Recent content by greedycheese

  1. G

    Free redbox rental codes

    Thanks op. It is stuff like this that keeps me coming to CAG.
  2. G

    Great Iphone Giveaway

    Ahh, sweet self ownage. Thanks
  3. G

    Great Iphone Giveaway

    I am guessing we just post to enter?
  4. G

    two worlds ce $59.99 shipped at amazon

    In the 20 minutes I played this game it completely locked up my 360 twice. Both where in multiplayer which is completly broken. I have no idea how this game got through certification.
  5. G

    LOTS of Great preorder prices at (New Thread)

    I was thinking but if you can get me in touch with santa that would be great. That dude hasn't answered my letters in, like, forvever. Last time I asked about a game (Orange Box) Tony had it up within a week and I happily pre-ordered. I figure it dosen't hurt to ask.
  6. G

    Rock Band Collection (360/PS3) $170 (MSRP) shipped, PS2 version $150 at Amazon

    Oh absolutely. And taking that logic further Eyetoy Kinetic negates God of War, GTA and Burnout. See perfectly logical.
  7. G

    LOTS of Great preorder prices at (New Thread)

    I am putting in a request for a Rock Band special.
  8. G

    Refurb 20GB PS3. $419 @

    Not a bad deal for someone who dosen't need wifi.
  9. G

    LOTS of Great preorder prices at (New Thread)

    So there is this game called Rockband. It comes out this holiday. Any chance that you will carry it?
  10. G

    Home Theatre Test DVD $6.89 shipped with Google checkout. It is a flipper, dvd on one side hd-dvd on the other.
bread's done