Recent content by stewe

  1. S

    [dead] Gohastings 30% off used games - Extended to Today!

    Picked up two more wii games (Dead Space Extraction and HoTD: Overkill for less than $9 each). I've probably gotten ~15 ps3 and wii games from hastings between b2g1 and 30% deals and I've never been disappointed.
  2. S B2G1 for $1 on used games

    Picked up Resonance of Fate, 3D Dot Heroes, and Arc Rise Fantasia. $62 total. Considering how long I've been looking for a good deal on RoF I can't complain. I've ordered twice before from Hastings during b2g1 and have never been disappointed by either the quality of the games or the shipping...
  3. S

    PC: The Indie Bundle - DRM Free Indie Games - 19.99

    No steam codes, unfortunately. I was getting download speeds of ~150 kb/s for each game from their website, although I was downloading all of them simultaneously (except osmos, which I already had on steam and sent to a friend).
  4. S

    PC: The Indie Bundle - DRM Free Indie Games - 19.99

    If you already own any of the games they make it really easy to simply e-mail your license to a friend.
  5. S

    PC: The Indie Bundle - DRM Free Indie Games - 19.99 The Summer of Love Bundle - $19.99: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Brain Pipes Captain Forever Cogs Saira Space Giraffe The Love Bundle - $19.99: And Yet It Moves Auditorium Aztaka Eufloria Machinarium Osmos The Mega-Bundle - $29.99: All of the Above
  6. S

    20% Off All In-Stock New Wii/DS Games $29.99+ at GameStop

    In case anyone was interested Metroid Prime Trilogy comes out to $33.99 used after 2d15 coupon code. If you can't find it at your local sears on clearance I doubt you'll find a better price ever.
  7. S - New and Used Games [No Current Codes]

    Assume it's going to take at least 2 weeks and then be pleasantly surprised if it takes any less.
  8. S - New and Used Games [No Current Codes]

    There is a feedback system, since each seller account is linked to a credit card (with name/address info) if you report any issue they have a record of it and if it becomes habitual they terminate that account. While it is possible to still exploit this system, anyone exploiting this system...
  9. S - New and Used Games [No Current Codes]

    I've bought 5 games and sold 2 games through glyde and have been completely satisfied with both sides of the transaction. If you want your game immediately go to B&M and pay more; If you want every last cent for your game sell it through craigslist or ebay; but if you want a simple, effortless...
  10. S

    Official Sears Clearance Thread II - post Sears finds/deals here

    Also picked up Muramasa for 9.97+tax
  11. S

    Super Mario Galaxy 2 15% Off and $20 Coupon from Gamestop

    I also just paid $159 in use tax. Since almost all of my purchases are from Amazon it's extremely easy to go through all the invoices of the previous year and calculate the necessary tax. California paid me 60% of my salary to stay home with my daughter for 3 months when she was born. They...
  12. S - New and Used Games [No Current Codes]

    If your item is listed as a dollar less than the price you set it at it's a 'daily deal.'
  13. S

    30% Off Everything - Enter Konami Code for Discount

    The description states that only a wii mote comes with the system, but mine actually had a nunchuck with it as well. If what you say is true, I wonder what percentage have the nunchuck and what percentage don't?
bread's done