Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I’m hoping that I did this properly: I purchased an Racial Justice Bundle to gift. Please DM me if you would like one. After I confirm with the first person that the link works, I’ll buy a few more and share them out to other people who DM me.

I hope that there are no issues with me making this offer. I’m just trying to help but will remove this post if there are any issues.
You're a good woman, Charlize Brown.

I actually finished categorizing every game in my Steam library to just 1 genre for now. Hopefully this will help me in future playing. For those curious I actually eliminated from playing 1655 probable bad games and 250 not playing games maybe cause they're superseded by a newer or more complete version, or frankly I just don't want to play it even if it has good enough grades. That's a whole lot of bundle garbage, dead multiplayer games, and maybe stuff that just doesn't work anymore on Windows 10. Took a heck of a long time, but I'm glad my Steam library is a lot cleaner looking now. I think i'll go back to the playing a few games most days for like 3 minutes or something just to get an idea of what I want to play.

I actually finished categorizing every game in my Steam library to just 1 genre for now. Hopefully this will help me in future playing. For those curious I actually eliminated from playing 1655 probable bad games and 250 not playing games maybe cause they're superseded by a newer or more complete version, or frankly I just don't want to play it even if it has good enough grades. That's a whole lot of bundle garbage, dead multiplayer games, and maybe stuff that just doesn't work anymore on Windows 10. Took a heck of a long time, but I'm glad my Steam library is a lot cleaner looking now. I think i'll go back to the playing a few games most days for like 3 minutes or something just to get an idea of what I want to play.
My dream is to do this for my library one day. Did you use that steam depressurizer?

When I did the same thing I used depressurizer to get a good start on the process just by letting it organize all uncatagorized games by review score.  It makes catagories using the same terminology on Steam so Overwhelmingly Postive, Mixed, etc.  Between bundles and whatever that site was that half of us watched stupid commercials on and shit to get free games, I have so much trash.  So that gets the most obviously bad games grouped together so you can ignore them all or save them for when the urge to play something awful strikes or whatever and then go from there. 

I started with the top reviewed stuff (overwhelmingly positive) and put them in the categories that made the most sense to me and worked my way down to mixed and scrolled through those and picked out ones I recognized and might actually play and anything below that can just be left in the void until I somehow run out of better things to play, 100 years or so after I die.

When I did the same thing I used depressurizer to get a good start on the process just by letting it organize all uncatagorized games by review score. It makes catagories using the same terminology on Steam so Overwhelmingly Postive, Mixed, etc. Between bundles and whatever that site was that half of us watched stupid commercials on and shit to get free games, I have so much trash. So that gets the most obviously bad games grouped together so you can ignore them all or save them for when the urge to play something awful strikes or whatever and then go from there.

I started with the top reviewed stuff (overwhelmingly positive) and put them in the categories that made the most sense to me and worked my way down to mixed and scrolled through those and picked out ones I recognized and might actually play and anything below that can just be left in the void until I somehow run out of better things to play, 100 years or so after I die.
I forgot the name recently too, but someone reminded me it was TremorGames

I did it one by one. I actually made sure every game was in my howlongtobeat list (about 85% were already). It was pretty much something mindless to do before I slept for quite a few days. depressurizer looks interesting though. I mainly just had like if it's an action game, shmup, FPS, RPG, simulation... blah blah. Every now and then I had no idea what to categorize something as, so I put it as other. I still probably will only be able to really play maybe like 50% of it, but it's a start. Some of the games I categorized and am playing haven't been very good so more will be joining my bad or not playing categories.

Seriously? How the hell do you take a song a song that's primarily about disappointment and disenfranchisement and completely invert it?
Some folks were born made to wave the flag; oh, the red, white & blue...

I bought the bundle and, since I'm sort of between games, decided to pick a game via random number generator on each page and try them out. Preliminary thoughts from the ones I tried last night:

Guppy: A "guppy simulator" where you swim around, eat bugs and wait to die. So probably pretty faithful to real life. Use two keys to swish your tail around and try to find food and avoid the big fish who'll chase and eat you. Hand drawn style minimalist graphics. Was amusing for maybe five minutes but gets samey real fast. Guppies probably feel the same way.

