Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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I tried using my code for 2x desk of Oddworld cards, and only got the discount for 1? I bought the bundle and the even even says I'm entitled to two.

I didn't bother checking out b/c of that. Anyone else have that issue?

What happened to it?
They jammed everything in the box pretty tightly. My AK PS4's spine has like... lines across the side of the spine due to pressure.

I tried using my code for 2x desk of Oddworld cards, and only got the discount for 1? I bought the bundle and the even even says I'm entitled to two.

I didn't bother checking out b/c of that. Anyone else have that issue?

They jammed everything in the box pretty tightly. My AK PS4's spine has like... lines across the side of the spine due to pressure.
Not sure what you did, but if you clicked through the link they sent you, it automatically put you down for the double card pack bundle. It will only show as one item in your cart at $99.99. You might have added two of the double bundles to your cart.

I had to change to credit card instead of PayPal for some reason because LRG kept rejecting my payment even though I've bought almost every single release with my PayPal account before?

Got one of each copy and my two pack of Oddworld cards.

Lol, didn't even realize the card thing was today. Guess I'll have to get them with the next order cause I'm not going to pay $5 to ship that
Got The Swindle and Dear Esther. I specifically got the PS4 version for The Swindle. I passed on the Vita version. This will likely be a pattern going forward. Just can't afford to get copies for multiple platforms. I'll reserve that sort of insanity for when a game I really REALLY want comes out. In the meantime, Vita collectors can rest easy knowing that there's an extra copy available.

also, looking forward to seeing the rewards page
When is that supposed to be live? I have 3 LRG tickets.

Nevermind I see its today.

Wonder if I can hold onto my tickets. Shirts, hoodies, keychains and such dont interest me at all.

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Got Dear Esther and ended up buying Swindle for Vita. I hate myself lol. My full set continues to another release I guess.

I hope they have extras of the cards at a decent price (sub $20) because I'd like to buy a pack just to use as actual playing cards. 

Dammit. Missed it. Got called outside by the wife, and by the time I came in at five after it was sold out. Gonna have to get it tonight. I'd rather just lock it down in the morning batch than sweat it at night. 

A comedy of Shopify errors: took forever to load PayPal and Swindle Vita sold out. So it took me back to cart and took forever to log me in to PP again. Then Swindle PS4 was sold out. Took me back to cart and long PP load again. Then told me my shipping cost had gone down. Logged me into PP a fourth time and I barely got Dear Esther before it sold out.

Easy solution Shopify: don't auto log people out of PP. Good grief.
I tried using my code for 2x desk of Oddworld cards, and only got the discount for 1? I bought the bundle and the even even says I'm entitled to two.

I didn't bother checking out b/c of that. Anyone else have that issue?

They jammed everything in the box pretty tightly. My AK PS4's spine has like... lines across the side of the spine due to pressure.
Not sure what you did, but if you clicked through the link they sent you, it automatically put you down for the double card pack bundle. It will only show as one item in your cart at $99.99. You might have added two of the double bundles to your cart.
Yeah, I did the same thing before the new games went live, then I noticed that they automatically have you set for 2 packs, so you only need to add the 1, and the code handles the rest.

Just grabbed a Vita copy of The Swindle and my Oddworld cards. Dear Esther has a nice cover, but decided against getting a copy of that one.
Yeah, I started off getting the PS4 releases as well, as I know I'm going to want some once I finally get the system, but LRG just started releasing to much, to fast, and while I was only going to get games I really wanted, or the ones like Esther, that are unique to the PS4 only, I have to draw the line someplace, and the PS4 is it. Plus, I'm a handheld gamer through and through, so I doubt I'll ever have another meaningful console collection ever again.

Got my Swindle (Vita) and two decks of Oddworld playing cards.
I didn't read carefully, so I only put one deck in my cart... But the description is a little confusing.

Item description:
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Playing Cards Double Pack

E-mail information for the code:
As a purchaser of either, you are entitled to two free decks of Oddworld playing cards.

I only put one in my cart:

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Playing Cards Double Pack × 1

But.... As you can see.... Are we supposed to get one DOUBLE pack or entitled for two DOUBLE pack? And by DOUBLE pack, are we getting two decks?

