Limited Run Games Thread - Nothing is Limited, We Make Everything Now!


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Please move all off-topic and non-game related discussion (such as reselling, or he who shall not be named) to the other thread below,

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LRG is on Amazon now!

LRG Trading Thread - Miss a release? Trade with someone who might need a release you have.

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Limited Run Games at Best Buy

Holiday 2022 LRG Releases at Best Buy

Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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First-time poster....go easy on me!

Just discovered LRG a couple months ago and love their concept. Waiting for Salt&Sanctuary Vita physical release. But I also see that re-selling limited run games is a great investment too. Just curious (if I may ask): which LRG platform has better selling value on the open marketplace....PS4 or Vita? Does it just depend on the title? Thanks....
Flame on!

First-time poster....go easy on me!

Just discovered LRG a couple months ago and love their concept. Waiting for Salt&Sanctuary Vita physical release. But I also see that re-selling limited run games is a great investment too. Just curious (if I may ask): which LRG platform has better selling value on the open marketplace....PS4 or Vita? Does it just depend on the title? Thanks....
I would recommend asking Doomstink and pm'ing your address to him since he's co-owner of LRG :)
First-time poster....go easy on me!

Just discovered LRG a couple months ago and love their concept. Waiting for Salt&Sanctuary Vita physical release. But I also see that re-selling limited run games is a great investment too. Just curious (if I may ask): which LRG platform has better selling value on the open marketplace....PS4 or Vita? Does it just depend on the title? Thanks....
omg ... are you serious? first-time poster -- make it your last one, too.

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Any info if LGR allows add-ons to orders now? I contacted them a few months back about paying the money to upgrade my skullgirls order to a shipping box rather than a bubble mailer.  They said they couldn't do it yet but they might be able to by the time the game ships. It sucks the game has been delayed but it's understandable but I'd really like to put my order in a box if I could.

omg ... are you serious? first-time poster -- make it your last one, too.
Thanks to this dude and others for your rudeness. Was a perfectly reasonable question. LRG usually has both Vita and PS4 releases of the same game. I'm sure many others are wondering the same thing, about which retains more value.

You can pretend that no one buys LRG's as a re-selling investment and be in your own dream world. My question was totally legit.

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"investment" lmao.

Gonna retire from flipping games for $20 like the other million eBay and YouTubers?

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Who said anything about retiring? Jeez....people so touchy on here. 

Some of those games re-sell for more than twice their value, if you bother to notice. If you buy a $100 game (special edition) and sell it for $250 (as I've seen on EBAY), you may not care but I promise you, others do. Yeah, some of the LRG's don't seem to fetch a lot more on the open market but many do.

If you don't care about the re-selling aspect of LRG's, fine. But pretty childish to rip on those who do. And it's pretty hilarious that we're on "CheapAssGamer",  a site devoted to budget-minded gamers....And yet, the thought of selling a game for a profit to have more money to purchase games and save some of your money is somehow shocking to you people. 


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There are few types of people in the LRG thread.

  1. [SIZE=11pt]Those that want a physical copy to play (Digital may not be an option or simply prefers Physical)[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=11pt]Those that want a complete/collector's set (Vita/LRG for example)[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=11pt]Those that wishes to support the Developers and or LRG[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=11pt]Those that want to resell[/SIZE]

Resellers are somewhat frowned upon here, since you are essentially taking a copy purely to sell with no intentions of playing said game. I do not mind resellers unless they go and buy 10 copies. Some of them do brag about being able to snag a bunch of copies as well just to add salt to people's wounds.

If anybody wants to correct me or add to this, please do. Time for bed.

Thinking Trade my Sealed Copy Breach & Clear (Vita) for Dariusburst CE on PS4!  I kinda shocked Crazy insane price for Breach & Clear Vita on Ebay price!

Yeah it sucks on the outside looking in, but theres nothing inherently wrong if he purchases a game within the set quantity limits with the intent to resell.

Who said anything about retiring? Jeez....people so touchy on here.
Honestly, I thought your question was fine, but I just don't know enough info to answer it correctly. Outside of the few games I bought a second copy of and sold in the past, I don't normally look at going rate prices for these games, as the ones I have are to play, collect, or whatever.

I sold my extra B&C for probably $45-50 pretty early on, and didn't know the price was insane until it was mentioned here, as I haven't looked in to selling my personal copies.

