The Gamestop Thread

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Current Ad is 8/22 - 8/28/18
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How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
What do I need to trade in an older console?
The console, power cable, av cable, and controller. Sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3DS XL trade would be console, charger, and stylus. Some have reported being charged a refurb fee for missing the stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)
FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.
Does the Pro Membership B2G1 coupon apply to only games, or accessories as well?
The coupon applies to both games and accessories, per the wording on the coupon.
I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).
ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.

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I hope they aren't closing any more in the Bay Area near me, but I guess it doesn't matter much without the potential for flips anymore. I think I know the best store to pre order my PS5 at to be sure that it's still around when it comes out.

Not sure if we knew this. Earlier I cancelled a preorder from last year they couldnt cancel and let me buy a eshop card in the same transaction. Had to cancel to a GC and then in a seperate transaction apply the GC to the eshop card. The one employee said it was probably a preorder bonus.
I had this happen to me last month when i cancelled 4 old preorders, red dead 2, around that release time. the POS wouldn't let me buy psn credit, though it did let me preorder other games. like you the guy just did 2 transactions to get around it.

I had something longer typed, but I'll juts keep it short. Camelot broke the news about the DL/RL purge in the sense that he reported it before the Kotaku/Polygons did. He didn't claim he called it before it happened (not that I can find at least). He did predict not only the corporate firings, but also the DAY they would be happening, and he did it on youtube many days ahead of time. No one knew about those but him.

Phase 3 he said would be GS closing about half their stores over this next year. They already closed a decent sized amount in December (which is crazy in itself in retail) and if they really are about to close another 700-1000 that would put them on pace to do about what he said. It would also line up with what the company themselves said, which is that a "larger tranche" of store closings was to come, which is as close to admitting a plan like phase 3 was ever going to come from them ahead of time.

As far as I can see, Camelot's source has been accurate, and every day seems to prove them more and more right if anything.
Camelot is the next Nostradamus in the making.
Yep. I think almost all of their leases expire over a 2 year period. I know they want out of the mall locations.

It's all about reducing the expenses on their books right now, along with generating any cash flow they can.
Kind of curious, but why do they specifically want out of malls? I mean, I hate going into malls for 1 thing, but I would think that malls offer a lot of benefits like more consistent foot traffic and possibly cheaper rent (given how retail malls are dying faster than other types of retail spaces, I think).

Kind of curious, but why do they specifically want out of malls? I mean, I hate going into malls for 1 thing, but I would think that malls offer a lot of benefits like more consistent foot traffic and possibly cheaper rent (given how retail malls are dying faster than other types of retail spaces, I think).
The rent is actually much more on the mall locations. That's why some profitable mall stores are on the closing lists. They don't want those leases on the books anymore.

Kind of curious, but why do they specifically want out of malls? I mean, I hate going into malls for 1 thing, but I would think that malls offer a lot of benefits like more consistent foot traffic and possibly cheaper rent (given how retail malls are dying faster than other types of retail spaces, I think).
There's probably more lookey loos that don't buy anything compared to other locations where people go there specifically. The mall location by me is always packed by there's almost never anyone in line, it's strange.
I had something longer typed, but I'll juts keep it short. Camelot broke the news about the DL/RL purge in the sense that he reported it before the Kotaku/Polygons did. He didn't claim he called it before it happened (not that I can find at least). He did predict not only the corporate firings, but also the DAY they would be happening, and he did it on youtube many days ahead of time. No one knew about those but him.

Phase 3 he said would be GS closing about half their stores over this next year. They already closed a decent sized amount in December (which is crazy in itself in retail) and if they really are about to close another 700-1000 that would put them on pace to do about what he said. It would also line up with what the company themselves said, which is that a "larger tranche" of store closings was to come, which is as close to admitting a plan like phase 3 was ever going to come from them ahead of time.

As far as I can see, Camelot's source has been accurate, and every day seems to prove them more and more right if anything.
I'll start by referencing this video: - "I got the news out several days and (several weeks before Phase 2) before Kotaku or anybody else had it"

The news broke on the GameStop subreddit around noon on July 30th.