They were emailed to those who previously bought Strangers Wrath.
Yeah, it seems like those who got the 3 game bundle, received a code for the $100 2 pack set, and the ones who bought the standard single copy, got a code for the $50 1 pack set. You only need to add 1 qty to your cart, and not 2 for the bundle set, as the discount only applies per bundle and is for the 2 packs.

I dont know really. I didnt know a thing about the cards at all till I got an email just a few minutes before todays games went live.
If you didn't get to use it today, you can pay them for shipping to get your cards now, or just wait and add it to an upcoming order for free shipping later.

Yeah, it seems like those who got the 3 game bundle, received a code for the $100 2 pack set, and the ones who bought the standard single copy, got a code for the $50 1 pack set. You only need to add 1 qty to your cart, and not 2 for the bundle set, as the discount only applies per bundle and is for the 2 packs.
If you bought 2 copies of the standard also got a code for the double.

Not sure what you did, but if you clicked through the link they sent you, it automatically put you down for the double card pack bundle. It will only show as one item in your cart at $99.99. You might have added two of the double bundles to your cart.
Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying.

Also, if you look at the link now, they've extra, mega, plus sized the fine print on the page now to make sure people only add one to the cart for the double pack, LOL.

Probably should've done that to begin with. XD

Also, it's at the top now. :D

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I had a work emergency this morning and missed Swindle for vita. I hope I can get it this afternoon.

This is the first time I missed a morning release. Hopefully I don't forget and it goes smoothly.

Also, if you look at the link now, they've extra, mega, plus sized the fine print on the page now to make sure people only add one to the cart for the double pack, LOL.

Probably should've done that to begin with. XD

Also, it's at the top now. :D
Should have done it to begin with is right, and also sent out at least 24 hrs before a sale day, as then it could have been made clear before hand, VS. a few minutes before the standard chaos began.

I was scrambling with 10 minutes to go trying to get it ready in my cart, so I can only imagine those who didn't have that time. But the code is good for awhile, so not a big issue either way I guess, but we all know the rabid fan base around here, so planning before hand is always best.

Indeed, but aw well.

Just sort of sucks sometimes when everything is determined too last minute.

That problem with Shopify and Paypal this morning though, yeesh.

Almost missed out for the first time because of it. :eek:

Yeah, it seems like those who got the 3 game bundle, received a code for the $100 2 pack set, and the ones who bought the standard single copy, got a code for the $50 1 pack set. You only need to add 1 qty to your cart, and not 2 for the bundle set, as the discount only applies per bundle and is for the 2 packs.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I ordered via the link in the e-mail, it's a double deck and $100 discount was applied. And yes, I only added quantity of 1. I didn't even know there's a $50 pack set...

Ah, thanks for the clarification. I ordered via the link in the e-mail, it's a double deck and $100 discount was applied. And yes, I only added quantity of 1. I didn't even know there's a $50 pack set...
I didn't know either until I saw it posted here, but it makes sense for LRG to have had two separate options, so that way they can send the proper qty to the customer, and have it be easy to track. When they first announced they would be offering the cards later, I wondered how best they could do it without complete and utter chaos, but this seems pretty good overall, except for those who may have done 2 in their cart, and actually ended up paying the $100, bu that number should be pretty low(I hope).

Got swindle vita, esther, cards and checked out.  Was iffy on esther but my son wanted it to support LRG more than to play it. so he is paying for that.  

Also to give a shameless plug, if you missed out on any of the LRG games released, give the trade thread (link in my sig below)  a look.  Lots of good folks in there who might have what your looking for.  Or you might have something someone wants.  

Thought I had The Swindle reserved since I was in checkout. Decided to check really quick if I got the Deck Code (which was a no). Checked out and I got a OOS notification. Say what? 

Got swindle vita, esther, cards and checked out. Was iffy on esther but my son wanted it to support LRG more than to play it. so he is paying for that.
That's really nice of your son.

I missed out on the morning batch cause of issues with my commute and didn't get to work on time. Hopefully I don't forget about the later batch since I need to order something to get my cards as well

bread's done