Playstation 5 Re-stock Thread

There's nothing coming to PS5 that I can't play on another console until well into 2021. The only exception is Demon's Souls and at this point I don't trust Sony in the least to tell the truth about whether it may or may not go to PC. I'm happy to wait until after launch to learn more about what Sony's definition of "exclusive" means.

I don't think you'll have any trouble finding these in the stores during Christmas. Coupled with one of the worst recessions we've ever been in with lack luster launch titles and high price. I have a feeling alot of people are preordering these to flip and the same happened to ps3.... tons were being returned by dec.
On the other hand, a lot of people been WFH and they saved a lot of money on gas/fiid and there was the stimulus as well earlier this year. Video games is hell lot cheaper than going on a vacation and other hobby.

I don't think you'll have any trouble finding these in the stores during Christmas. Coupled with one of the worst recessions we've ever been in with lack luster launch titles and high price. I have a feeling alot of people are preordering these to flip and the same happened to ps3.... tons were being returned by dec.
I wouldn't be surprised. One thing to keep in mind is Sam's Club has been up for a really long time compared to other retailers. The difference? Enforced one per customer, and they have to have a valid paid membership number for each one ordered. So no botting orders or creating new accounts to place extra orders for scalping. There's always the dream of making a ton of money on resale, and sure some people do get some from the impatient. You'll get the usual anyone and everyone putting up overpriced "pre-orders", but I really don't think you are going to have that many people dropping $1k for one of these, and there will be returns. It's not like Sony isn't going to lean into getting these on shelves hardcore, their entire next 5 year plan depends on people getting these as soon as possible.

There's nothing coming to PS5 that I can't play on another console until well into 2021. The only exception is Demon's Souls and at this point I don't trust Sony in the least to tell the truth about whether it may or may not go to PC. I'm happy to wait until after launch to learn more about what Sony's definition of "exclusive" means.
Sony already said Demon's Souls is coming to PC. I'm not a PC gamer so for me, basically anything coming to PC and PS5 might as well be a PS5 exclusive.

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Sony already said Demon's Souls is coming to PC. I'm not a PC gamer so for me, basically anything coming to PC and PS5 might as well be a PS5 exclusive.
I used to think the same way until I finally became a primarily PC gamer.

Seriously though, Sony said Demon's Souls is coming to PC via a trailer, and then they said it wasn't via an actual statement. Honestly the only thing we've really learned in the last 24 hours is not to trust anything Sony says between now and launch.

Last night I had the PS5 in my Best Buy cart, but couldn’t check out. I woke up this morning to find it sold out everywhere. I was pretty mad this morning, but after looking at the launch lineup again there really isn’t anything I just have to play on day 1, so I guess I’m good. I wish they’d opened preorders right after the Sony event so it would’ve been daytime like they did with PS4. This process was a mess. I guess I get another shot with Sony direct tomorrow, but I’m not holding my breath.
I used to think the same way until I finally became a primarily PC gamer.

Seriously though, Sony said Demon's Souls is coming to PC via a trailer, and then they said it wasn't via an actual statement. Honestly the only thing we've really learned in the last 24 hours is not to trust anything Sony says between now and launch.
It looked like a graphical copy / paste error and it was never coming to PC. There was other typos in that text but people only say that it said coming to PC as well.

Sony didn't lie, errors in presentations happens all the time. This isn't that big of an error.

It looked like a graphical copy / paste error and it was never coming to PC. There was other typos in that text but people only say that it said coming to PC as well.

Sony didn't lie, errors in presentations happens all the time. This isn't that big of an error.
I guess it depends on your interpretation of a lie. Sony has been remarkably misleading about almost everything related to the PS5. I get that the trailer might have been an honest mistake by one lowly employee but Sony has completely lost the benefit of the doubt.

The current headline article at Eurogamer sums it up pretty well.