The video where he "breaks the news" wasn't posted until THE NEXT DAY, July 31st

Kotaku's article he says was posted "3 days after I did" was literally the next day:

The "Phase 2" Kotaku article was posted at 5:00PM on August 20th (though GI employees had been posting about it on social media earlier that day):

His video was posted 3 days earlier, on August 17th, which was considerably less than "several weeks" before Kotaku.

I assume he WAS contacted by someone after his doom and gloom videos started gaining traction, but while he gave him self wiggle-room with the "around August 21" line, he had some wild inaccuracies. He said the layoffs would affect most (then says half) of the corporate office. The layoffs only ended up affecting 14% of the staff, and he made no mention of GameInformer cuts (which ended up being the bigger story). He also mispronounces guillotine multiple times, incorrectly says GameStop has 7,000 stores when it's less than 5,800 worldwide, and claims "they are literally a day or two away from a bad decision and they are done" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

Phase 3 video

- Says DLs were asked to make a list of people they would like to keep after shit hits the fan, dramatic story of DLs locking themselves in rooms and not talking to anyone. Their turnover rates and treatment of employees already make this a joke.

- Says GameStop has 4,400 stores, and by the end of Q4, they will be closing over HALF, down to 2,000. Do you know when Q4 ended? It was 4 weeks ago. GameStop closed ~80 stores in December, which is not shocking because they close stores literally every year. []

So that leaves us with ~4,300 stores. Even if they do close 1k, that is still nowhere near what he said would happen, or when.

I'm still feeling the little 5mg Adderall I took, so I'm tempted to go through his later videos, but this is such a tremendous waste of time and I'm embarrassed I went this far.

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I'll start by referencing this video: - "I got the news out several days and (several weeks before Phase 2) before Kotaku or anybody else had it"

The news broke on the GameStop subreddit around noon on July 30th.
The video where he "breaks the news" wasn't posted until THE NEXT DAY, July 31st
Kotaku's article he says was posted "3 days after I did" was literally the next day:

The "Phase 2" Kotaku article was posted at 5:00PM on August 20th (though GI employees had been posting about it on social media earlier that day):

His video was posted 3 days earlier, on August 17th, which was considerably less than "several weeks" before Kotaku.
I assume he WAS contacted by someone after his doom and gloom videos started gaining traction, but while he gave him self wiggle-room with the "around August 21" line, he had some wild inaccuracies. He said the layoffs would affect most (then says half) of the corporate office. The layoffs only ended up affecting 14% of the staff, and he made no mention of GameInformer cuts (which ended up being the bigger story). He also mispronounces guillotine multiple times, incorrectly says GameStop has 7,000 stores when it's less than 5,800 worldwide, and claims "they are literally a day or two away from a bad decision and they are done" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

Phase 3 video
- Says DLs were asked to make a list of people they would like to keep after shit hits the fan, dramatic story of DLs locking themselves in rooms and not talking to anyone. Their turnover rates and treatment of employees already make this a joke.
- Says GameStop has 4,400 stores, and by the end of Q4, they will be closing over HALF, down to 2,000. Do you know when Q4 ended? It was 4 weeks ago. GameStop closed ~80 stores in December, which is not shocking because they close stores literally every year. []

So that leaves us with ~4,300 stores. Even if they do close 1k, that is still nowhere near what he said would happen, or when.

I'm still feeling the little 5mg Adderall I took, so I'm tempted to go through his later videos, but this is such a tremendous waste of time and I'm embarrassed I went this far.
CAMELOT is the MESSIAH OF GAMING [emoji2309][emoji2309][emoji2309]

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Everyone loves talking this doomsday shit but my local gamestop will be the last one standing lol. It's constantly busy. Its in a small city (one I'd barely call a city, population of 11k) and the only store around besides a pawn shop and Walmart. No matter what time of day there's always someone in there.

Considering the several trade ins I've sniped from the parking lot they always have an abundance of good stuff coming in too.

Ruined yardsales for me, the bastards.
I'll start by referencing this video: - "I got the news out several days and (several weeks before Phase 2) before Kotaku or anybody else had it"

The news broke on the GameStop subreddit around noon on July 30th.

The video where he "breaks the news" wasn't posted until THE NEXT DAY, July 31st

Kotaku's article he says was posted "3 days after I did" was literally the next day:

The "Phase 2" Kotaku article was posted at 5:00PM on August 20th (though GI employees had been posting about it on social media earlier that day):

His video was posted 3 days earlier, on August 17th, which was considerably less than "several weeks" before Kotaku.

