Recent content by evitoo

  1. evitoo

    What's up with the Cag-O-Matic?

    Yeah, some of the data feeds we pull take a few hours. One of the upgrades I'll be making soon is to keep the previous day's results and then just overwrite it all at once when the new day's prices are ready. No more blank or half finished page.
  2. evitoo

    For those of you who track the CAG-O-Matic Price Tracker...AMAZON added!

    Today I added Category output to Game Title Search results. It just says "Video Games" right now, but that will change tomorrow morning when the Price Tracker runs next.
  3. evitoo

    PC Problems

    Others have mentioned your RAM might be bad, and I agree based on your symptoms. Have you tried testing your RAM with Memtest86+? You can download an ISO from the site below, burn it to a CD, then boot off it and run the tests.
  4. evitoo

    Welcome to the new server - POST ALL PROBLEMS HERE

    Errno 145, at least from MySQL, means a corrupted table. I ran REPAIR TABLE, so let's see if that fixes it. Please try it again.
  5. evitoo

    (Mini-Con)test: Win Transformers (PS2) from CheapAssGamer! [CONTEST OVER]

    I got some crappy Jeep transformer for Christmas. He was definitely one of the second stringers that stays back at the Autobot base and warms the bench. I can't remember his name... Scout, maybe?
  6. evitoo

    New technical advisor?

    I think that title is bestowed rather than claimed. I will let you guys decide if I am worthy.
  7. evitoo

    New technical advisor?

    Yes, I am a consultant. This is definitely one of the most fun jobs I've had in a while. 8)
  8. evitoo

    New technical advisor?

    Hmmm. I'm not sure why I am orange. I changed my theme from green to orange, but does that affect what you see? I'm not really an administrator. CheapyD is my client. Or alternatively, I am his code monkey. :)
  9. evitoo

    Some links will now automagically convert to CAG links (with box art!) PART II

    I've added link conversion for Kmart, Circuit City, and
  10. evitoo

    New technical advisor?

    Actually, I'm working on the automatic link conversion. You'll have to take up the smilies with the CheapyD, since he's paying the bills. :wink:
  11. evitoo

    New technical advisor?

    I didn't disappear. I've been busy adding new features. :D
  12. evitoo

    Some links will now automagically convert to CAG links (with box art!) PART II

    He is saying there should be a way to generate CAG affiliate links on the fly in case you want to buy something that isn't already linked from a forum.
  13. evitoo

    Can we get more smileys?

    Here is a nice list of smilies, if someone wants to look at them and make a recommendation:
  14. evitoo

    Can we get more smileys?

    If you search for PHPBB smiley pack in Google, it'll show you packages of smileys that can be added to the forums. I want to know if there is one he especially likes.
bread's done