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Props to Cheapy for keeping the OP updated. :3
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If it wasn't mentioned on the product page during the preorder period then Best Buy passed on it.
It was mentioned on the product page and LRG confirmed that Best Buy was getting Blasphemous in a tweet on 1/30/20. But, it is odd that so much time has passed since LRG shipped their version and there has been no sign of it at Best Buy and they have yet to sell the alternate cover art. Best Buy was also up for "Stranger Things 3" which has shipped from LRG with no sign of a Best Buy release.

In the meantime, Ebay prices for Blasphemous resemble the old days when LRG product used to go for a premium on the secondary market.

So..... I guess I remain part of the problem since I was pre-sold on getting these, but, damn....  Can those steelbooks be any lazier?  And that cover at?  I don't know.   In the attempts to just not create replicas of the original releases, they go out of their way to make them worse.  

I am now wondering if the eventual PC releases of Monkey Island and Rebel Assault will use this style of CE packaging rather than the hard cases the Sega CD versions used.  



It's almost like *gasp* they're giving you a reason to spend more money on an edition with a steelbook!
Yeah, not spending $25 on random crap. I just want a game in a box that will look right lined up with my other games. At least the listing does say art subject to change. Of course it also says 2 to 4 months wait for the standard version after orders close. As is, I'm leaning digital now.

It was mentioned on the product page and LRG confirmed that Best Buy was getting Blasphemous in a tweet on 1/30/20. But, it is odd that so much time has passed since LRG shipped their version and there has been no sign of it at Best Buy and they have yet to sell the alternate cover art. Best Buy was also up for "Stranger Things 3" which has shipped from LRG with no sign of a Best Buy release.

In the meantime, Ebay prices for Blasphemous resemble the old days when LRG product used to go for a premium on the secondary market.
I thought the product pages had the disclaimer 'BB may not follow through with the order.'

It was probably just a small enough order that they can't list it on the website for preorder.
I'm assuming you haven't seen it pop up at your store yet, though. I check every time I go to a Best Buy (and I go to 1-2 weekly). Mine is unlikely to put it on the shelf, although "Wandersong" did make it out. Still, I've been to a couple of Best Buys that are better at putting stuff on the shelf and it still hadn't shown up. Plus, LRG usually lists the Best Buy cover sheet for sale around the time the stores get them and nothing on that front, either.

Also, nothing with alternate cover art is up on Ebay yet, either.

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It sure seems like the Psychonauts "variant" might actually be a reprint. Psychonauts shipped last year and the "variant" is still in manufacturing. I don't personally care (I bought the game the first time), but that seems like the kind of thing the community would normally be up-in-arms about. If nothing else, it certainly seems sketchy - they've made such a point of never reprinting games, but it seems like they're now willing to do it if there's another cover.

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It sure seems like the Psychonauts "variant" might actually be a reprint. Psychonauts shipped last year and the "variant" is still in manufacturing. I don't personally care (I bought the game the first time), but that seems like the kind of thing the community would normally be up-in-arms about. If nothing else, it certainly seems sketchy - they've made such a point of never reprinting games, but it seems like they're now willing to do it if there's another cover.
This was the response provided:
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I saw that, but I don't understand how a "planned variant" of a game they already sold printed at a later date isn't a reprint. It just seems shady to me.
Not to defend LRG, but I'm pretty sure that's how they have always done it(if memory serves correctly), as their variants have always had there own run, and was always offered separate to the standard releases at trade shows and such. They would normally post at some point they they planned to offer a certain variant, and whatever wasn't sold at the show, would then be offered later on their site.

I'm also pretty sure the variant run, was always a lot less than the standard release, as a way to keep the show variants more collectible and to bring foot traffic to their booth. They would also produce the variant at the same times as the standard, they just wouldn't offer it until later, as they had to have it in hand for the shows. So I'm pretty sure that's what he means when he says "planned", as it was done when the original game in question was also done.

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Y'all need to stop defending lrg on their bullshit, Josh is a money hungry piece of shit and if you haven't figured that much out your daft level is unrecoverable
Uh, I'm not really sure when stating something that is a "truth/fact" is defending someone, but maybe that comment isn't pointed at me, but who knows(or cares for that matter). As I've stated many times in the past, I've called them on their BS as much as I ever defended anything they have done. I also stopped supporting them with the last Vita title offered, which was back in December I believe. Stating something that is false, just to push a personal narrative is exactly why the country is in a tale spin, as our current president believes his own BS over scientific FACTS!

So if anyone here wants to HATE on someone, that's your right, but do it because of the "truth"(right reasons), and not some falsehood you believe is the truth. I also stated that's how I believe they always did it in the past(so I could be wrong), as no one ever complained before, not that I ever noticed anyways. LRG does plenty of shady shit, and that's why I personally stopped supporting them, but I'm also about the facts. And the way this variant is being handle, seems to me at least, is the same way they have always done it. So if no one has had a problem for years, why is the same practices now an issue? That's all I'm saying!