I assume he WAS contacted by someone after his doom and gloom videos started gaining traction, but while he gave him self wiggle-room with the "around August 21" line, he had some wild inaccuracies. He said the layoffs would affect most (then says half) of the corporate office. The layoffs only ended up affecting 14% of the staff, and he made no mention of GameInformer cuts (which ended up being the bigger story). He also mispronounces guillotine multiple times, incorrectly says GameStop has 7,000 stores when it's less than 5,800 worldwide, and claims "they are literally a day or two away from a bad decision and they are done" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

Phase 3 video

- Says DLs were asked to make a list of people they would like to keep after shit hits the fan, dramatic story of DLs locking themselves in rooms and not talking to anyone. Their turnover rates and treatment of employees already make this a joke.

- Says GameStop has 4,400 stores, and by the end of Q4, they will be closing over HALF, down to 2,000. Do you know when Q4 ended? It was 4 weeks ago. GameStop closed ~80 stores in December, which is not shocking because they close stores literally every year. []

So that leaves us with ~4,300 stores. Even if they do close 1k, that is still nowhere near what he said would happen, or when.

I'm still feeling the little 5mg Adderall I took, so I'm tempted to go through his later videos, but this is such a tremendous waste of time and I'm embarrassed I went this far.
This is why I only wanted to type a little, so I wouldn't get drawn into this kind of time wasting back and forth. This is a mix of nit picking and inaccuracies. I'll just address the most relevant one, the Phase 3 part.

"Says GameStop has 4,400 stores, and by the end of Q4, they will be closing over HALF, down to 2,000. Do you know when Q4 ended? It was 4 weeks ago."

Your bolded quote is a misquote. He doesn't say BY the end of Q4, he says AT the end of Q4 they will be closing those stores. Phase 3 is being rolled out AT the end of Q4. Phase 3 is what we are in now, so if Q4 just ended then this newest announcement is basically right on time. The first small round of closings was the Dec-Jan ones, which was around 200 or maybe a bit more. If Gamestop is about to close another 700-1000 then that puts them on pace to close about half the US stores (which are the ones we are talking about) over this next year. This is Gamestop's "large tranche of closures" that everyone at the time claimed couldn't possibly be the Phase 3 Camelot had talked about for some reason.

Oh shit... a bunch of my limit buys executed this morning including 1 share of GME for $3.21

When stores are marked for closing they start by charging the full retail then an incremental discount starting at 5% and no other GS ad discounts like $20 for 4 will apply.  I better check out my stores!

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Still not sure where we're getting the 700-1000 figure from. I don't think anyone disagrees that GameStop is struggling and its business model won't survive in the long term, but I tend to believe the truth regarding closures/bankruptcy is somewhere in the middle. Considering there are over 200 districts in the country, they'd have to fire a whole lot more than 10 or even 20 DLs in order to reach that number. Furthermore, even if a store closes in every district, you'd only be looking at about 5% of the total footprint. You'd literally have to close 4+ stores per district in order to reach this figure, and there is only one response in the entire subreddit that mentions more than one store closing in their district. Most only mention one, and I heard that no stores in our district or any neighboring districts are closing. 

It's very possible that their plan is to close half of the stores over time, but the math certainly doesn't add up at least regarding this round of closings. 

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Got an email today that my home store is closing and they're having 20-40% off starting today. Guess I'll go check it out soon.
Everyone loves talking this doomsday shit but my local gamestop will be the last one standing lol. It's constantly busy. Its in a small city (one I'd barely call a city, population of 11k) and the only store around besides a pawn shop and Walmart. No matter what time of day there's always someone in there.
Considering the several trade ins I've sniped from the parking lot they always have an abundance of good stuff coming in too.
Ruined yardsales for me, the bastards.
You're the reason GS is closing, especially if the trade-ins were for phones.
Still not sure where we're getting the 700-1000 figure from. I don't think anyone disagrees that GameStop is struggling and its business model won't survive in the long term, but I tend to believe the truth regarding closures/bankruptcy is somewhere in the middle. Considering there are over 200 districts in the country, they'd have to fire a whole lot more than 10 or even 20 DLs in order to reach that number. Furthermore, even if a store closes in every district, you'd only be looking at about 5% of the total footprint. You'd literally have to close 4+ stores per district in order to reach this figure, and there is only one response in the entire subreddit that mentions more than one store closing in their district. Most only mention one, and I heard that no stores in our district or any neighboring districts are closing.

