably give it a try for a little at least, but I hate free to play games so I don't know how long it'll last for me. My ID is 7738825239 in case anybody wants to friend me in it.

[customspoiler='Enjoy your terrible gacha RNG']
APK hack in 3.2.1

Little King's Story on PC has received a re-launch. XSeed contacted Durante to help fix issues with the port. Here's XSeed's blog post on it:


It currently has a 40% off sale for the next week on Steam. Which makes it $14.99. It's also for sale on the Humble Store (Non-Steam DRM Free).

APK hack in 3.2.1
The game or my phone? Pretty sure the APK was legit, but I run APKs through an android emulator because I don't like my phone battery keeling over and dying.

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Director told me so, and said he "apologized" only due to studio/fan pressure.
I totally believe this. The Japanese otaku are fucking ruthless when it comes to shaming people for this. If anything doesn't fit their ideal little world it's immediately deemed a crime against humanity. He'd probably never get to work again if they didn't squeeze that apology out of him, and now all the mindless otaku get to gloat about how they got to make a director bend to their whims.

Now I feel like watching Someday In the Rain again.

bread's done