As far as your flaming goes, lesson learned correct? Now you see who and what your dealing with here, so post future questions at your own risk. LOL

First-time poster....go easy on me!

Just discovered LRG a couple months ago and love their concept. Waiting for Salt&Sanctuary Vita physical release. But I also see that re-selling limited run games is a great investment too. Just curious (if I may ask): which LRG platform has better selling value on the open marketplace....PS4 or Vita? Does it just depend on the title? Thanks....
Welcome to CAG, you'll fit in well here.

Any info if LGR allows add-ons to orders now? I contacted them a few months back about paying the money to upgrade my skullgirls order to a shipping box rather than a bubble mailer. They said they couldn't do it yet but they might be able to by the time the game ships. It sucks the game has been delayed but it's understandable but I'd really like to put my order in a box if I could.
It will ship in a box by default, so no worries there.
Who said anything about retiring? Jeez....people so touchy on here.

Some of those games re-sell for more than twice their value, if you bother to notice. If you buy a $100 game (special edition) and sell it for $250 (as I've seen on EBAY), you may not care but I promise you, others do. Yeah, some of the LRG's don't seem to fetch a lot more on the open market but many do.

If you don't care about the re-selling aspect of LRG's, fine. But pretty childish to rip on those who do. And it's pretty hilarious that we're on "CheapAssGamer", a site devoted to budget-minded gamers....And yet, the thought of selling a game for a profit to have more money to purchase games and save some of your money is somehow shocking to you people.

People here are well aware of all of the aftermarket values and opportunities you've mentioned. Most of us have been around since LRG first started up. I think we all understand the reselling possibilities.

Given that you are a brand new member who joined last week and has 3 posts to your name as of this writing, the part I'm not sure you understand yet is the CAG culture. The idea and principles you are promoting are well in line with a site like slickdeals, where everyone purchases en massse, scalps on ebay, rinse, and repeat. Nothing inherently "wrong" with that, it's capitalism and as you said, it earns you money to buy more of whatever else you want. Here at CAG though it's about games and for gamers first and foremost, and finding a deal and posting it means helping fellow gamers get something they want to play or collect at a cheaper price, versus promoting a scalper culture of quick turn around buying and reselling.

People here discuss gameplay, the industry, developers, finding deals, and the joy of gaming. And while there are a few people in our community who are heavily focused on flipping and reselling, most have learned to understand the value of our discussions. You won't find people here talking about buying 18 gallons of mispriced laundry detergent at Wal-mart, but you will see people excited about sharing a good gaming deal they found. Not trying to be a dick, just trying to help you get a feel for the way things are here.

"So it says here on your resume that you 'flipped and resold videogames' for a living. Can you explain how that worked and what experience you gained that could apply here?"

This site, and this LRG forum in particular, has mostly gamers and collectors.  Flippers make the lives of collectors and gamers living hell.

You are the competition, the enemy, the reason shit sells out in 3 seconds and the reason preorders generally don't exist anymore outside of those 3 second windows. You are the reason it's exceedingly difficult to wait for sales because the potential to go on sale at a later date is constantly haunted by the spectre of being sold out before it can be out that long. You are the reason we are sleepless and have to stay up till 3 AM F5ing retailers in fear of our collections being forever incomplete. You are the reason we have to constantly order multiples of something as insurance because with items sold out all the time just to flip the receipt on ebay, we can't rely on being able to exchange them after the fact because there are no more.

Collectors are a very driven and passionate goal oriented bunch, and people like you insert your uninvited slimy asses between them and their goals. You are the unwanted sand in vaginal lube that exists for no other purpose than to make other people's lives miserable.

fuck eBay.