Keep It Together: Interact with people and respond to them in conversation. Answer correctly and you learn a little bit about them to help you next time. Answer wrong and build stress. After maxing your stress, you need to hold a key down the rest of the game, eventually turning it into a sort of Keyboard Finger Twister. Ultimately you'll explode into a swarm of rats. Did I mention that you're a swarm of rats in a trench coat trying to fool people into thinking you're human? Talk about burying the lede. This was fun except my old keyboard could only accept five keys held down before it stopped responding to my pressing conversation replies so I guess you need one of them fancy keyboards that lets you mash fifty keys at once.

Pet the Pup at the Party: You're at a house party but all you really want to do is find the host's dog and pet it. Run through a maze of rooms and dodge guests as you search for the dog before time runs out. You can "talk" to guests but it doesn't seem to actually do anything. Also, when you click to talk to someone, your hand does the petting motion so you wind up inadvertently pawing at hipster chicks. Was fun for a couple rounds; feels more like something you'd want to play with people watching or for a streamer. They should combine this with Keep it Together so you can be socially awkward at the party and explode into a swarm of rats all over their dog.

A Game of Changes: A puzzle tile game where you're Confucius wandering along, trying to collect I Ching symbols to open a gate to the next level. Slow paced and not very well animated but it might be fine if you like puzzle games. I'd try to say something more clever here except this was a pretty boring game.

Ecchi Sketch: This was a Visual Novel which isn't really my thing and still isn't my thing after clicking through page after page of plodding "story" about a lesbian who is supposedly unattractive but it's because she wears glasses and her hair in a bun. She meets another chick who gives her a job drawing smutty lesbian comics. The second chick is supposedly really beautiful which I guess is because her hair color is different and she's not wearing glasses. Will they find love? Lust? Something? I dunno, maybe. I didn't click enough to find out.

Fossil Hunters: Whack piles of sand, stone and, uh, other stone to uncover fossil tiles, brush them clean and assemble into skeletons. You have an anonymous benefactor who wants you to assemble certain combinations such as a skeleton with a head on each end and a skeleton with a crapload of spines linked together. I'm not sure if that's how paleontology works but I'll do it for the piles of dino-gold (?) and giant pink gemstones it gets me. There was some slight adventure aspects like needing to leap chasms or avoid falling stones but otherwise was pretty rote. I only made it to Mine #3 so maybe it gets more adventurous later on. Can be played in up to 4-player co-op and is probably more fun then, avoiding other players' cave-ins and getting through levels faster.

Out of the heap, I'd say Keep It Together is worth downloading if you have a keyboard that can handle it and Pet the Pup was fun for a little bit. Fossil Hunters might be fun with friends. Guppy, Ecchi Sketch and Game of Changes weren't really worth the minimal effort.

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Some folks were born made to wave the flag; oh, the red, white & blue...

I bought the bundle and, since I'm sort of between games, decided to pick a game via random number generator on each page and try them out. Preliminary thoughts from the ones I tried last night:

In between Division 2 and Division 2?

Sounds like some unique games. I actually went and played 7 games from my Steam library. These were mainly about less than 10 minute plays, but one was for a decent bit more.

8-Bit Commando - Played for 6 minutes. This one isn't terrible, but it felt like a low quality Contra game. The aesthetics and first stage look a lot like Super C mixed with maybe Contra 3. Honestly I didn't like the shooting in this one. Also on normal everyone's bullets went quickly towards me and killed me long before the level was over. I really didn't like this and was wishing I was playing Super C instead. 5/10

99 Levels To Hell - Played for 18 minutes. This one is a basic 2D platformer shooter where you try to get a key and get to the next level. I'm assuming there are 99 in all. It controls OK enough, though I find the jumping a bit floaty and the shooting slightly finicky. Still fun albeit very simple. Graphics are just OK as well. Nothing bad and nothing great. 6/10

A-Gents - Played for 6 minutes. Frankly this one sucked and controlled horribly. Bullets find you from anywhere and kill you quickly on normal difficulty. This is a top down shooter. Honestly the graphics were so-so, but I just became annoyed very quickly. I didn't have any fun really. 4/10

Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action! - Played for 18 minutes. Honestly this one was alright. The graphics and sounds were good and the premise is cool. You pretty much play a character who can go around jumping and dashing and such to beat up people into surroundings. The controls were OK though a little bit finicky now and then. Honestly what got me was how repetitive it was for the short amount of time I played it. Enemies were repeating a lot and some of the harder ones were interesting but were hp sponges. This one has potential, but I just got bored. 6/10

