Recent content by Japhen

  1. Japhen

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #43): Win Wii Fit

    Wii workout ...wait this thing is useless!
  2. Japhen

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #43): Win Persona 3 FES (PS2)

    Chess club! We were allowed to play chess during study hall. We would use the excuse of "practicing" for a tournament (or some nonsense). Never did go to a "big" tournament, but it passed the time away.
  3. Japhen

    Contest (CAG Foreplay #41): Win Wii Classic Controller and 2000 Wii Points

    I'd definitely pick up Actraiser and the classic A Link to the Past.
  4. Japhen

    Contest (CAGcast #117) Win Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)!

    I'd play GTA4 on my PS3 because (like so many out there) it won't instantaneously short out on me and my PS3 needs some loving =D
  5. Japhen

    XBOX360 General Questions - Setups/Hrdwr/Accessories/XBOX Live...etc.

    Just a quick question. If my 360 gets a RROD (and it probably will) and I send it back for repairs, can I request a free copy of Kameo or Perfect Dark Zero? Or do they not care anymore because of the sheer volume of failed 360's.
  6. Japhen

    CAGcast #47: World of Moochcraft [Bonus Pics/Videos Inside!]

    Another great CAG cast as usual! Keep up the good work!
  7. Japhen

    CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

    Hey CheapyD, while in japan I would like to see you influtrate Konami. You know don solid snakes gear, take a few pictures of Metal gear etc, and return home. Congratz on moving to Tokyo, im so jealous
bread's done