Apologists and going to apologize but I don't see how anyone could fail to see the pattern here.
I by no means do not think PS5 is headed for failure, but Sony's attitude and practices are so similar to the PS3 days. Coming off the PS2 they felt they could do no wrong, and could dictate how the market works. Now mind you they aren't way overpriced like they were back then, but for the past few years their arrogance is pretty stunning. And they have had to go back and "clarify" so many things about the PS5 since it announced. Some of those weren't official, but they took their sweet time making official statements. BC all the way back to PS1, oops only most of PS4. You have to get PS5 to play Spider-man Miles, no sorry it's coming to PS4 too. Then this Demons Souls platform mess. Top it off with the complete nonsense of the preorder craziness which isn't entirely their fault, but they should have had it much more orderly thought out as Microsoft appears to have the Series X preorders.

To many Sony fanboys refuse to call them out for their BS. Whatever they do, that's fine with them even if it hurts them. Microsoft deserved their drubbing after the way they came into last gen, and it definitely helped make them more responsive to the market.

Did Sony or those devs ever say those games weren't coming to PS4? I do understand they did say these were exclusive to PlayStation, which is still true. But I get it, people expected these to be PS5 only. I don't see it as a negative to have it on both though.

Demon Souls again was a typo and was never coming to PC. They clarified that.

I kinda get the controller talk and how that isn't cross platform but that's not a lie, it still isn't cross platform. Sure some games are cross platform and makes sense to use DS4 controllers on the PS5 for those games, but they have been transparent with the fact that you can't use DS4 on the PS5, that's still the case.

When it comes to preorders, Sony isn't lying about that. They said they would let people know about preorders beforehand for Sony Direct which they did with the emails sent. It isn't Songs fault that some retailers jumped the gun once the price was announced. Sony doesn't control those retailers decision to open preorders though they (and any other company) can try to. It is unfortunate that people did have to rush out but again, Sony does not control when retailers choose to let orders open. 

It was a ripple affect. Stores likely wanted to wait too but once 1 store opens, the next does to in order to capture those preorder dollars right now. This isn't even new. This happens every single console release.

I can get being angry at some of these but they are such small issues that I really question why be so pressed about it. Even that article screams butthurt that every little nuance detail wasn't all there. Guys this isn't exclusive to Sony, we can make these points about any company with a new release if you dig hard enough.


I don't think you'll have any trouble finding these in the stores during Christmas. Coupled with one of the worst recessions we've ever been in with lack luster launch titles and high price. I have a feeling alot of people are preordering these to flip and the same happened to ps3.... tons were being returned by dec.
I just can't see this happening. We already have reports that Sony cut it's initial launch allotment by over 25%, from 15 million to 11 million due to chip manufacturing issues. Yes 11 million is still a BIG number but I don't think it is enough to meet holiday demand globally. Consoles will be the must have gift this year - especially the digital versions (cheaper). We already know the digital PS5 is in even shorter supply. While I feel the Series S will do really well with it's payment plan and $299 price, the PS is simply more popular.

So how is your average family going to get their hands on one? Guaranteed they didn't stay up all night clicking on that now hated yellow checkout button on Best Buy. Most don't even know preorders started. We likely will get preorders continuing to trickle in (both BB and Target had some overnight) but in general these will be unannounced, limited, and snapped up by bots.

Yeah bots, it's a real thing. By now every scalper is salivating over the PS5 launch. We are already seeing markups double the MSRP. I suspect this will drop some, but the REAL problem is that unlike other launches, we aren't going to see malls and stores packed with people lining up to get these. It will be almost entirely online orders. Stores are already scaling back in-store black friday events because of the pandemic. With the launch being 2 weeks before, how many units are going to be around for in store black friday? Very few I'm predicting. It's probably the worst time to look for a PS5. Some retailers are already announcing they sold through their ENTIRE 2020 allotment (EB Games Australia is one) and aren't getting more until 2021. Expect more to announce the same.

So how about that online shopping? We all know what that's gonna look like based on yesterday. The scalper sharks are smelling blood and it's gonna be near impossible for your average Karen to buy one online for their spoiled brat. With the Holiday Return Policy at many retailers, they have all the way until January to try to sell them. We aren't going to see the huge returns until after Christmas.

