Recent content by evangelion11

  1. evangelion11

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    is there anywhere you guys know of and can recommend to fix my out of warranty 360? it red ringed a year ago and i was too lazy to send it in
  2. evangelion11

    The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

    I dont know if i should be posting this here but i would love to know any good places on Long island that can fix my out of warranty xbox under 100 bux anyone know?
  3. evangelion11

    Contest: Win a Special Edition GTA IV Xbox 360 Elite Bundle! Post only once!

    wombot-"unlike you im used to the weight in my hand"
  4. evangelion11

    Contest (CAGcast #111) Win Lost Odyssey (360)

    i was lucky my dad had all the old systems in storage, so played that and atari first i loved shooting gallery, and wipeout.
  5. evangelion11

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #35): Win Shadow of the Colossus w/ Strategy Guide

    the first game we played together was halo three and my friend cory wouldn't stop killing her with sticky grenades....she doesn't play online anymore
  6. evangelion11

    Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

    although my xbox has not broken yet, the disc try does sometimes get stuck but that may be a precursor to red ring hell.
  7. evangelion11

    Contest (CAGcast #108) Win Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) w/Art Book!

    id show him the first season of the osbournes's and show him what a sissy his "dark prince" has become.
  8. evangelion11

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    hey cheapy D and wombat, i recently decided to give the xbox originals a go. i purchased fable in anticipation of fable 2 but what i realized is not only are these originals over priced and to most people, they are useless but they have bugs-a-plenty. Most of the game is alright but there are...
  9. evangelion11

    CONTEST: CAGcast #74 - Win the $60 game of your choice from

    Well i could use a lion to transport all my illegal weapons south of the border but i could use a big white guy to help me transport drugs over the pacific......can i have both?
  10. evangelion11

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    hey cheapy and wombat hows things going. im lovin the show, keep up the good work, im a musician and an audio engineering student and wanted to know if you guys wanted your own theme song? id love to do it, for free of course.
  11. evangelion11

    An Example of Good Customer Service

    Hey Guys what do u guys think of the new starwars?, Force unleashed. Im a big fan of jedi themed games and wileding a lightsaber, are you? and do you think the lightsaber game all wii owners have been wating for will be comming out in 2007?
  12. evangelion11

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hey cheapy and wombat, im a new listener From Strong Island and a veteran of the Oceanside Nathans Arcade, i've become a diehard fan since i strated listening and I have one question, In the three episodes ive heard I've heard very little about ANY RPG's, My question is, are you guys into RPG's...
  13. evangelion11

    CAG cast first impressions

    Im a new listener to the CAGcast and i must say its great all my gamer friends are away at school or gave up on the hobby, but im still going strong and its good to listen to a show where you can learn about new facts and news about the world of gaming. just posting for the first time to let you...
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