Search results

  1. haloman21

    God I need a new rts

    I need a new damn rts. I'm getting so bored of Supreme Commander Forged Alliance. Suggest me a new rts
  2. haloman21

    Any deals on 160gig ipods?

    I was wondering if there are any deal on 160 gig ipods. I don't want to wait a long time for the price to drop so are there any stores that have them on sale or something?
  3. haloman21

    Quote editing

    Well I was wondering if we can start a new game called quote editing. Someone says something and you quote their post and change words and things of that nature. You wana play? Rules 1. DON'T be a pissy little bitch if someone makes you feel bad
  4. haloman21

    Any of you have fish?

    I wanted to get something to make my room a little more interesting. See i want some fish so I wan't to get a tank one preferably that could fit on a desk 4ft 7in long and 2ft 5 1/2in wide. But take into consideration my 22inch monitor in the center of the desk and the lamp to the right of my...
  5. haloman21

    Can someone explain to me why monster rancher sells for nearly $100 Man I want that game too, Anyone know where I can get that game or the 4th one for cheap?
  6. haloman21

    Under 18 years of age and need to make money

    So I need to make some money and im not 18 years old therefore I have no credit card,No bank account no real transportation. So how does someone like go about making some money. 10-16
  7. haloman21

    Games worth playing?

    Im looking for some good pc games. I like rts games. The games i have are Age of empires 3, Civ4,portal,Sims 2,cod 4,crysis,Oblivion and the spore creature creator. I also like game similar to oblivion with wide open worlds (Adventure games i think) and player moding comunitys.
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