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I disagree. I think resellers provide a valuable service for *some* collectors. First, almost certainly print runs are higher to account for resellers. It's fallacious to assume that without resellers, you'd be able to get these games more easily; they could sell out just as quickly because of lower print runs. The economics and optics of this are complex. Second, it provides an opportunity for those who missed out on the narrow availability window to get a desired item. It may strike people as deeply unfair that this is only available at inflated prices, but I think that's preferable to no availability at all.
But I also see that re-selling limited run games is a great investment too. Just curious (if I may ask): which LRG platform has better selling value on the open marketplace....PS4 or Vita? Does it just depend on the title? Thanks....
I didn't see anyone actually really answer the question, so I'll take a stab at it. The only way to really tell well what sells or doesn't is to make yourself a list of every LRG game and go look at the completed listings on ebay to see what sells and what doesn't sell for a profit. You'll need some extra info to calculate what the seller pays in ebay and paypal fees to sell the games to determine if there even is a profit. Finding a pattern will be a good start. No pattern though is perfect. Some games are ultimately garbage and won't sell for a profit even if the print is slightly lower than other games. But if the print is low enough (say 1500) then all the rules go out the window as garbage will sell at a nice profit with those low numbers. Many games DO NOT SELL FOR A PROFIT near launch and some wont even sell for a profit if you hang on to them. Vita does tend to be more popular, but there isn't a simple rule for what will or won't do well for reselling.

IF I were you I wouldn't bother doing it. Why? Most of the games these days don't flip well in the short term. The ones that do flip for a profit in the short term are typically the really good games or games with really super low prints. Determining what is a really good game and which ones will resell is a challenge. The only way to make really great money is to really figure out what will hold and gain in value and hold on to it until the market reaches a high point too good to resist. This may easily take a year! Is it worth waiting that long for that payout knowing you could be wrong and it actually never make a profit? The overall long term market is fully dependent upon buyers as well. Once the buyers go away then the market price will crash. Vita games aren't going away right now, but the market is ever shrinking and that includes the list of games available to publish. I think very few of the LRG games that have managed to gain in value will hold that for the long haul. So figuring out when to get out is hard. Then there is the actual market itself which is full of scammers ready to take advantage of sellers that aren't prepared to really fight it out. Knowing how to handle all of these people and protect yourself is a huge headache. Sure you may make $10 here and there but then you get scammed for $40+ after the intial cost, ebay fees and paypal when someone files a claim against you. So is it worth doing? Maybe not. Me personally, it's definitely not worth it since most of the games published I don't see even the value in outside of a massive sale on PSN. Some games just are better as a dirt cheap digital purchase. Thomas Was Alone is a good example. Fun short game but ultimately not something I need to play over and over. So I simply buy only what I want for my own game library.

LRG makes it clear that they want flippers buying games. They make the rules and as long as you stick within the rules as far as quantities go... it should all be ok. MANY regulars in this thread are known for buying multiple copies and list the extras on ebay or flip them to other people in a trade to help when they miss a title. All of these people that take extra copies are ultimately making it harder for everyone who just wants one copy of the game for their own game library. There's a certain amount of double standard that applies here. Ultimately, this is CAG and if you talk Flipping it's generally bad because usually the really dedicated flippers aren't going to follow the rules and will find ways to circumvent because their goal is just to make money... not to actually play games.

The thing that kills me about when people bitch about flippers and resellers on LRG games is the fact that all of these games be downloaded digitally for less anyway. If you truly just want to play the game then you'll get a digital copy and save yourself money and hassle. I personally collect and want the physical versions. Ray Gigant is a great example, I want a physical copy of the game and not a digital one because digital isn't something I can show off on my shelf. I've cut back on LRG games and as much as I want Ray Gigant I may have to pass just because I want Darius Burst that much more and it's a full priced release. 

all of these games be downloaded digitally for less anyway.
While I agree with most of your post, they are not all available. The whole reason I bought Dragon Fantasy TBTOI on Vita from LRG was because the Vita version wasn't on PSN in the USA. We got the original Book II version on Vita before all the tweaks and fixes. So, yes you could buy it on other platforms for much less digitally, if you wanted to play it on Vita then the only option was to create an EU PSN account or get the LRG version. Still, these cases are far and few in between. Most of the games LRG publishes have either had MASSIVE discounts when on sale on PSN or were free on PS+... and pretty much all of them are cheaper than LRG releases digitally even at full price.

As for those that won't buy digital games, that's ultimately a personal problem. It may make these LRG releases much more important to them, but it doesn't change the fact that like you said there are other options to play these games on the platforms they want for much cheaper.

I just got Ray Gigant digitally at a super cheap price thanks to a sale. I still need to play it to see if it's worth adding to my physical library. The feedback on it was kind of mixed so I'm not sure it'll make the cut.

i think im going to stop collecting when DariusBurst hits. gonna break my streak. costs too much. and i understand it costs a lot by itself on psn at regular price.

