Recent content by drake0727

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    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    it would be cool if i won, but we'll see :)
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    Cross Edge: Initial Review

    I got a question, can you switch language to japanese with english subtitles?
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    Street Fighter IV PS3 Official Discussion Thread

    anyone wanna help me win the 10 wins in a row trophy? if you dont have this trophy, we can switch off, i win first, and you can win the next consecutive 10. i dont really care about battle points, because they're not hard to get, but 10 wins in a row is a pain. add me drake0727 if interested.
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    PS3 Eye of Judgement $29.92 @ Walmart!

    I got one from the Balch Springs Texas walmart. they also had a wireless n notebook card for 7 bucks. plenty of both still there!
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    Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

    ah, this game and ffvii. there goes 300-400 hours of my life i will never get back. then again what else was there to do 10 years ago when you're 13.
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    Oblivion for PS3/PSP Officially Confirmed by OPM Cover (new info from the mag itself)

    mine froze up on me like 2 times, only game it will freeze on.....
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    Oblivion for PS3/PSP Officially Confirmed by OPM Cover (new info from the mag itself)

    LOL me too, but i RAPED that thundercat. This game is beyond what i expected. So much to do, so little time. I think i may try to start that knights of the nine sidequest (it's built in the ps3 version right?)
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    Convince me...please.

    dont forget the blu-ray player. plus motorstorm, ffxiii (whenever the hell it comes out) and all the demos that you can try out. i just figured i can play madden 07 ps2 version wirelessly so my ps2 is going inthe closet :bouncy:
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    The Official "It ain't the PS3, it's That Triple....what's your username" thread...

    drake0727 i got fight night round 3 and resistance :hot:
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    Zelda: Phantom Hourglass delayed a long damn time

    isnt pokemon supposed to come to the US next year early as well? that game can keep me busy for quite some time :hot:
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    Yoshi's Island 2 - 82%

    yeah just picked up the cc version with the yoshi sleeve and it's definately worth the 30 dollars, now to get used to this game again! (been close to 5-7 years since i played the first one)
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    Which to start tonight? Contact, Children of Mana or Magic Starsign?

    play contact and lets do the wifi thing. you get special stuff like decals, skills, etc. if you "contact" other people :) my ID is 1461 1078 8361
bread's done