Y'all need to stop defending lrg on their bullshit, Josh is a money hungry piece of shit and if you haven't figured that much out your daft level is unrecoverable
I hear people talking shit on Josh all the time which surprises me. He seems like he's always been pretty transparent with his style. Doug always seemed cringy and childish to me, if you were choosing to critique the pair of them.
In the past with variants they were part of the initial print run, not a separate print run.  But ultimately the fact is everything LRG stood for at the start has been thrown out so I don't know why anyone expects any kind of standards from them anymore.  Intially everything was promoted as being made in America for the CE's and even throwing shade at PA for their cheap china stuff... it's now all made in china.  They said they wouldn't reprint games, yet they commonly reprint games now.  Even regular games they pre-purchase a batch and then do a second print to cover the rest of preorders.  As was the case as far back as Golf Story.  They wanted to do great indie games yet we still get those garbage Kemco games.  Whatever kool-aid you drank that convinced you these guys were ever your friends or that they were trying to make your life better by offering physical releases of digital only games... throw that out.  Heck they reprint classic games now too.  There isn't a thing left of the original LRG Ideal.. and that's ok... it was never sustainable as a 1200 print copy company once it grew employees and stopped outsourcing the shipping.

With that logic they can reprint everything with a variant cover and say it's not a reprint because the cover art is different.
Well, at this point, that could be 100% true, as I don't follow these guys like I used to, but the situation I described, they printed everything at one time, and stated as much. What they've been up to recently, or how that may have changed nightc1 post above is probably more accurate.

And like anything, we all have to decide what we personally find questionable, and in the past, this was never an issue for anyone here. We all knew there would be a variant, what size run and the trade show were it would be offered. The discussion at the time was that everyone offered unique items at trade show, to get foot traffic, so no one could really complain, as all major publishers do the same.

But if that has now changed, I can completely understand someones hate of the situation. My line in the sand was them just stretching out the last few Vita titles for no other reason than that they could. Most here only wanted to be done, and I'm guessing maybe they knew that and acted accordingly. So I made the personal choice to no longer support that kind of practice, while others don't care, and have stayed. Others left ages ago, for reasons that never bothered me, so I stayed, but I didn't hate on anyone for wanting to leave when they did, as their line just got crossed sooner than mine.

My lines for LRG have changed over the years... currently they are as such:

1. Will I get the game before I lose interest in it?

2. Will the game be complete on the cartridge/disc?

3. Am I a massive fan of the specific game or series that must own a physical copy?

I was burned on all 3 with Golf Story which made me define my current criteria for shopping with them.  Now, unless I can definitively answer yes to all 3 questions then I don't buy from them.  I am still confident they can deliver games... just not in a timely fashion so I can't risk buying something I'm only very interested in, I have to be serious that I can weather the months and will put the time in and play the game.  No more shelf decorations or ebay fodder.  I have a job and shelf space is for games I love.

I'm not done with them as a consumer and most companies I'd buy from for the right game.  But if the game isn't complete that's always going to be a deal breaker except on the absolute top games I love the most.  Which LRG won't get them anyway.

They've lost all good will with their pre-pay business.  My 2nd to last order took them 11 months to ship.   Their business has mostly been about Josh's hobby of getting to meet and work with high profile developers and publishers instead of focusing on high quality titles. 

Their customer service has gone to sh!t, that's for sure. Def has become nothing more than a cash grab of a company juicing collectors for every penny they can. So damn glad that SRG is getting Hotline Miami collection for Nintendo Switch instead of LRG!! I used to think highly of LRG but the way they handle customer service speaks volumes to what the company has become. Just another heartless corporate entity now imo.

Their customer service has gone to sh!t, that's for sure. Def has become nothing more than a cash grab of a company juicing collectors for every penny they can. So damn glad that SRG is getting Hotline Miami collection for Nintendo Switch instead of LRG!! I used to think highly of LRG but the way they handle customer service speaks volumes to what the company has become. Just another heartless corporate entity now imo.
Yeah, I was never blown away by their customer service, but I never found it to terrible either I suppose. Speed in getting replies could sometimes be quick, and other times take ages. In the end, I always got the problem resolved, but how we reached the finish line was different each and every time(some good, bad, and often ugly). LOL

Their customer service has gone to sh!t, that's for sure. Def has become nothing more than a cash grab of a company juicing collectors for every penny they can. So damn glad that SRG is getting Hotline Miami collection for Nintendo Switch instead of LRG!! I used to think highly of LRG but the way they handle customer service speaks volumes to what the company has become. Just another heartless corporate entity now imo.
I don't think their customer service was ever particularly great and there are times when it has been very responsive and times when it clearly isn't. Having said that, SRG has probably the worst customer service of any of the current US based limited companies. I mean if anything goes wrong, you are looking at weeks of delays to get anything done and you will probably have to escalate by going to social media. Their response to some issues has also been a bit shady in that when some customers received damaged items, they basically told them they were waiting to ship out unnumbered reprints of games that they initially claimed had a limited run. Heck, at their upcoming warehouse sale, they are claiming they mysteriously found 500 copies of The Messenger for Switch that had been printed for replacements.