The thing that kills me about when people bitch about flippers and resellers on LRG games is the fact that all of these games be downloaded digitally for less anyway. If you truly just want to play the game then you'll get a digital copy and save yourself money and hassle. I personally collect and want the physical versions. Ray Gigant is a great example, I want a physical copy of the game and not a digital one because digital isn't something I can show off on my shelf. I've cut back on LRG games and as much as I want Ray Gigant I may have to pass just because I want Darius Burst that much more and it's a full priced release.
This is a dumb argument. It could literally apply to almost any item other than the sheer basics of human survival. I mean people are buying LRG games in large part because they enjoy the experience of physically owning something. It's like saying people have no right to complain about concert ticket scalpers because chances are someone will post a video of the concert on Youtube at some point. Downloading a game does not provide the same experience people are looking for when they buy physical copies of LRG games.

Thank you, Chrislaustin and DeadBatteries for having some class and not following the "flame herd" against me.

I AM a diehard gamer, in addition to what I mentioned about re-selling. I only noticed how much LRG's are marked up after release because I was trying to buy one to play. The fact remains that these games ARE also investments, despite what a previous poster said. Why can't I be both? A gamer and someone who doesn't mind making an occasional profit.

Any legal way I know to put more bucks in my pocket to buy more games I want to play....what's wrong with that? Isn't that why all of us are here?

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I buy these LRG games not to play. But just to put on my shelf and never play. And then when I want to play something, I'm just going to stare at them and lament on how I have nothing to play

Sorry for the double post (don't see a way to edit via mobile) but thanks to NightC1 for the in-depth information....appreciate it! As a casual observer on EBAY for LRG's that sell, it seems to vary widely what sells the most. Shocked to see a game like Oddworld going for well into the $100 range. There are other games I'd consider less popular that have "flipped" for a big profit also. I probably would only consider selling special edition titles but we'll see.

Thanks for the info!
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I AM a diehard gamer, in addition to what I mentioned about re-selling. I only noticed now much LRG's are marked up after release because I was trying to buy one to play. The fact remains that these games ARE also investments, despite what a previous poster said. Why can't I be both? A gamer and someone who doesn't mind making an occasional profit.

Any legal way I know to put more bucks in my pocket to buy more games I want to play....what's wrong with that? Isn't that why all of us are here?
Allow me to retort. For starters, no, that's not why all of us are here. Paying less for video games is why all of us are here. (on these message boards) And by it's very nature, the practice of flipping games makes purchasing games more expensive. A flipper takes advantage of unusual scarcity in order to artificially drive the price of a product much higher than was originally intended. They go out, take advantage of good deals with finite limits (physical products) and turn them into bad deals.

As to games being investments, as well as an entertainment medium to enjoy, permit me to impart the same thing I've heard from every long-term game collector/flipper. Games are a terrible investment. If you are looking to get value back from what you spend your money on, there are a million other things you could be buying that would give you a better return. As far as investments go, video games are one of the worst possible things to be dumping your money into. And if they were being honest, most aggressive flippers would admit that they already know this. This is why you don't see most flippers sitting on their boxed copies for long periods of time. No, they go out and flip deals in the short term in order to make quick cash and take advantage of unusual scarcity. They only care about short-term gains, not long-term investment.

This is the attitude that infuriates a lot of the CAG regulars. We are out there looking for good deals on games. But aggressive short-term flipping just takes good deals, and turns them into really bad deals. It is actively destroying a finite number of opportunities that CAG regulars could be taking advantage of. You can understand how that sort of thing would not be popular around here.

Thanks also to CSBaker and JoshTX for the tips. Being that I'm new to this site and forum, I figured my question was ok to ask. I read the site's rules and they say as long as you're not advertising something for sale personally, its fine.

I am as big a gamer as anyone so my initial post may have given people here the wrong idea. The re-selling was simply something I'd always been curious about and when I saw this LRG thread, I figured it was the place to ask.

Thanks to those who've been understanding.
Allow me to retort. For starters, no, that's not why all of us are here. Paying less for video games is why all of us are here. (on these message boards) And by it's very nature, the practice of flipping games makes purchasing games more expensive. A flipper takes advantage of unusual scarcity in order to artificially drive the price of a product much higher than was originally intended. They go out, take advantage of good deals with finite limits (physical products) and turn them into bad deals.