In today's social media driven world, posting that pic of that PS5 in your or your kids hands is gonna be worth that scalper price tag. You can be the Mommy of the Year in your social group when your kid is the only one opening one on Christmas morning. You can be THE MAN among all your friends when you snap playing 2k21 or Madden 21 on that PS5 to all your buddies on launch day. That's what we are looking at this holiday with the PS5. This isn't 2006. Back then you were a huge nerd if you had a PS3 at launch. Now, you're trying to avoid looking like a failure to all your instagram followers if you can't get your kid a PS5 for Christmas.
Did Sony or those devs ever say those games weren't coming to PS4? I do understand they did say these were exclusive to PlayStation, which is still true. But I get it, people expected these to be PS5 only. I don't see it as a negative to have it on both though.

Demon Souls again was a typo and was never coming to PC. They clarified that.

I kinda get the controller talk and how that isn't cross platform but that's not a lie, it still isn't cross platform. Sure some games are cross platform and makes sense to use DS4 controllers on the PS5 for those games, but they have been transparent with the fact that you can't use DS4 on the PS5, that's still the case.

When it comes to preorders, Sony isn't lying about that. They said they would let people know about preorders beforehand for Sony Direct which they did with the emails sent. It isn't Songs fault that some retailers jumped the gun once the price was announced. Sony doesn't control those retailers decision to open preorders though they (and any other company) can try to. It is unfortunate that people did have to rush out but again, Sony does not control when retailers choose to let orders open.

It was a ripple affect. Stores likely wanted to wait too but once 1 store opens, the next does to in order to capture those preorder dollars right now. This isn't even new. This happens every single console release.

I can get being angry at some of these but they are such small issues that I really question why be so pressed about it. Even that article screams butthurt that every little nuance detail wasn't all there. Guys this isn't exclusive to Sony, we can make these points about any company with a new release if you dig hard enough.
Yeah, their spokesperson said Spider-man Miles was only PS5 and an add-on, but a super sized one when it was first shown. I have been paying close attention since it was announced, since it was my game of the generation last gen. It sealed me on an early upgrade. When I saw that, I just decided to go forwards but it did surprise me.

A typo is still a mistake they made on a piece of mass market media they knew everyone was going to be watching. Are you excusing them not going through and verifying what was said. What if they typoed the price? Not a huge thing but definitely an unforced error.

Like I was saying, we need to stop making excuses for Sony (and other big corporations). They're big boys, they have whole departments for damage control. It's our job to keep them honest. It does not benefit us to simply accept everything and tell them they can get away with anything they want. I'm not mad or anything, I've got a pre-order in yesterday and it's not like I'm too worried about it, but we need to stop fanboying, and Sony fanboys can simply be the worst.

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I just can't see this happening. We already have reports that Sony cut it's initial launch allotment by over 25%, from 15 million to 11 million due to chip manufacturing issues. Yes 11 million is still a BIG number but I don't think it is enough to meet holiday demand globally. Consoles will be the must have gift this year - especially the digital versions (cheaper). We already know the digital PS5 is in even shorter supply. While I feel the Series S will do really well with it's payment plan and $299 price, the PS is simply more popular.

So how is your average family going to get their hands on one? Guaranteed they didn't stay up all night clicking on that now hated yellow checkout button on Best Buy. Most don't even know preorders started. We likely will get preorders continuing to trickle in (both BB and Target had some overnight) but in general these will be unannounced, limited, and snapped up by bots.

Yeah bots, it's a real thing. By now every scalper is salivating over the PS5 launch. We are already seeing markups double the MSRP. I suspect this will drop some, but the REAL problem is that unlike other launches, we aren't going to see malls and stores packed with people lining up to get these. It will be almost entirely online orders. Stores are already scaling back in-store black friday events because of the pandemic. With the launch being 2 weeks before, how many units are going to be around for in store black friday? Very few I'm predicting. It's probably the worst time to look for a PS5. Some retailers are already announcing they sold through their ENTIRE 2020 allotment (EB Games Australia is one) and aren't getting more until 2021. Expect more to announce the same.

So how about that online shopping? We all know what that's gonna look like based on yesterday. The scalper sharks are smelling blood and it's gonna be near impossible for your average Karen to buy one online for their spoiled brat. With the Holiday Return Policy at many retailers, they have all the way until January to try to sell them. We aren't going to see the huge returns until after Christmas.

