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  1. polizia

    Lips wait or not? [Use Lips thread]

    I really want to get a game with good vocals in it, and Lips seems great. I pretty much just want it for me and my mom so i can kick her ass at it lol nah i wish but uh.. i was wondering if you guys think the price will drop or if there will be a sale, or should i just buy it now?
  2. polizia

    Funny experiance lol

    A while back on GiantBomb they were having a contest for a Gears of War Zune, and it was some sort of raffle who ever had over 5000 points for just post and being active on the site could enter the raffle so i thought it would be a good idea to post my Senior project Essay on Net Neutrality...
  3. polizia

    Wow Omfg! Love M

    I love microsoft:cry: This was the best decision i have made when it comes to buying consoles. First console i ever owned was the game cube and that was a wreck. Well i recently sold my ps3 for a 360 and im loving ever moment of Gears and Halo, Mass Effect, Fable, Naruto rise of ninja. :) NOW...
  4. polizia

    Good Local multiplayer games.

    Hey there does anyone know of any games for the 360 that are good for pickup play, with friends? Like as 4 player hack and slash or anything in those terms, any multilayer games that are local and does not require online or another 360.
  5. polizia

    Really Really Cheap TVs

    Does anyone know of any Really cheap ''32 to ''40 TVs. I don't care if they are HD or not i just want a big tv. my brother moved out and took our second big tv and now i cant have lan partys at my place. Im looking to buy a tv for really cheap. Ive been looking for Tube tvs but its nearly...
  6. polizia

    XBOX HandHeld

    Hey there its two thousand and eight and we yet have to hear about a XBOX Hand held. Recently the XboX team have been leaning towards the casual market with the Gamer Face or what ever it was announced at E3. I Just want to make this prediction feel free to make your own, but i think this year...
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