As to games being investments, as well as an entertainment medium to enjoy, permit me to impart the same thing I've heard from every long-term game collector/flipper. Games are a terrible investment. If you are looking to get value back from what you spend your money on, there are a million other things you could be buying that would give you a better return. As far as investments go, video games are one of the worst possible things to be dumping your money into. And if they were being honest, most aggressive flippers would admit that they already know this. This is why you don't see most flippers sitting on their boxed copies for long periods of time. No, they go out and flip deals in the short term in order to make quick cash and take advantage of unusual scarcity. They only care about short-term gains, not long-term investment.

This is the attitude that infuriates a lot of the CAG regulars. We are out there looking for good deals on games. But aggressive short-term flipping just takes good deals, and turns them into really bad deals. It is actively destroying a finite number of opportunities that CAG regulars could be taking advantage of. You can understand how that sort of thing would not be popular around here.
Sorry for the double post. Not used to doing all this on mobile....still learning my way.

Makes sense. Appreciate the insight. I certainly didn't mean any offense to anyone here and I do not want to negatively affect the market for other gamers. I was just curious because it was kinda shocking to me that a game would sell on LRG for a certain amount and then be available the same day for twice the amount. I am not a "flipper" but someone curious about the process who was considering trying it in a limited way (so to speak) to have some extra bucks. I'm also dying to get "Salt & Sanctuary" to PLAY, believe it or not. I suspect many get one copy to play and one to maybe sell?

As someone here mentioned, re-selling seems like a pain also. Yes, lots of scammers on EBAY and it's not worth the hassle to deal with their garbage. The thought of trying to "flip" a special edition that I'd have to buy for the neighborhood of $100 and have a good experience? Seems kinda risky.
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Being within the rules is all well and good. But just sticking to that criteria isn't going to make you any friends. It is okay to ask. But there are quite a few people who are going to look at you funny, especially in this thread. Limited Run Games has been taking steps to cut down on the number of resellers attempting to flip their stock on eBay. If you had actually followed this thread for any length of time, you would see that such practices are generally frowned upon. LRG's sales frequently have hard and low stock limits, to prevent anyone from stockpiling a lot of copies. Each profile is only allowed to purchase one or two copies of a game normally.

If you want advice on games that are likely to resell, that is easy, so long as you have some manner of long-term experience watching the industry. Oddworld isn't an unusual scenario. It is a critically acclaimed re-make of a critically acclaimed title from a well-known developer with a dedicated fan-base with multiple decades of history behind it. It is a strong, established brand. The after-market demand for a title like that is simply going to be higher, and will increase with the amount of exposure that the title gets. The current Suikoden series goes for crazy amounts of money for a similar reason.

One of the easiest ways to "flip" a title is to look for a critically-praised title that had middling to poor sales initially, but is scheduled to get a digital release in the near future. The price of second-hand titles frequently spikes after a digital release, as the digital release usually expands awareness and exposure for the brand. This usually tends to increase the demand for physical copies, as opposed to decreasing it. (as many suspected it might do)

LRG releases frequently represent an inverse scenario to the digital release price spike I mentioned. Most LRG games start off as digital exclusives, and are getting their first and often times only physical release on LRG. And the reason for the same-day price spike on eBay is also not hard to sort out. It's right there in the title of the service. Limited Run Games are limited. We are dealing with a small, finite supply of copies that won't be getting a second printing. The average commercial release is normally measured in the tens of thousands at minimum. Often they go as high as multiple millions of copies. LRG games top out around seven thousand for their very largest runs. Five thousand is much more regular, and some even have as few as three thousand copies. Every single release is harshly supply constrained, right from the word go.

Short-term supply constraints are normally where you see these ridiculous eBay prices happening. It's why the flippers and scalpers show up in force for every video game system launch. For a brief window, they know that there is going to be supply shortage, and some crazy enthusiasts on-line will be willing to pay too much for a product. With LRG releases, this kind of situtation happens for every single release. They're all limited, so they are basically collectors items right out the door.

Some of the shine has started to wear off, thankfully, so this frothing demand is going to be somewhat reduced. You see it here on these boards. The hunger to have a complete LRG set is starting to abate, and even some of the biggest fans are starting to skip some titles. LRG's business model has been reasonably successful. They aren't drowning in cash, but they also haven't gone out of business. It means that their model is likely stable enough to be sustaining. And that means that the overall total number of LRG titles will constantly grow.

