Recent content by reatrocity

  1. reatrocity

    Buy GTA5 @ TRU get a $19.99 or less Rockstar game free AND a $10 GC Tuesday Only (Coupon added)

    Thanks for the heads up! I too would probably not have seen it.
  2. reatrocity

    Steam Trading Cards Trading Thread

    [ H a v e ] -Cards- Magicka - Water Element Portal 2 - Intro, Finale -Coupon- 33% OFF Electronic Super Joy (Exp. Sep. 17) [ W a n t ] Magicka - Fire Element, Cold Element, Arcane Element, Shield Element, Lightning Element Puddle - Chemistry, The Sewer, The Skull, To Infinity and Beyond...
  3. reatrocity

    Ripping Off Young America: The College-Loan Scandal

    Most bachelors degrees are essentially worthless at the moment without continuing graduate school. I just completed a degree with a B.A. in Psychology, and I went for this degree with the understanding that without continuing my education, my degree means absolutely nothing. Same goes for social...
  4. reatrocity

    What's one game you always thought you'd hate until you actually tried it?

    Probably Path of Exile. Friend of mine asked me to try it and I honestly didn't care for it. The first time I downloaded I had it open for 5 minutes and closed it without giving it a chance. I eventually came around to trying it sincerely, and it's actually quite fun! Especially playing with...
  5. reatrocity

    Elder Scrolls Online - $15 monthly fees... Time to cancel my preorder.

    I'm looking forward to trying ESO. As someone who has played WoW for many years it does not turn me off for there to be a subscription fee. However, the idea of micro-transactions irks me a bit. With a subscription model, these "fun" items should be a standard part of the game. The reason why...
  6. reatrocity

    Madden 25 Official CAG League - 3 Seasons Completed. Shutdown for 2013-2014.

    He saw me post on here... no word yet from my dear old husband. :P He's scared. ;). Then again, he's used to losing, he's a Cowboys fan.
  7. reatrocity

    Convince me to watch Breaking Bad (no spoilers please)

    As someone who likes Nikita, I was never hooked with Nikita as I was with Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad is awesome! However, there are just some shows that certain people just don't like. It's a personal thing. For me that show is Seinfeld *hides*. I never got the appeal of that show. I would like...
  8. reatrocity

    MMO for her/him..

    I agree that WoW would probably be your best bet. My husband introduced me to WoW a few years ago, and I still go back to play from time to time. If they didn't completely ruin it, I would also recommend Star Wars if only for their really fun leveling experience.
  9. reatrocity

    Madden 25 Official CAG League - 3 Seasons Completed. Shutdown for 2013-2014.

    My husband won't let me play in this league because he knows I would beat him. ;) Right, Superstar? Hahaha.
bread's done