In today's social media driven world, posting that pic of that PS5 in your or your kids hands is gonna be worth that scalper price tag. You can be the Mommy of the Year in your social group when your kid is the only one opening one on Christmas morning. You can be THE MAN among all your friends when you snap playing 2k21 or Madden 21 on that PS5 to all your buddies on launch day. That's what we are looking at this holiday with the PS5. This isn't 2006. Back then you were a huge nerd if you had a PS3 at launch. Now, you're trying to avoid looking like a failure to all your instagram followers if you can't get your kid a PS5 for Christmas.
Covid has definitely made this ps5 preorder more competitive since more people are at home .

The price point is reasonable.

Big built in library with ps4 compatibility.

There is a huge demand for home entertainment since everyone is social distancing.

This is the thing to get for the holiday season.

Last night's preorder fiasco reminded me of Black Friday... This will just get more competitive as we get closer to launch and the holidays.

It makes perfect business sense for Sony to cross-gen Miles Morales and Horizon 2 (which suggests that is pretty fsr along). I mean, the number of units in the wild for PS4 is a huge advantage and there would so many millions of sales they'd be forgoing if they didn't do this. Also, it's actually a far more consumer friendly decision.

Geesh, it's not like this is really a big deal. Others do this all the time. Nintendo even delayed BotW on Wii U even though it was done JUST so they could port it to the Switch, and then after making us Wii U owners wait, delayed the Wii U version so it'd release after the Switch one only so they could bury it and make it look like BotW on Switch was superior (note it isn't).

It's no big deal. Cross gen is almost always a good thing, and it's still different from MS which committed to making their games continually work on Xbox Ones ... now that's going to be a problem and back-stepping nightmare to clarify message later.
Oh, me not seeing these things as a big deal doesn't mean I'm excusing the wording or issues. I just don't see these as groundbreaking let's boycott the PS5 moves.

I can't tell you the amount of times there has been a typo in press conferences that are edited out after the fact. I used to work doing similar trailers and the like. Sometimes you really don't notice these things even with several people viewing it. Than it gets released and the first comment is that mistake.

This isn't exclusive to Sony, many other companies have had similar issues. Watch any previous E3 pressers, you'll quickly notice typos. But yes, it's still an issue, I just understand that these things happen all the time and they very quickly confirmed it's not coming to PC once the show ended and it was a graphical error.

Mind you. I'd feel the same way if Microsoft had a presser and said Halo was coming to the Xbox One too, than said it wasn't. Typos happen, listen to the most current official information and no need to get all up in arms over something so miniscule such as games being on 2 generation consoles (which isn't a negative) or a graphical error that happens every single time.

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Sony has been a jerk during the PS4 gen too. They turned away EA Access, and refused cross play until the world made enough noise about it.  There are more examples I can't think of at the moment, but they have definitely let those sales number go to their head and think they can do and say what ever they want even if they contradict themselves.

Sony has been a jerk during the PS4 gen too. They turned away EA Access, and refused cross play until the world made enough noise about it. There are more examples I can't think of at the moment, but they have definitely let those sales number go to their head and think they can do and say what ever they want even if they contradict themselves.
Let's not forget that Microsoft was actually the first to have a tiff about cross play. Sony was for it and allowed it for Final Fantasy XI, it was Microsoft that saw no reason to continue with other games. They got cocky than realized it was needed once they got last place this gen. But at that point Sony saw no need to do so as it was more of a move that would help Microsoft than help Sony.

Only reason Sony allowed it again was due to their push to release more PC games. It helps them in that space to have cross play with PC as well as Xbox at that point.

So when it comes to cross play, it was Sony that was originally for it, blame Microsoft for the push back for years to not allow it.

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Sony has been a jerk during the PS4 gen too. They turned away EA Access, and refused cross play until the world made enough noise about it. There are more examples I can't think of at the moment, but they have definitely let those sales number go to their head and think they can do and say what ever they want even if they contradict themselves.
Just look through any gaming forum (or just this thread) and you can see that, unfortunately, they're right.

The current headline article at Eurogamer sums it up pretty well.

Apologists and going to apologize but I don't see how anyone could fail to see the pattern here.
Sony "It's not going to happen with a minute's notice." Technically, they were right. We had zero notice!

This is why I never sign up for any of those notifications or call lists. If you even get one, it's already gone by then.