Action Henk - I enjoyed this a lot and after 4.5 hours I was pretty much done with the game. This game rocks  though my lack of grappling hook skills got me from completing the last world. I still had fun with it. Only negative is some ugly characters IMHO. Pretty much you choose a character and try to make it to the goal as fast as possible. Along the way are obstacles, ramps, and other things. You race against ghosts for whatever medal you want to try for. This one controlled well and looked really decent. If you want a fun game that you can play levels quick and a have a good time, get this one dusted off of your backlog. 8/10

Adventuring gentleman - Played for 5 minutes or maybe a bit more. Pretty horrible clunky jumping and shooting arena shooter where you take quests from the people in the lodge. The graphics were OK, but everything else about this one sucked. You just hold the button to charge and shoot your weapon. You also get upgrades after each level. 4/10

AIRHEART - Played for 1.5 hours. This one actually had me feeling the controls were wonky from the tutorial. Honestly in game they played OK enough. This one has a girl who wants to make a living sky fishing flying fish and has to face off pirates as well. You get fish and scrap materials, which earns money and parts for more weapons, airplane parts, etc... This one was actually a bit of fun, but became very, very repetitive. The crafting system also was very clunky. I liked the graphics in this one, but the music became kind of not so good at the 3rd level on. It's almost an action RPG farming up money and parts to eventually make it to the end I guess. Not bad, but not great. 6/10

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We've played Action Henk in a group before and that one is fun.

I played Gunman Taco Truck the other day and recommend it.  It's like a scrolling shooter and cooking game hybrid.  You're goal is to make it to Canada, you drive in between cities shooting zombies and creatures with your gun truck and collect their meat for your tacos.  When you get to a city you open up shop and have to fill customer orders to make money for gas, more ingredients, truck upgrades, etc. 

I haven't made it to Canada yet, but it's good enough that I'll keep trying.

Pretty much. No events and TU10 & Season 2 probably won't drop for another 2+ weeks.

Never a better time to play 1¢ indie games!
Its got to be a better use of your time than watching Star Trek Discovery... Like, holy shit, even after I convinced myself that it must be a third separate universe from the other shows and orginal movies (Prime) and the recent movie reboots (Kelvin) the show still manages to sabotage itself whenever it manages to get out it's own way and does something clever/interesting.

Anyhow, season 1 is finished.
Fossil Hunters: Whack piles of sand, stone and, uh, other stone to uncover fossil tiles, brush them clean and assemble into skeletons. You have an anonymous benefactor who wants you to assemble certain combinations such as a skeleton with a head on each end and a skeleton with a crapload of spines linked together. I'm not sure if that's how paleontology works but I'll do it for the piles of dino-gold (?) and giant pink gemstones it gets me. There was some slight adventure aspects like needing to leap chasms or avoid falling stones but otherwise was pretty rote. I only made it to Mine #3 so maybe it gets more adventurous later on. Can be played in up to 4-player co-op and is probably more fun then, avoiding other players' cave-ins and getting through levels faster.
Okay, sounds like your anonymous benefactor is Albert Koch.
Total War: Warhammer 2 is $16.99 at Gamesplanet. I've logged close to 100 hours in this over the last 3 weeks.
I can second this. If you've been wanting to get into a total war game I would give warhammer 1 or 2 a shot. They're both great fun and you can combine their maps into a giant map if you desire. I hope total war troy will be good, but its going to be hard to go back to other total war games after the diversity of warhammer.

I finished gears of war 4 on gamepass the other day. Pretty fun game even if you're mostly doing the same stuff level after level, plus the banter was pretty funny at times. I thought I remembered people having issues running the game, but I only had one crash towards the end which wasn't that big of a deal. Overall I would give it a 7.5 or 8 out of 10, definitely worth trying out if you have gamepass and are looking for something to play.
More bundle stuff:

CityGlitch: A puzzle game in the same basic model as Slayaway Camp -- shuffle your figure around the board trying to cross over and light up runes while avoiding skull-ghosts and flying spikes and manipulating cats into running defense for you.  I played the first ten boards or so and enjoyed it but man, is this game ugly.  Also, the High graphics version is even uglier than the Low graphics version due to some noise filter.  Pity, because the basic game play is fun.

Water's Fine: An arcade game that places you in the role of a diver, exploring the oceans for treasure (and air bubbles) while avoiding toxic seaweed and dangerous fish.  It looks and plays like a c.1990 shovelware title; plodding and ugly with black & white graphics that belong on a Gameboy.  Maybe it's "retro" but it doesn't feel nostalgic. 

