Recent content by mclovin77

  1. M

    Monster Hunter Tri: Keep the servers Online Petition

    Hi CAG-Community, Capcom plans to shut down the servers for Monster Hunter Tri with the new Monster Hunter for Wii U to "encourage" players to change to the new version. The problem is just that you would not only have to buy a new game but also a new console to be able to play Monster Hunter...
  2. M

    CAGcast #270: Man Down

    I think Double Fine does it just the right way. I remember the whole community cry for a rerelease of "Psychonauts" and they brought it to the Marketplace - guess what really did not so well!!! The thing is people like to cry out loud a lot if they demand something, but thats all they do. The...
  3. M

    CAGcast #225: PS3 Blood Libel

    is it, i was thinking about buying this one and of course the new dragon quest! Maybe i should download the demo.... Stay with your opions, it was a great show.
  4. M

    CAGcast #225: PS3 Blood Libel

    As a matter of fact the ps3 is not a bad console. But Sony screwed it all up with lots of stupid decicions. My brother lend me his one and i really don't see why i should use it for more than as a blue ray player - but that can do my laptop or my philips blue ray player as well. I still...
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