GOG Deals Thread

I voted for Superhot because I am, in fact, an awful person.

Go ahead, heap all your ridicule and scorn upon me. I probably deserve it.
Hey everyone, get a load of the awful person over here! I bet he puts pineapple on his pizza and still uses optical drives.

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Pinapple on a pizza is perfectly fine. Candycorn is not. Also, vote shadow warrior2 because I don't own it and I don't care about Firewatch.

I voted for Superhot because I am, in fact, an awful person.

Go ahead, heap all your ridicule and scorn upon me. I probably deserve it.
That was SuperNOT cool of you.

If SW2 wins, are they really going to give a copy to everyone who claims it? I wonder if there might be a "limited quantities" condition.

SW2 hasn't been bundled yet and it's lowest price on GOG and Steam has been $16 (60% off). If Devolver gives it away for free that will be amazingly generous of them, since they'd be forgoing a nontrivial amount of future sales from deeper discounts (albeit on GOG only).

Getting SW2 on GOG for free will make me feel slightly better about missing that Steam complete-a-collection glitch in which people got the game for $4 or $5. ;)

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GOG Collection 2 is pretty good value. Three, not so much.
KC:D seems like the real value and deal here, TBH.

KC:D hasn't even been below $36 (before vouchers) - https://isthereanydeal.com/game/kingdomcomedeliverance/info/

Looks like it can go from 39-108 hours, if you ask HLTB - https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=21697

Battle Chasers: Nightwar hasn't been below $12 - https://isthereanydeal.com/game/battlechasersnightwar/info/

Looks like it can go from 27-59 hours, according to HLTB - https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=30017

Shadow Tactics has been bundled, was recently in the Humble Unity Bundle - https://isthereanydeal.com/game/shadowtacticsbladesofshogun/info/

Game runs from 24 1/2 to 39 hours, says HLTB - https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=38300

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"YAY" for free Shadow Warrior 2.

Was hoping that would win.

Actually, would've been better if they just gave us all 3 instead... ;)

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Shadow Warrior 2 won.

I'd have preferred Superhot, but I'm ok with SW2. I'm just glad that it wasn't the dumb walking simulator.
There are good ones. Like Gone Home, and this one. Voice acting and story are great. There's lots of context to the walking and a lot for your senses to experience. Highly recommend you give it a fair shot.
There are good ones. Like Gone Home, and this one. Voice acting and story are great. There's lots of context to the walking and a lot for your senses to experience. Highly recommend you give it a fair shot.

There are good ones. Like Gone Home, and this one. Voice acting and story are great. There's lots of context to the walking and a lot for your senses to experience. Highly recommend you give it a fair shot.
Walking Simulators should all be given a fair shot... straight out of a cannon.

Walking Simulators should all be given a fair shot... straight out of a cannon.
Fair enough. That's exactly how I feel about these grindy random encounter JRPG slogfests like Octopath Traveler. But...but...they're RETRO - that by default makes them amazing!

Need a term for those. Help me out. Graphically Interfaced Random Number Generator Simulators? No, no...but I'm close.

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You picked the wrong person to get into an angsty "oh ya well ur games suk 2" argument with. Mooby only likes Blizzard games.

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Thinking about buying the third tier anniversary bundle. But I already own Shadow Tactics on GOG. Supposedly you get a gift code for any game that you already own. Would anybody be interested in buying that gift code for $5?

Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition joins GOG and its DRM-FREE Club.
News - https://www.gog.com/news/release_neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition
GOG Page for NWN EE (Regular) - https://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition_pack
GOG Page for NWN EE Deluxe (with ALL DLC's) - https://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_enhanced_edition_digital_deluxe_edition
If you buy NWN EE, you also get the NWN: Diamond Edition (old version) too.
Currently, NWN EE (Regular) is 25% off at $14.99 and NWN EE: Deluxe is 33% off at $33.85.
NWN: Diamond Edition (old version) owners on GOG (and you might want to check if you own it on GOG, as GOG did give that away for free in 2016) - you all get also an additional 25% off (Loyalty Discount) on top - which makes NWN EE Regular $9.99 and NWN EE Deluxe is $20.83.
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As pointed out Witcher 3 live concert is free right now.

Also Jill of the Jungle Trilogy is free and available here

I actually ended up beating Jill of the Jungle (the 1st one) in about 35 minutes or so. Here is a mini review:

Graphics: Honestly pretty good for the time. Jill looks like a pretty woman and is animated well. Also the levels have some nice graphics to them. 8/10

Sound: Very basic sounds for everything. The weapons make a sound when used and so do does Jill going through water and jumping. Also a really weird yeah voice effect when getting keys. The music is pretty good honestly though one of the levels did grate on me. Pretty good quality stuff. 7/10

Story: You are Jill and you go through the jungle. There is an animation at the end that shows some mystery, but that's mainly it. I did like the silly pop ups about platforming heroes like Mario needing to quit cause Jill is so awesome. Those were entertaining. 5/10

Gameplay/Fun Factor: I played this on a PS4 controller. There is only 6 main keys which are the arrow keys and left shift for jumping and left alt for using your weapons. They were binded to the controller and worked well enough. Even the keyboard wouldn't have been bad. Basically you enter a level from an overworld and have to get through each sometimes getting gems and keys which open areas. There are bad guys that can be vanquished with your weapon and apples to be eaten for points and health. It's simple but it works. The jumping is not super accurate though. It's a little floaty and somewhat stiff. Also it's impossible to hit stuff low to the ground with your starting weapon at least.

