Search results

  1. hxhawkeye

    Flingsmash + Black Wii Remote Plus (Used) $12.27 @ goHastings

    As an update to this, got mine in the mail today and it DID come with the controller! Turned out to be an awesome deal.
  2. hxhawkeye

    Dragon Age Legends Facebook Beta Key

    Looks like someone nabbed it.
  3. hxhawkeye

    Is your launch day XBOX 360 still working?

    Still going strong, though it sounds like a helicopter compared to my newer Elite!
  4. hxhawkeye

    Free Darksiders Code to get Red Faction and Bonus for cost of shipping...

    Mega Man 3. Since that one is my favorite, I'll guess it.
  5. hxhawkeye

    Free "Custom" T-shirt

    Thanks! I got "The World's Most Boring Shirt In The World".
  6. hxhawkeye

    Punch-Out!! Wii $5 Promo Code from Amazon (One Code)

    Please post if you use it, so you don't waste someone else's time. Thanks and enjoy!
  7. hxhawkeye

    Weighted Companion Cube Plush Back in Stock

    Thanks, OP! Grabbed 2 cubes. I figure if ONE cube provides such amazing friendship, think what TWO cubes will do!
  8. hxhawkeye

    Dead Like Me question

    S2 doesn't really end on a cliffhanger so much as there's just not really any closure for the series. It's not like a Lost/Angel/Buffy cliffhanger. I have strong fears about the direct-to-dvd movie. OP, I strongly recommend getting both seasons. Great show.
  9. hxhawkeye

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Me too, Facemeat. I could weep right now.
  10. hxhawkeye

    Family Guy spinoff coming - "Cleveland" -- Delayed to Fall 2009

    See, the thing is...actually doing a Cleveland spin-off is a joke in itself. Family Guy is obsessed with the old 80s sitcoms, and what did those sitcoms always do? Spin off the black family. The Jeffersons. Family Matters. It's just one more tribute to old sitcoms. :) Who knows if it'll be any...
  11. hxhawkeye

    Did I get a good deal?

    Barbie has some seriously hardcore platforming. You have ridiculously easy segments of the game where you have to basically match shapes, then they throw the little 5-year-old girl playing the game into a nightmare of Barbie drowning in rivers because it requires pinpoint jumps. And yes, I seek...
  12. hxhawkeye

    Get yourself ready for de Blob! (New Preview)

    Nothing moves de Blob!
  13. hxhawkeye

    Grim Fandango

    Yep, you people have made sure I'll be reinstalling this game over the weekend, as if I didn't have enough waiting for me to play. And I'm sure 64-bit Vista's going to be oh-so-kind to it. Damn you. Thank you.
  14. hxhawkeye

    Play Psychonauts FREE until December 31st

    Mr. Pokeylope commands it!
  15. hxhawkeye

    GS opens 5,000th store

    Long live the Rhino. That is all.
  16. hxhawkeye

    Buffy or Angel or Dark Angel DVD Series $5.99 each (AC) at Best Buy

    No one should pass up Angel at this price. It is, without a doubt, my favorite TV series ever. I love Buffy as well, but I believe Angel to be the better show overall. ...I suppose a blank post with just my avatar could have communicated this. Ah, well.
  17. hxhawkeye

    A Thrift Store Excursion...

    That is an AMAZING find. Congratulations.
  18. hxhawkeye

    hxhawkeye's eBay Auctions

    Last batch of guides ends today. Don't miss out!
  19. hxhawkeye

    hxhawkeye's eBay Auctions

    Just a few hours left on half of the guides. Hurry!
bread's done