Why is having replacement copies shady?
Because they weren't printed as part of the initial run like LRG allegedly does and counts in the numbers they disclose on their website. They literally were telling people they were waiting for the reprints to come in from the replication facility.

So there will be a additional limited edition of Streets not available today but made available to preorder when the game launches? Mildy annoying.
Yes, but you can wait to pre-order anything until you see the tricked out edition. The standard and classic are open pre-orders.

Still waiting on my Blasphemous CE. I'm guessing production is still delayed with COVID-19 but I'm too lazy to check the production page.

Damn, would've considered Divinity with GCU pricing, but not at full price, lack of shipping costs accounted for.
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I'm really surprised at Blasphemous's eBay prices considering it was an open preorder. Have any other open preorders been this expensive?
Mary Skelter 2 is another one but that wasn't made available at Bestbuy, so no surprise there. Not sure if 'very small amount' for Blashphemous means it won't go up on Bestbuy's site but only be made available in store.

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Mary Skelter 2 is another one but that wasn't made available at Bestbuy, so no surprise there. Not sure if 'very small amount' for Blashphemous means it won't go up on Bestbuy's site but only be made available in store.
I just preordered it for shipping off Best buys site this morning

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I'm really surprised at Blasphemous's eBay prices considering it was an open preorder. Have any other open preorders been this expensive?
I'm not real familiar with this game, but in the past, I've personally bought games or an item at launch, only to have the game or item gain popularity after release, and prices get insane rather quickly. Years ago when the first Dead Space launched, they offer a CE that was Xbox only, and I saw the game, thought it looked cool, and grabbed a copy. After the game launched, and the reviews were crazy good, the value shot up right away, and I finally sold it years later for about $1400 if memory serves.

Another good example was 999 on the DS, as it had a little buzz before release, but being a new IP it went under the radar. It had the watch from in game as a in store bonus, and very few were given out, due to lack of interest before release. So Aksys actually gave them away free on their site, you just had to pay 5-6 dollars to ship it, and I would buy a few each time I saw they still had stock, as no one was buying them. I had the game and thought it was cool, and those bonus watches had a real good quality, so I grabbed several. Then slowly, word of mouth built, and within a month, I was selling the few I had for about $70 a piece.

I don't know if that's what happened here, as I'm not familiar with this title, but stuff like that happens all the time, especially with new IP's.

I don't know if that's what happened here, as I'm not familiar with this title, but stuff like that happens all the time, especially with new IP's.
The game was released digitally and reviewed before LRG's open pre-order, so I don't think this is a case where the quality of the game was unknown before ordering. As someone who was in the market to buy it, I know I didn't order it because of the very high possibility Best Buy would carry it (since they had not passed on any title where LRG mentions them) and I had GCU at the time (it expired a few weeks before they finally listed it). I think this one may have been the first title where I've noticed a lengthy gap between LRG shipping the game and the game showing up in stores or online for pre-order. I know it got to the point where I started checking out Ebay since I have been questioning whether this was the first time a BB deal fell through (and recent Switch open pre-orders have made no mention of Best Buy, which was a good indicator that that relationship could be ending). I wasn't ready to fall for the current Ebay prices, but I do wonder how many others had planned on a BB purchase, decided it wasn't happening, then resorted to Ebay.

Now that we have a listing on, those Ebay sellers better get that $$$ while they can. Then again, I suppose it's possible it could go the other way and the prices could remain stable while the BB variant sells for even more once/if BB sells out - it likely has a smaller print run than the LRG direct version. Not that I really know why that matters since LRG is likely to sell the cover sheet, but I guess it won't be "sealed".

Indigo prophecy and blade runner? 4 or 5 months of me not buying a single thing from them to suddenly 2 games I want.

I've come to realize all I really want t from lrg is smups, older games, or collections of older games on playstation and occasionally switch. I dont care about anything else.
I'm not gonna lie. This is probably the best news I've heard from LRG in a long time. I loved this game back in the day and just recently played through it on the PC. I'm very interested to see what the enhancements are going to be.

Is Streets of Rage 4 the first open preorder with a limit of 3? I'm use to seeing the language of no limit and orders of 30 ship in the factory cases they receive from Sony. Disappointing that Best Buy won't be carrying this one. I wonder if there will be an Asian release.

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I haven't ordered anything from LRG since I think Salt & Sanctuary. Very tempted by Indigo Prophecy and may actually hop on that order train depending on price. What's the deal with the blade runner game? Never heard of it, which is surprising cus its a franchise I think is great
bread's done