Oh, me not seeing these things as a big deal doesn't mean I'm excusing the wording or issues. I just don't see these as groundbreaking let's boycott the PS5 moves.
Agree, I’m not defending shady or manipulative corporate practice, but grasping at straws and crying wolf lessens the impact when there really is something legitimate to get concerned or complain about. I’m getting a bit tired of how formulaic Sony’s first party output seems to becoming. Even if it’s quality. But everything mentioned here I don’t think is anything to get outraged about signaling arrogant Sony’s downfall. These are not lies or misinformation that they benefitted from.

I by no means do not think PS5 is headed for failure, but Sony's attitude and practices are so similar to the PS3 days.
Yep. We seem to go through this with every generational cycle. The market leader gains a bunch of hubris, think they have more clout than they do, and then they take a gaint step backwards the next gen with consumer-unfriendly decisions and business practices. It seems to happen like clockwork. It happened with the absurd PS3 system and launch after the hugely successful PS2. It happened again with MS trying to force digital on everyone during the XB1 unveil. Nintendo also tries to sell people mountains of plastic every time they are doing well.

Sony did so well with the PS4 that I've been expecting bad things to happen again. Thank goodness we have MS leading with the way with 'Smart Delivery' which has cornered Sony into implementing forward compatibility, which they've made super skeptical statements on, anyways. They've said that it's going to be up to the individual publishers whether or not they want to give updated, PS5 versions of their games to current owners.

I don't know what it is with these companies where as soon as they start having major success that they see it as a green light to start taking advantage of customers.

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Yep. We seem to go through this with every generational cycle. The market leader gains a bunch of hubris, think they have more clout than they do, and then they take a gaint step backwards the next-gen with consumer-unfriendly decisions. It seems to happen like clockwork.

Sony did so well with the PS4 that I've been expecting bad things to happen too. Thank goodness we have MS leading with the way with Smart Delivery which has cornered Sony into implementing forward compatibility, which they've made super skeptical statements on, anyways. They've said that it's going to be up to the individual publishers whether or not they want to give updated, PS5 versions of their games to current owners.

I don't know what it is with these companies where as soon as they start having major success that they see it as a green light to start taking advantage of customers.
This part get me. Yakuza 7 is launching for xbox with free upgrade to xbox series X while ps4 version is still ps4. when playiong on ps5

This part get me. Yakuza 7 is launching for xbox with free upgrade to xbox series X while ps4 version is still ps4. when playiong on ps5
That's cause MS paid them. PS5 is still getting a upgrade.

"As it turns out, Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be getting an upgrade on PS5 -- but it'll arrive later down the line. SEGA told IGN: "[A] PlayStation 5 upgrade path is also being planned for the Western release", and that it'll "release at a later date". In other words, Xbox has paid for timed next-gen exclusivity."

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Yep. We seem to go through this with every generational cycle. The market leader gains a bunch of hubris, think they have more clout than they do, and then they take a gaint step backwards the next gen with consumer-unfriendly decisions and business practices. It seems to happen like clockwork.

Sony did so well with the PS4 that I've been expecting bad things to happen too. Thank goodness we have MS leading with the way with Smart Delivery which has cornered Sony into implementing forward compatibility, which they've made super skeptical statements on, anyways. They've said that it's going to be up to the individual publishers whether or not they want to give updated, PS5 versions of their games to current owners.

I don't know what it is with these companies where as soon as they start having major success that they see it as a green light to start taking advantage of customers.
Competition is always good. It's the reason why I never side with any particular game-maker. I personally don't care for the success of Sony, MS, or Nintendo. What I care about are that we get great games and that we support those great games. The more these three butt heads, the better product and consumer-friendly initiatives we get.

No one wins if one gets too big a head. I will acknowledge that compared with PS3, at least Sony appears to have learned that pricing their machine above Xbox would be a disaster no matter how much brand loyalty/dominance they had this current gen. Meeting them at $499 for the disc-based console was a solid move.

As for the digital, we know why there is a gap there. Of course, the physical media guy in me hopes the Series S and digital version of PS5 go down in flames, but that's just me :)

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That's cause MS paid them. PS5 is still getting a upgrade.

