Recent content by JoshiePoo757

  1. JoshiePoo757

    My podcast is giving away a copy of Re5 (360/PS3)

    We just started a new podcast and soon we will be launch a full site. This week we posted our first episode. So with that were also launching our first game give away. Go to As we hinted at before, here is our first game give-away contest. I think you can...
  2. JoshiePoo757

    Contest (CAGcast #108) Win Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) w/Art Book!

    Nero is a $$$ a punk a no good motherfucker. he would'nt share his 8 ball of coke with me Dante you are a punk a $$$ a mother fucking piece of shit. I would break his back, fuck his ass and make him humble.
  3. JoshiePoo757

    Best Brick & Mortar Game Retailer 2007

    I fucking hate gamestop
  4. JoshiePoo757

    Warhawk Beta Sign ups

    I just signed up. I hope i get in.
  5. JoshiePoo757

    CAGcast #76 will be postponed until next week...sorry!

    I just started listening to the podcast about 3 weeks ago and was really looking forward to listening to it this week. Lame
bread's done