The thing to really worry about is if their business model ever fails, and they close up shop. Because as soon as that happens, every single LRG release would double in after-market value overnight.

There's a big difference between mentioning that you're selling something, versus trying to initiate or facilitate an environment that both encourages and perpetuates the discussion of flipping.  The latter is not appreciated on CAG (in most threads).  People here prefer to have more community members that want to help one another out with hookups and deals. 

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I went from supporting LRG, to wanting to have a complete collection, to missing Soldner X, to apathy, to I want Ys and Ray Gigant.

Been thinking about selling my Breach and Clear since I gave up on a complete collection.

I started off buying everything LRG released, but at a certain point it stopped making sense buying both versions of the dual-platform games.  So now I'm sticking with a complete Vita collection + the PS4 only games. 

It's false to assume that someone buying two copies means one less copy for a "true" collector. LRG sets its print runs based on total anticipated sales. That means more overall copies are in circulation due to resellers and traders than would be otherwise. Ultimately, that moderates market price to some extent. And keep in mind that it's in LRG's best interest to have these sell out quickly. Their entire business model is focused on cultivating and feeding a mentality of immediate purchase.
I started off buying everything LRG released, but at a certain point it stopped making sense buying both versions of the dual-platform games. So now I'm sticking with a complete Vita collection + the PS4 only games.
Nice, I'm going the exact opposite all PS4 games + Vita only games.
I went from supporting LRG, to wanting to have a complete collection, to missing Soldner X, to apathy, to I want Ys and Ray Gigant.

Been thinking about selling my Breach and Clear since I gave up on a complete collection.
I'm interested in your copies of Firewatch and Shadow Complex if you have both and decide to sell.

I may also be interested in Breach and Clear as well as Deadline if you have it.

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"So it says here on your resume that you 'flipped and resold videogames' for a living. Can you explain how that worked and what experience you gained that could apply here?"
There are people who make 6 figures flipping houses. They also have their own tv shows. You can also youtube videos of people who flip a multitude of things and then brag about their income. I'm not sure what world you're living in but flipping in any industry is fairly lucrative. To the point where you don't need to get a primary job.

Thank you, Chrislaustin and DeadBatteries for having some class and not following the "flame herd" against me.

I AM a diehard gamer, in addition to what I mentioned about re-selling. I only noticed now much LRG's are marked up after release because I was trying to buy one to play. The fact remains that these games ARE also investments, despite what a previous poster said. Why can't I be both? A gamer and someone who doesn't mind making an occasional profit.

Any legal way I know to put more bucks in my pocket to buy more games I want to play....what's wrong with that? Isn't that why all of us are here?
You're a diehard gamer yet you need people to give you advice about what games to buy as well as "collect" that will make you money and are worth the investment. That's quite the interesting definition of a die hard gamer. You should really stop adding salt to the self inflicted wound you created and just contribute to the community instead of digging for gold on a forum about cheapassgames.

Flipping shows for major investments like houses and cars aren't entertaining because of the deals. People like watching those because of the alterations that are made to the product in question. The participants purchase a good, and then improve on the good, with an eye to how much those improvements cost, so that they come away with a net profit. A lot of thought has to go into what they do, how it will affect the final product, and how they balance the overall budget. How all of this comes together makes an interesting experience that can be a lot of fun to watch.

Reselling games has none of that. None. You buy a game, you go out and sell it to someone else, without making any changes. You don't do anything to improve the product to boost its value. It's just the bare minimum of buy cheap, sell dear. It's roughly comparable to stock trading, but with video games. You know what isn't fun to watch? Stock trading, that's what. I understand that some people get a thrill from stock trading, but no one would want to watch a show about that sort of investing. It just isn't entertaining for most people.

That's part of the reason why so few people here like to hear about that sort of short-term flipping. Bragging about such practices just makes you seem like you're a deal-ruiner. No one is impressed or entertained by the money you managed to make by picking up a bunch of copies of a game on sale and throwing them at GameStop, or putting them up for auction on eBay. You might find it thrilling, but no one else is going to appreciate it. It's boring on the face of it, and will just remind us of who we have to blame when we can't find those deals ourselves when we go out looking for them. If you want to do it, that's your business. But no one should come on these boards bragging about such achievements and expect to find a receptive audience. This is the wrong place to be touting such exploits.

bread's done