Village Monsters: A pseudo-3/4s top down RPG with unattractive pixel graphics and uninteresting characters.  You're a human and awaken to find yourself in a village of friendly monsters.  But, to them, you're the scary one!  I know, you can't believe it, right?  I spent maybe 20min wandering around, talking to NPCs, catching bugs in a net and never once stopped being bored. 

Sewer Rave: Maybe I was hurting from Water's Fine & Village Monsters but I took a shine to this weird-ass game right off the bat.  Supposedly it's a real game but feels more like a surreal experience as you run through a crudely animated sewer full of even more crudely animated rats at a rave.  Pulsing dance beats surround you as you talk to partying rodents, collect cheese and fruit, run through some pretty weird rooms and try to figure out what's going on.  I have a feeling you'll either get into it or immediately hate it.

Test Tube Titans: Back in my Commodore days, a favorite game was Mail Order Monsters where you would start with a stock critter, genetically enhance it, fight in arenas, use the money to buy more enhancements, etc.  The elevator pitch for Test Tube Titans was similar so I was pretty excited to try it.  Unfortunately, the concept is immediately undercut by a lame 3D physics style where you have to move each leg and arm independently, watching your creation awkwardly shamble in circles when not falling over.  It's the Mail Order Monsters+QWOP mashup no one ever asked for.  Graphics aren't great and the default is an awful filter that the game helpfully informs you is part of its aesthetic (though you can turn it off).

Going through new pages in the bundle list on had me looking at games I'd already seen, making me wonder if it randomly sorts them each time you look at the bundle.  Also, the bundle comes with a bajillion one or two page mini-RPG tabletop systems so I kept having to pick a different title after my randomly selected one was actually either a PDF file or some game engine assets package.  Man,'s library management is awful.

I decided to play some stuff too. I also played Nightline which is 100% free currently. I also agree library management is awful and maybe somewhat am disappointed I have so much more junk clogging it now. I already clogged it up before when games were given away to help dealing with social isolation.

Interactivity: The Interactive Experience - This one has you going around interactivity exhibits in a museum and figuring out how proceed to eventually not push a big red button that is the last exhibit. I had to look up a video guide on one puzzle as I couldn't find clues to solve it but did finish the game once. Nothing great, but it had some OK narration at least. 6/10

Nightline - It's just you in a night time rail line able to walk around 1 car in a rail and looking out the window and seeing the scenery. Honestly it helped me fall asleep as nothing happens and it's just their to relax you I guess. I disliked the graffiti covering up the windows making it harder to see the ever repeating scenery. somewhat relaxing/10

Pet the Pup at the Party - Was as expected.  Just a simple light game about rushing through rooms trying to find the dog to pet and hearing it bark now and then with it getting louder if you're near. Forgettable but fun for about 5 minutes. 6/10

Social Interaction Trainer - Pretty much  you go into social interactions and try to pass them by using your mouse to control your eyes. I couldn't get pass the first date. I either came off as too agressive, not paying attention, not breaking the awkwardness after you both stop talking and you also fail if you look at her cleavage too much. I could never get past the guy talking. Honestly this one had an OK idea but was more annoying to trigger flags. I only passed 2 stages I think. 5.5/10

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I can second this. If you've been wanting to get into a total war game I would give warhammer 1 or 2 a shot. They're both great fun and you can combine their maps into a giant map if you desire. I hope total war troy will be good, but its going to be hard to go back to other total war games after the diversity of warhammer.

I finished gears of war 4 on gamepass the other day. Pretty fun game even if you're mostly doing the same stuff level after level, plus the banter was pretty funny at times. I thought I remembered people having issues running the game, but I only had one crash towards the end which wasn't that big of a deal. Overall I would give it a 7.5 or 8 out of 10, definitely worth trying out if you have gamepass and are looking for something to play.
Any "mandatory" DLC for Warhammer II?

Any "mandatory" DLC for Warhammer II?
The best bang for your buck for 2 is to get TW Warhammer 1. When you have both it opens up a 2nd campaign for all of the races within TW Warhammer 2 (Mortal Empires) that has a gigantic map. It also brings over those races/heroes. There's a bunch of free DLC on the Steam store as well. None of the DLCs feel like a must have. I have enjoyed the game so much that I have grabbed each of the DLCs when they are on discount. I did fakeybro the newest and paid full price. Because Goblins and Orcs.

