Recent content by XingBa

  1. XingBa

    Need advice on a custom rig(s)

    So I've been looking at this rig and just need a bit of information. You guys think that it's worth that price I mean it does seem like a bargain and I can get a new OS without a problem but I'm looking to play Planetside 2 on High...
  2. XingBa


    Still sucks balls. Like most of us aren't struggling as it is.
  3. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    No refund and no reply, I guess I've got them shaking in their Woolies. Sorry for the poor humour but my old man said that he's raised this issue to the producer of Watchdog and it may get a mention, fingers crossed.
  4. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    I will be opening a dispute and my old man is submitting this so it may get a
  5. XingBa

    Not sure. Mac or PC?

    Thanks for the advice as Macs can be great investments but I may wait until December as I heard there may be an i3 processor coming out for the 13" Macbook Pro. I get you called PC cheap ass for a reason :-P But thats a decent price but I kind of need it for gaming, but thanks for the...
  6. XingBa

    Win EVERYTHING* Competition Comment Thread

    Great work John. I remember you mentioning giving away one of these great prizes but all of them? Wow, just wow. Look at all the new people as well, hmmmm.
  7. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    Just checked mine and it has been cancelled. No offence but this is really, really bad service since I received no email. I mean just say I only found this out on Tuesday? The disappointment would of killed me. But seriously, why have a code that anyone can use and then come out with some poor...
  8. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    Well my order is still looking good. I think ringing up is a bad idea mate. Even if they didn't honour the code, my old man works for the beeb so Watchdog could be on their backs. ;)
  9. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    I'm not going to contact them and hope for the best. But John is right though. If they want new customers then this would be a good way to get them in. If they pull my order then I doubt I would use them again.
  10. XingBa

    Not sure. Mac or PC?

    Well I do use Photoshop a lot, and would love to use film making and music production programs like Final Cut and Logic but I know there are PC versions of them but it would be mainly used for gaming. The goal? Hmm, to be honest that's a good question but it's mainly to play games and the...
  11. XingBa

    Not sure. Mac or PC?

    Sorry, what I meant by doing that was the fact that I could run Mac OSX and Windows 7 on the same machine. If I could do that on the PC then that would be amazing, but I haven't found anything similar to Boot Camp that runs on a PC.
  12. XingBa

    Not sure. Mac or PC?

    But if I get a Mac then I could partition the hard drive and run both operating systems. Thanks for your feedback by the way. Oh yeah I forgot to point out that my spending limit is £1000 ($1,605.44)
  13. XingBa

    Not sure. Mac or PC?

    Now this may sound crazy but I work for Apple and I think we make some amazing devices but lately I've been searching around for a new machine and I do like PC's but my funds are a little limited. So to keep it short I want a gaming laptop. I've seen some decent deals but they always have one...
  14. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    Just checked my bank statement online and it says that I have made a payment for tomorrow to Woolworths for £20 via Paypal :S Seems there more than happy to take out the money but I just hope it stays that way. Fingers crossed. No worries mate.
  15. XingBa

    Call of Duty Black Ops for £20, or £25 off anything else they sell

    Guys I don't know if you know this but just like Tesco, Woolworths have two online departments. You have to order from the normal not Woolworths Entertainment. I had a few problems with the codes but then realised that I was on the Woolworths Entertainment website. Had no...
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