It's very possible that their plan is to close half of the stores over time, but the math certainly doesn't add up at least regarding this round of closings.
I haven't seen the 700-1000 figure with my own eyes either, so I'm withholding judgement still. But also keep in mind the GS reddit mods locked that thread, THEN deleted several posts from it. That could easily have been one of them.

It's clear than another round of some number of closings is upon us though. The prediction was (approx) half the stores in the US. Let's just go with that to keep it simple. If there were 4,400 at the start, then they need 2,200 to reach that. They closed about 200 in the Dec-Jan round, so let's say another 900 stores puts them at 1,100, which is half the number they need, and these new stores are closing by the end of April. That leaves another 8 months just in 2020 to close the rest, not count the end of Q4 2021. That's easily on pace.

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I haven't seen the 700-1000 figure with my own eyes either, so I'm withholding judgement still. But also keep in mind the GS reddit mods locked that thread, THEN deleted several posts from it. That could easily have been one of them.

It's clear than another round of some number of closings is upon us though. The prediction was (approx) half the stores in the US. Let's just go with that to keep it simple. If there were 4,400 at the start, then they need 2,200 to reach that. They closed about 200 in the Dec-Jan round, so let's say another 900 stores puts them at 1,100, which is half the number they need, and these new stores are closing by the end of April. That leaves another 8 months just in 2020 to close the rest, not count the end of Q4 2021. That's easily on pace.
I'm taking everything with a grain of salt because I can't see how the math adds up to 700-1000 closings in this round. They'd need to close several stores per district in order to reach close to this number. At least 40-50 DLs would have to be fired because that would roughly correspond to 20-25% of their entire footprint. Even the worst case scenario with this current district reshuffling (Which didn't happen because the majority of districts were not reshuffled at all according to the SL at my local store) wouldn't reach anywhere close to this number. It's looking a lot more like the December-January closings if anything.

Edit: I actually remember where the figure came from now. It was made early on in the thread and was by someone who wasn't an employee and didn't have anything to do with GameStop. I didn't think anything of it and dismissed it as conjecture. Either way, I don't even know if they were referring to this round because they didn't even specify a timeframe.

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Does anyone know if online returns count against a store's sales? I have probably 6-8 fake/broken/wrong region games I received as part of B2G2. I'd like to return them at one stop for convenience sake, but I'd hate to hit one location/employee for hundreds of dollars...

Here's some of the things i received:
- Obviously Fake HeartGold
- Obviously Fake SoulSilver
- Half decent Fake Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
- Korean version of Afrika for PS3 (It's called Hakuna Matata instead)
- Damaged/Broken Pokemon White 2
- A few other damaged/broken games

But I did receive a real SoulSilver with case and manual so not all is bad!!!
Got an email today that my home store is closing and they're having 20-40% off starting today. Guess I'll go check it out soon.
Same here, it sucks as I really liked the people that work there and royally hate the idiots at the next closest store. I'm kinda worried about what'a gonna happen to my Animal Crossing Switch now, I'm guessing/hoping it'll go to the next closest one
Does anyone know if online returns count against a store's sales? I have probably 6-8 fake/broken/wrong region games I received as part of B2G2. I'd like to return them at one stop for convenience sake, but I'd hate to hit one location/employee for hundreds of dollars...

Here's some of the things i received:
- Obviously Fake HeartGold
- Obviously Fake SoulSilver
- Half decent Fake Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
- Korean version of Afrika for PS3 (It's called Hakuna Matata instead)
- Damaged/Broken Pokemon White 2
- A few other damaged/broken games

But I did receive a real SoulSilver with case and manual so not all is bad!!!
Yes, they count against a store. What's most messed up is that BOPS and SFS no longer benefit them, so you're effectively hurting a store if you order something through BOPS and end up returning the item. One of the many reasons GameStop is a terribly run company.