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The more I dig into it the better that bundle was.  I used to ignore freebies if they were on there because I didn't want to sign up for yet another site/store but I realized after buying it that there were like five games from my Steam wishlist in that bundle and 8-10 more that would have been if I didn't already own them on Steam.  And quite a few more games look interesting.  So far the only one I have played is Haque and it is great - if it is your thing.   A true rogue-like with really neat atmospheric music.  Not sure when I'll pick it up again, trying to work my way through the new Master Mode of Terraria (one of my favorite games of all time on any platform) but me of 10 years ago could have sank a couple hundred hours into Haque easily.  

There are good games in there for sure, and a whole lot of experiments, half dones, RPG rules, art assets and a whole lot of stuff you may never want. They do need a way to organize games/PDFs/Assets so you can see what half the computer games are.

The only thing I bought on was Night of the Consumers after reading about it on PCG.  They do a weekly column where they highlight weird games.  I don't regret it.  Night of the Consumers is pretty fun and surprisingly tense/stressful.  Thankfully, it is part of the current bundle so if you bought the bundle you can play it:

Any "mandatory" DLC for Warhammer II?
There are two kinds of dlc, one focuses on two races that have beef with each other from the lore and adds new lords and units to those races. The other dlc add new races to the game. There are two race packs, but even if you don't own them you will still see and play against those factions during the campaign you just can't start a new campaign and play as them without owning it.

I would just give the base game a shot and see what races you like then pick up the dlc that fleshes them out later on. If you think the two dlc races are interesting and want to try the campaign as them then you can pick those dlc up. Its all preference and I wouldn't say any of it is mandatory. Best bang for you buck would be as synnarc mentioned and getting total war warhammer 1 in order to use all those races in the mortal empires campaign. The first game gets pretty cheap and I think I might enjoy its campaign more than the second ones anyway. Plus when total war warhammer 3 is released if you own all three games all of the races will be able to play together on one giant campaign map.

It's raised over $3,000,000 so far. Tremendous for our country! As you know, no one has done more for cat racial justice than TrumpCat! Everyone says so!

Did this post alright? I've clicked POST five times!! Wifi is TERRIBLE in my bunker.

PC port rumors.

Persona 4 Golden could be coming to PC -

Bloodborne Remastered is coming to PC and PS5 -
I keep going back and forth on whether this is exciting news or if it's silly to pat these companies on the back for releasing PC ports of 15-year-old games.

Great for everyone here that you are going to be able to play Bloodborne on PC though. It was my favorite game of the PS4 generation.

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Nothing but good news.  It might also mean that new versions of P4G and/or P3 are in the works.  At least, that's the schedule that was followed with Catherine going to pc.

The only thing I bought on was Night of the Consumers after reading about it on PCG. They do a weekly column where they highlight weird games. I don't regret it. Night of the Consumers is pretty fun and surprisingly tense/stressful. Thankfully, it is part of the current bundle so if you bought the bundle you can play it:
What finally sold me is that there does seems to be various articles like that, or people talking about the bundle here and on other forums who are going through the bulk of it and mentioning various games they've stumbled on that have really fun or interesting concepts behind them, even if they're not something you'd spend more than one or two play sessions with.

Especially since I also spent like $4 and change for the Humble Bundle for Plug In Digital and Dear Villagers. More likely than not, I'll probably get more value out of the bundle.

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Babysitter Bloodbath: A survival horror game taking its cues from 80's pulp slashers, this starts out really promising.  As in the intro and options screens are pretty cool and have a great 80's horror vibe.  Then you start actually playing it and it's just horrifically ugly.  The store page says it's PS1 inspired but I don't know who is nostalgic for low-poly 3D models with crudely digitized face masks plastered over them.  The game play wasn't bad in a "Resident Evil" sort of way -- find puzzles, solve puzzles, get more puzzles -- and the story was effective but the graphics were such a turn-off that I couldn't get into it.  I understand that these indie game dudes have limited resources but even if they went with a blocky Minecraft look or cartoonish look or anything, it would have been better than this which represents the nadir of video game graphic eras.  As an intentional artistic choice, is this really what anyone misses from that period?


