Recent content by waywardchemist

  1. W

    The better the Cubs do the more I'll give away...

    I'm going to try and wait before I get too excited about this year. Is it possible for not enough post-season appearances by the Cubs to still leave me saying I've seen this too many times before? Because '84 and '89 still hurt and let's not talk about anything more recent.
  2. W

    Black Knight Sword (XBLA and PSN) Giveaway

    Xbox, North America. I'll say Killer 7 for my favorite Suda 51 game. It's stylish, fun and interesting. Everything that defines a Suda 51 game.
  3. W

    Gamestop B2G1F This Weekend

    My email says the gamestop in Rivercrest Centre in Crestwood is having the sale.
  4. W

    [Ended]Win AC: Brotherhood DLC (PS3)/Happy Action Theater/CoD BO 1st Strike MP 360

    16 votes with 56 total votes cast. I'd like Happy Action Theater. Thanks.
  5. W

    Win $20 Amazon for filling out my fantasy football survey

    Survey completed. Happy to help.
  6. W

    Win 1600 Xbox 360 points! ***WE HAVE A WINNER***

    Sure, seems odd but whatever
  7. W

    CAG contest is over....Congrats to Super_Nerd!

    It's either X-wing vs. Tie Fighter or X-wing Alliance. Why? I have killed tens of thousands. I have killed Star Destroyers just because they were there and there was nothing else left to kill. I have flown through the hanger bays of Star Destroyers to the shock of my friends. I have cursed...
  8. W Pre-Owned Box & Manual Guarantee - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

    Overlord, Overlord 2, Sacred 2, Legend of Zelda 4 Swords (if I also picked up a couple of GBAs and the cables to commect them to the Gamecube)
bread's done