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Yes, they count against a store. What's most messed up is that BOPS and SFS no longer benefit them, so you're effectively hurting a store if you order something on BOPS and end up returning the item. One of the many reasons GameStop is a terribly run company.
Sorry, what are BOPS and SFS?

Also, I'm assuming they'd give me credit for my broken/fake games which id just buy other games with. So wondering if that'd just be a wash.
Instead of closing rounds of stores and performing 1 to 2 month liquidations at each, they could consolidate most of their stores into a smaller number of larger (newer) stores.  The design could incorporate all versions of their current testing-concepts as one-stop gaming havens.  Additionally, each store's backend would be expanded, allowing small mini-warehouses for employees to more adequately (and accurately) handle customer orders and the increased amount of inventory each store would carry.

The resulting design would feel less claustrophobic, have plenty of room to display the variety of systems available (because we're including retro in this example), provide competent shipping centers (instead of over-worked employees trying to do it in their tiny little backrooms), and greatly reduce the yearly financial requirements of rental space.

Larger, "complete" one-sized-fits-all stores instead of the dumpy little mall and outlet hubs.

Sorry, what are BOPS and SFS?

Also, I'm assuming they'd give me credit for my broken/fake games which id just buy other games with. So wondering if that'd just be a wash.
BOPS = Buy Online Pickup in Store

SFS = Ship from Store

If you order online for in-store pickup, then it no longer counts toward the store's numbers. If you buy online and the product is shipped from the store, then it no longer benefits the store. The store essentially loses stock without making any profit if you deal with their website at all. I assume this is done to inflate GameStop's online traffic ("growth) at the expense of the stores. If you accept a return for credit, then the store will break even after you spend the credit. Either way, most employees will be more than happy to help you out considering the games you received are fakes.

Just came back from the store that was closing. They're having 30% off all games and accessories, 40% off collectibles, and 5% off on consoles
Just came back from the store that was closing. They're having 30% off all games and accessories, 40% off collectibles, and 5% off on consoles
This is the 2nd post you've made this morning about this without posting the location. It would be helpful to do so with your 3rd post.

Kind of curious, but why do they specifically want out of malls? I mean, I hate going into malls for 1 thing, but I would think that malls offer a lot of benefits like more consistent foot traffic and possibly cheaper rent (given how retail malls are dying faster than other types of retail spaces, I think).
Also historically enclosed mall stores get way fewer trades than outdoor stores.
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Anyone else had trouble with pre-orders lately? Went to pick up my pre-order of Mega Man Zero/Zx Legacy Collection for XB1 this morning and store said they didn't get any of their PS4 or XB1 copies in. Kinda pissed, gonna give it until friday til I cancel it and get the money back. But judging their site and Amazon, looks like something might be going on with that game.
Thanks for the heads up; I just put my copy I picked up on Tuesday on Amazon.
I've been buying Wii & Wii U games with the 4 for $10/$20 sales. Glad that this type of sales are continuing for the time being.

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I've been buying Wii & Wii U games with the 4 for $10/$20 sales. Glad that this type of sales are continuing for the time being.
I have pretty much picked up every Wii & PS3 CIB title around and I have like 10 stores I visit. It is hard for me to even find something not in my collection anymore, much less 4.
I have pretty much picked up every Wii & PS3 CIB title around and I have like 10 stores I visit. It is hard for me to even find something not in my collection anymore, much less 4.
I only have one GameStop store left out of 3. All of the Wii games are in paper sleeves, but most of the Wii U games still have the original cases to them, which is cool. Most games come out to be around $5-$10 each which is cheap.

Is anyone able to view their order history on the website? It hasn’t been working for me for the entire day.
Doesn't work for me.

Store close-ish to me is closing:
20% off new games and controllers
30% off pre-owned games and controllers
40% off pre-owned accessories
5% off consoles

Michigan Ave in Dearborn for anyone in Southeast, MI
Doesn't work for me.

Store close-ish to me is closing:
20% off new games and controllers
30% off pre-owned games and controllers
40% off pre-owned accessories
5% off consoles

Michigan Ave in Dearborn for anyone in Southeast, MI
Ah is that the store next to bd's and Starbucks? I lived in Dearborn for 6 years before moving to the other side of Detroit.

Made my rounds today to all 4 Gamestops within a few miles of me (3 of which are in the same 1 mile radius).

All of them are still safe from this round.

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