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  1. Dufran3

    Reccomendations for new PC??

    I am looking to build a new PC. My budget is in the ballpark of $2500. I am looking to use an Intel proc. with an ATI video card. Also would like to use water cooling. I haven't used water cooling on any of my past PC builds, but wanted to see if I could do it with this one. Here are my old PC...
  2. Dufran3

    Updating Machine...any suggestions?

    I was wanting to update my current are my current parts with links...I would like to replace my HD, Proc, video card, and memory with faster and better parts, of course with out breaking the bank. Any suggestions Here are my current scores in Windows 7 And here are my current...
  3. Dufran3

    Battlefield Heroes Beta Key anyone?

    Hey guys, so I got a beta key a while back. Played the beta, and am back up playing the beta again. My buddy signed up for a key, but hasn't received it yet. Does anyone here have a beta key they would be willing to part with? If he ends up getting a key after I get one, I will post that on here...
  4. Dufran3

    BFHeroes Beta Keys

    Hey everyone!!! Battle Field Heroes has an update that is well..ok news.. although the release date was pushed back, they said they will be giving out beta keys to the 20 first comments on various posts for the next few weeks. First, anyone who gets an extra key...please oh please may I ? lol...
  5. Dufran3

    PC upgrade ideas?

    Hey all, new here, wanting to upgrade my pc for reasonable cost. But I'm not sure where my hardware stands compared to what is out there...don't want to spend $130 on a new vid. card when it doesn't really outperform the one I have. I hope you can help! Current System Spec's: MOBO: MSI Neo4...
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