It was good quick platformer honestly. Not great by far like a Super Mario Bros, but very serviceable. I had fun with it and will play the other 2 chapters. 6.5/10

Overall I'd recommend it to old school 2D platforming fans, though the platforming has issues. It plays so quickly you'll likely be able to finish the trilogy in less time than a game of Super Mario Bros 3. I approve the game! 

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I don't know how, but Jill of the Jungle Goes Underground was worse than the first. There was a lot more obnoxious sound effects especially for jumping where it sounds likes Hulk landing after a jump.The game also became a lot more puzzle and maze like which led to easily 2 of the worst levels. They were garbage levels because of the unreliable weapon and jumping in one and the monotony in the other. Why couldn't they just stick to more basic platforming and killing some enemies to reach the level with a few jumping puzzles and switch puzzles. This one took about 45 minutes or so and was nowhere near as fun as the first. It's easily a 5.5 even cause of the very annoying jumping. It's so similar to the first but just worse. It just boggles my mind.

I'm likely playing the last cause after these 3 any 2D platformer will feel pretty good. So yeah that was my Jill of Jungle Goes Underground review. Same as the first but worse and with more out of place sound effects.

I have a question about gog and downloading their games. Can I download a game to my android phone and then transfer the data to my pc? For example, I noticed that each game in my library has 2 versions, the gog installer version and drm free version. Is the drm free version that you click download on in firefox on android going to download the entire game? I know this seems like an odd question but I have unlimited 4g on my phone and am currently limited to around 70KB/s on my pc.

update: It appears that the gog installer version of a game is just a few megabytes and I can't seem to run it on an android device to get the full download. so does the drm free version of a game download completely as a set of files that i can transfer to pc and install there?
I have a question about gog and downloading their games. Can I download a game to my android phone and then transfer the data to my pc? For example, I noticed that each game in my library has 2 versions, the gog installer version and drm free version. Is the drm free version that you click download on in firefox on android going to download the entire game? I know this seems like an odd question but I have unlimited 4g on my phone and am currently limited to around 70KB/s on my pc.

update: It appears that the gog installer version of a game is just a few megabytes and I can't seem to run it on an android device to get the full download. so does the drm free version of a game download completely as a set of files that i can transfer to pc and install there?

If your data plan includes mobile hotspot (or if your phone is rooted), consider using that to connect your PC to your phone's 4G connection and download directly to your PC.

As for me, I've not kept up closely with GOG and all the changes in the last 2-3 years. When they split up their bundled installers (e.g. King's Quest 1+2+3) in early 2015, I downloaded those before the changes. Since then I haven't really cared about downloading GOG games or goodies (IIRC on a few occasions certain bonus materials have been removed from download pages). In the last 2 years I've spent a grand total of $5.63 on GOG, but in that same time period I've added 100+ games for free from GOG Connect or their other giveaways.

It appears I have about 170 games that aren't backed up. Many of the older installers had one or more patches, so I don't really care about the separated installers if I were to update backups. IIRC GOG started sneaking Galaxy files into installers, then threw a bone to annoyed customers and added "classic" installers if you dug through a menu on the download page and changed a setting. Now it seems they show both the Galaxy and offline installers together.

Anyway, someone on the GOG forums wrote a script called gogrepo that will download a user's GOG library and look for changes. I might give that a try but I'd need to get a dedicated drive for GOG games. At this point I don't think I care enough to do that. If GOG ever shit the bed then I'd obviously want to have backups, but for the near future it's not a pressing concern. I've never bothered using Galaxy but I'd be fine with it for installing and playing games instead of using the offline installers.

rambling thoughts on the state of GOG:

I was a proponent of GOG developing a client over a year before they announced Galaxy. My idea was just a simple launcher with the option for direct installers, but more importantly some kind of integration with or similar to GameRanger that would make it easy for people to play old games online (e.g. Duke 3D deathmatches with other GOG players). As far as I can tell Galaxy doesn't have any multiplayer support for old games, which would be a shame since that could have been a huge selling point.

GOG built up tons of good will and trust in their early years, while in the past 4 years they seem to have squandered much of that (based on casually looking at their forums every few days). They make an announcement, users get pissed, GOG apologizes and does something to make it appear that they're listening to their users, then later on users realize that the unwanted change was inevitable. GOG seems to continually test how much their hardcore or longtime customers will tolerate, then when they reach the edge pull back ever so slightly.

From seven years ago - "We've always been about our core values: DRM-free games, flat prices worldwide, and extra goodies included in our releases."

They still have DRM-free games, at least. Years ago I believed GOG needed to grow and expand into newer games, especially indies (while many focused on Steam as GOG's direct competitor I felt it was Humble Bundle). GOG has clearly been successful in growing their business so they've done something correctly. Change and sacrifice were an understandable part of that process. However, it just seems like their website and overall infrastructure is a mess, albeit less than before. I suppose Galaxy is the best way to access and use GOG services at this point. I can't remember the last time I played a GOG game, though. Hell, I barely find time to play games from Steam.

What are the general thoughts on GOG these days?

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Anyone else having a problem with Connect not recognizing that you own Age of Wonders III?
Not with that game, but I did have an issue with it not recognizing my copy of Shadowrun: Dragonfall. After I hit the button to rescan my library it popped up within a half hour I believe.

Not with that game, but I did have an issue with it not recognizing my copy of Shadowrun: Dragonfall. After I hit the button to rescan my library it popped up within a half hour I believe.
I had the same problem with Shadowrun Hong Kong, and that worked for me.

Not with that game, but I did have an issue with it not recognizing my copy of Shadowrun: Dragonfall. After I hit the button to rescan my library it popped up within a half hour I believe.
It worked after a rescan. Odd, though, as that game has been in my library for quite some time.

bread's done