Recent content by jwg

  1. J


    Picked up Alan Wake, Bulletstorm and Batman: Arkham Asylum for around 35 bucks. Not a bad deal.
  2. J

    Street Fighter X Tekken $39.96 Wal-Mart B&M (YMMV depending on price changes)

    That's 10 dollars too much for me, considering the on-disk DLC that's still there. Some of you don't get why people are pissed about the on-disk DLC at all. Reasonable people don't mind paying for DLC that takes time and money to create after a game has been out for a few months to maybe a...
  3. J

    ME2 or FF13? vote if you've played both

    Good luck beating FF13 on a rental. Mass Effect 2 was a good game, but it was in no way the "GREATEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!" In some ways the first Mass Effect is better. The story in ME2 is completely retarded, grinding consist of scanning planets for minerals, and, as has...
  4. J

    Unreal Tournament III - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Hopefully the game really is coming out today at Game Stop. I seem to be getting mixed messages on the internet for what day the game is coming out on.
  5. J

    Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

    Even 7 people for FFA seemed like too much. Team Slayer with 4 people worked well in the one game I played. Two reasonably organized teams playing each other made it a lot less of a mess than FFA.
  6. J

    Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

    If you're trying to win King of the Hill games in Lone Wolves, keep in mind the hill changes locations every minute. If, for example, you notice there's only 10 seconds before the hill changes locations, go ahead and move to the location where the hill will appear next. It's usually not that...
  7. J

    Post your COD4 LVl/Weapon/Perks setup here!

    Level 52: M16 Red Dot Stopping power Three grenades Martydom RPD: Grip Stopping power Deep impact G36C: Red dot Stopping power Three Grenades Martydom I mainly use the M16.
  8. J 25% Off Used Games

    I've never had any problems with used Gamestop games.
  9. J

    Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

    Microsoft and Bungie can kiss my ass. I guess the 10 gazillion dollars they made a few months ago just weren't enough.
  10. J

    Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

    What a lame ass playlist update we have coming next week. It's almost like they're trying to make people mad. As soon as I get my 360 back, I'm giving CoD 4 a try.
  11. J

    Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

    Red Ringed last night. I'm thinking about buying a 65 nm version and trading my old one in when I get it back.
  12. J

    Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

    I played the hell out of this game the first two weeks it was out. Now I'm already starting to get tired of it. I blame it on the lack of maps and the shit system that won't let you pick what type of game you'd like to play. I don't want to play fucking Territories, Landgrab, or One-Sided VIP...
  13. J

    Warning! Microsoft Cracking Down on Naughty Gamer Mottos - CheapyD Suspended from XBL

    I guess it's a good thing I changed my old motto.
  14. J

    So you finshed Halo 3 what are your thoughts? Warning spoilers within!

    I would have preferred to not be fighting The Flood for the last two stages, but overall, I really enjoyed Halo 3. I was kinda let down with the last level, though. I mean, we're talking about the very last stage in the very last game of the story arch for Halo. I expected the biggest and...
  15. J

    NBA 2K8 demo on Marketplace

    The crowds and the surrounding environments look great. The player models? Not so much. It's almost like 2K sports spent all of their efforts on things taking place off the court this year. The players look good while playing from the broadcast view, then when you see them up close, they look...
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