Recent content by T-Shirt Ninja

  1. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    Pretty uneventful day for me, I woke up an hour late, went to 3-4 street sales. Thought I had hit a decent find for a gamegear with 4 games, but when I asked how much, the man running the sale said 30 bucks. I didn't bother offering the 4 dollars I thought it was worth. That was pretty much the...
  2. T

    Wish I was there: Meijer accidentally marks everything 50% off

    See this is a situation, where if you are an employee, you pay cash and that's that, no paper trail for your employer to find. If the employee didn't use their discount card I don't think they'd spend the time trying to track down every person who took advantage of the error. That's pretty...
  3. T

    6 dreamcasts found in the dumpster behind gamestop

    I remember back when I was about 10-12 years old. Before Chuck E Cheese used to cut their tickets when you redeemed them, they used to just chuck the redeemed tickets in the garbage and toss them in a dumpster behind the restaurant. Well one day I noticed a clear bag with tickets in it, I pulled...
  4. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    Gas prices aren't affecting me too much, I drive a 2003 Toyota Matrix, so it's decent on gas. But I think this weekend will be my last for a few weeks, since I got a new sales job (camera store) and they need me working saturday mornings since they're really busy this time of year.
  5. T

    [Canada] EB June Promo

    I've used the optex ones on my PDA and DS phat, take your time with applying them and they'll look good. I'm not sure how easy they are to get off they seem pretty sticky, might have to heat them up a little bit.
  6. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    That's the general rule I've noticed. If I see a playset or a lot of children's clothes I usually skip the sale. Unless they're young parents who grew up on NES's or something. But if I read an ad in the newspaper saying lots of young kids items, it there are no other sales in the general area...
  7. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    Gah hit like 30 houses today, nothing but overpriced sports games. About the well to do houses giving good deals, it's not necessarily the case. I went to an area with 1mil+ houses and the lady there wouldn't sell me her son's cartridge only mario 64 for 3 bucks (which is already high). So far...
  8. T

    Electroplankton score at GameStop

    I had my brother pick me up a JPN copy when he went to japan, I like the box a lot, so shiny and blue it looks really nice on my shelf. I play it sometimes before bed cause it makes me fall asleep, the sounds are really soothing.
  9. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    Better week than last. Hit around 30 sales, got a few things. Jurassic Park GB Paid: $0.50 Not too much at this sale, there was a sweet looking accordian tho lol. I asked if she had any games, she said she had sold them all a few years ago but remembered seeing 1 gameboy game, I CIFed 25...
  10. T

    Old, but New!

    Heh I saw a Sealed copy of Sim City for SNES at Zellers (cdn department store) for 24.99. It was their only SNES title lol.
  11. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    Beautiful day, hit up around 25-30 sales but the only thing I found were 2 gameboys (didn't need them). I hope next weekend has some better stuff.
  12. T

    Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

    Haha that reminds me of when I went to Walmart during my shift to check a pricematch for a customer, I was wearing black pants, a dress shirt and a tie (which is the standard for my store). When I was looking for the camera people started asking me questions about the cameras there. I told them...
  13. T

    Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

    I work at a photography store and we have these self serve machines, where you stick your memory card in choose your pictures, it'll print out a receipt and you bring it to the front so we can tell the lab to process it. If you don't bring the slip your order doesn't get printed, I need to get...
  14. T

    OFFICIAL 2007 Yard Sale thread

    My newspaper just puts in text ads, then I throw them into google and plan my attack the night before. I want to get a bluetooth GPS unit for my nokia N800 with maemo mapper and use that for my route.
  15. T

    Good deals on Halo1/2 in Canada??

    Toys R Us has 20% off xbox360 accessories this week, that's probably your best bet right now. You can check yard sales for xbox games, I picked up 4 games (Halo1 and Halo 2 were 2 of them) for 2 bucks today. It seems people are eager to get rid of previous gen games already.
bread's done