"As it turns out, Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be getting an upgrade on PS5 -- but it'll arrive later down the line. SEGA told IGN: "[A] PlayStation 5 upgrade path is also being planned for the Western release", and that it'll "release at a later date". In other words, Xbox has paid for timed next-gen exclusivity."
But is it free update?

I'm not sure Target is ever back up.

I have multiple times gotten to the pay now part of the check out screen.

For some reason, it makes me re-enter my Red Card (never has before).

By the time I type it in, i get the "something went wrong" message.

I then, for a goof, added a small item and used Apple Pay when it showed up.

The order went through, Apple notified my of the total charge but when I looked at the order online, only the small item remained.

They didn't even bother cancelling it, it is like it never happened.

I don't know what it is with these companies where as soon as they start having major success that they see it as a green light to start taking advantage of customers.
I hate to sound like an anti-capitalist, but eventually being able to take advantage of you is the goal. Companies build up goodwill by offering affordability and generosity only so that they can eventually enact policies that are no longer in your favor once they have the upper hand.

Offerings always get worse with time, unless there's competition to keep the pressure on.

Reposting as it might help some.

So so far we know that these are launch titles;

  • Astro's Playroom
  • Demon's Souls
  • Destiny 2: Beyond Light
  • Destruction All Stars
  • Godfall
  • Spider Man Miles Morales
  • Spider Man Remastered
  • Fortnite
  • Sackboy A Big Adventure 
  • NBA 2K21
  • Madden 21
  • Marvel Avengers
  • Cyberpunk 2077 (worldwide launch date)
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War (releases day after)
  • Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition (digital only)
These are unsure but should still be launch titles

  • Watch Dogs Legion
  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla
  • Yakuzu Like A Dragon
  • Dirt 5

Won't list them as they are PS4 games but reports are saying the Playstation Plus Collection games (18 so far) will be available day one.

I really try to be levelheaded and not a biased console warrior, it’s mostly pointless, but it’s obvious digital only is a big step towards that and would result in consumers giving up a lot of innate marketplace protection and ownership rights once it’s accepted.  Even if it has been deemed the “future of convenience”, it wasn’t that way until Microsoft started us on that path, with Google trying to push it further when Microsoft stuttered.  I’m not thrilled with Sony lately, but Microsoft has done nothing to convince me they have a better offering this time around or anytime soon that isn’t conveniently aligned with their digital goal.

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Lined up this morning at GS for the heck of it, then sold my spot in line for $300 cash. Yeah baby, people are gonna go crazy for these things this year.
Can't blame ya, I would have done the same.
That’s the thing, I think that temptation for earning that cash will be strong with this one, even in a different scenario for this that have 2 preordered just to make sure they get one for launch. If someone straight up ask them if they can but the second one for $1000 (honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it goes quite a bit higher) I wouldn’t blame the person if they sold it as long as they aren’t trying to scalp in the first place.

Luckily for me my second one is going to a friend who really wants to get one for his son for high school graduation.
Did any of you get preorder form that amazon link?

Have a bestbuy and amazon order.

Also got Sony email, might just go Sony direct and cancel bestbuy order.

Reposting as it might help some.

So so far we know that these are launch titles;

[*]Cyberpunk 2077 (worldwide launch date)[/*]
Cyberpunk is NOT coming to next-gen at launch. It’ll be released at a later date; most likely next year. The November release date is only for PS4 and Xbox One. Now, there will be a next-gen update if you have the PS4 or Xbox One version, but when that will actually launch, I don’t know.
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Lined up this morning at GS for the heck of it, then sold my spot in line for $300 cash. Yeah baby, people are gonna go crazy for these things this year.
Could you really call yourself a CAG if you did anything else? I mean $300 buys a lot of games and there will be other opportunities to get the console.

Did everyone else in line clap afterwards and 3 models followed you back to your car?
Yeah that seemed a bit nuts to me too. But if the demand for these is really that insane I may consider selling mine too and just wait.

Did everyone else in line clap afterwards and 3 models followed you back to your car?
:D/ Haha, the guy I had been chatting with for a couple hours looked at me with a slightly confused face was like 'But aren't you gonna get the Playstation?'. I felt bad for a sec, and then told him I had another pre-order already. Can't turn down the cash, gotta pay these bills, know what I'm sayin'? Plus that'll pay for a game or two.

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bread's done