Search results

  1. clortho


  2. clortho

    PS3 w/ 9 Games and 2 Controllers for $250 on Craigslist in Sacramento

    I posted this in the Craigslist thread but I think this deserves one on its own.. Either this guy is insanely stupid, a thief, or both. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess either all of this is stolen or he plans on holding you up at...
  3. clortho

    Circuit City Has WaveBirds For GC - $24.99 YMMV

    When I went to get the Wii Zapper the other day, I couldn't help but notice they had two WaveBirds brand new for $24.99 plus tax. I don't know if this is a steal or not since I don't usually shop at CC and I haven't bought GameCube accessories in a LONG time, but it looks like used ones are...
  4. clortho

    Best Deal on Super Mario Galaxy?

    So far I think Google Checkout is my best bet.. $42.98 with free shipping. Any others?
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