Recent content by Psyure

  1. P

    CAG's Win Everything* Black Friday Bonanza! - Congratulations, thenewnumbertwo!

    This contest is the Shizznit! By far the best raffle ever!
  2. P

    Wii Component Cable Advice

    Just ordered mine from play - asia, 13.39 final- out the door! heres hoping they aint too cheap!
  3. P

    Wii @ Wal Mart this Sunday (1/28)

    Went to my WM at 830 am this morn and there were none on the shelf! So I asked the sales person if they had any Wii's and she said yes! They were keeping them behind the counter, heh. She said they received 50 of them and they had sold 15 already. so I got mines, yeah!
  4. P

    Barnes and Noble

    Sharing is caring... I sure could use that!
  5. P

    CONTEST: Win CheapyD's Games! [Last Day!]

    Wasabe Snooters! 'Nuff said All the games...gimme all the games...
  6. P

    Pariah w/ free bonus - 19.90 and The Bard's Tale - 11.90

    nope. not that great. knidava let down i think Circuit city still has it for $14?
  7. P

    Sam Goody Additional 50% off Clearance(nationwide, not ymmv)

    I just got back from the horton plaza superstore and they had a few xbox live communicators for %50 off. Not a bad deal a'tall... Can you post that coupon again if tis not expired, eh?
  8. P

    30 day trial at GameFly (April 30th last day to sign up)

    Same thing happened to me- but I made a brand new acount using my wifes name, e-mail, and credit card. But since its the same address... no dice I got punked... trying to punk them.
  9. P

    Any Gamefly rental trial deals (i.e. any that last more than 10 days?)

    heres a bestbuy gamefly code that should work.- 1mbb64 - 2 weeks!
bread's done