Stellaxy: Explore the galaxy in this space game where you cruise your space ship around, land on planets, rove about collecting ore, go back to the space station, sell your crap then do it over again.  Quests hint at the potential for a story in there but I had to go do other things.  Rinky-dink graphics and sounds reminiscent of a 1980s DOS title.  Come to think of it, the game play is also something I would have played on the IBMs in high school Computer Education class instead of listening to the instructor try to teach GOSUB routines to cheerleaders.  It's not terrible but it's nothing to recommend either.   I could see the Explore-Extract-Sell-Buy Upgrades loop keeping someone busy for a while but there's better and prettier games to play for that.

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I keep going back and forth on whether this is exciting news or if it's silly to pat these companies on the back for releasing PC ports of 15-year-old games.

Great for everyone here that you are going to be able to play Bloodborne on PC though. It was my favorite game of the PS4 generation.
Not silly at all.

Any game that has never been on the PC, should come here to the PC.

I would love to see Gears 2,3,4,Judgment hit PC. I'm glad to see Halo: MCC hit PC, since we never had Halo 3,Reach,ODST here. I'd still love to see Fable 2 hit the PC. I want to see Halo 4 come here. I want to see more great titles and classics hit the PC. So, yes; I definitely want Persona series all on the PC.

Also, I'd love to see more games hit the PC with improved resolution, improved textures, improved performance, 60fps or better support, mod support, and any of the things that makes PC gaming so great in the first place.

These companies need to make $ to stay in business and keep their businesses going, so they can go ahead & create more games. So, of course games should be preserved - even if they re-release it a bunch of times, each console generation, game generation or whatever. A great way to keep these games and franchises alive and in circulation.

This makes tons of sense for games w/ big franchises, especially ones that have multiple games already under their belt. Also, w/ the huge costs of AA titles & AAA titles, it would make sense to...put their games as many places as possible & as many platforms as possible, to get a bigger audience and to make as much $ as possible.

The PC is the home of games that have been around forever, w/ digital services like GOG who are also helping preserve these games even from MS-DOS days by even implementing things like DOSBox just to keep them going...even often when companies themselves don't do the greatest of jobs doing so.

Example: Saboteur had long-standing issues w/ the map not rending properly in higher resolutions, which really limits players. EA didn't fix that, GOG did in their GOG re-release.

It's so nice that if I want, I can go grab a copy of Syndicate from 1993 from GOG. in any other era, before re-releasing & remastering became a thing, companies might know, never put a classic back in print.

If only games like NOLF series weren't stuck in copyright & legality madness, they'd probably be back and available for all of those who missed out - on sites like GOG.

I would love to see someone actually find the source code for Icewind Dale 2, so it can get properly remastered. Heck, all of the other Infinity Engine games, for the most part, got re-mastered already.

And anytime an old game sells well on a re-release, this could also prompt the conversation that maybe the IP owner should do a Reboot or a true-blue sequel.

And avenues like Steam, Origin, Epic, and others - especially Steam, since it's so huge - are big avenues to re-release old games and bring new games to.

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Just played 1 game yesterday reky,  a puzzle game. This one has nice miniamilistic but not ugly graphics. It has you playing a blob that could take take colors from blocks and transfer them to other blocks. Blocks can move once when colored, although you can move and then absorb the color and reput the color to move it again. The blocks never move while your blob is on it. You try to reach a pipe opening at the end once a full pathway is there for your blob. Some puzzles can be brain burners. Also sometimes the control is finnicky especially when clicking blocks to move. Many times your blob starts moving instead because you misclicked. I made it through 3 of 6 worlds I think. This is a fun and not super brain burning game, but it gets you thinking. I enjoyed it quite a bit. 8/10

Games coming to Xbox for PC Game Pass:

Coming To PC Game Pass:

  • No Man's Sky - June 11th
  • Battletech - June 11th
  • Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 - June 11th
  • Dungeon of the Endless - June 11th
  • Bard's Tale: Remastered & Resnarkled - June 18th

Games leaving Game Pass Soon on June 15:

  • Book of Demons (PC)
  • Everspace (Console & PC)
  • Resident Evil Revelations (Console)
  • Riptide GP: Renegade (Console & PC)
  • Riverbond (Console & PC)
  • Samorost 3 (PC)
  • Superhot (Console & PC)
  • Supermarket Shriek (Console & PC)
  • The Last Door: Season 2 (PC)
  • The Stillness of the Wind (PC)

New update for Xbox PC App, which has...

  • Modding support
  • Improved performance
  • Cut down on some memory usage
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bread's done