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  1. distaph

    Vote and Win Avater items

    Voted as Sean McIntire, good luck
  2. distaph

    Rocksteady Signed Batman: Arkham City Giveaway

    Thanks Cheapy, 360 for me please.
  3. distaph

    Tell us a secret you know because of your work that others might not know.

    It's been about 9 years since I worked there, but Home Depot employees were required to at least greet every customer that passes within a 3 ft radius, and could technicality get written up for not doing so. If a construction project has a minority participation minimum percentage requirement...
  4. distaph

    *OVER* Giving away a sealed copy of Blood Bowl (360)

    My favorite autobiography is If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell
  5. distaph

    Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

    I thought he was referring to Get Back by the Beatles. Get Back by Ludacris and Get Low by Lil Jon are very similar in that they are both terrible. There is only 9 years difference between the Bowie and Idol songs('74 and '83), and to call Bowie soft rock is like calling Green Day a punk band.
  6. distaph

    Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

    Yeah, I'm sorry. I mean they only share one word, rebel, which is a relatively uncommon word for a song title. Oh, and the second words share a similar vowel sound, (which is why the phrase "rebel yell" is so catchy). And they are both from the same general genre of music, unlike Mr...
  7. distaph

    Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

    You just referenced a Kriss kross song. I don't think that qualifies you to criticize anyone. We are talking about two old rock songs with similar names. I didn't realize CAG had such a fervent population of musicologists.
  8. distaph

    Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

    Not really, just similar names. Rebel Rebel was out in 74, Rebel Yell not till the early 80's
  9. distaph

    Rock Band series - Rock Band 4 out now

    You are probably thinking of Rebel Yell by Billy Idol
  10. distaph

    My Pinball FX XBOX 360 Contest

    Friend request sent: boomstyck79
  11. distaph

    XBLA - X-Men Arcade - 800 Points - Now available!

    Played online last night, got to just before Mystique shows up and two people dropped out.
  12. distaph

    (DEAD) Iron Man 2 blu combo pack $15

    got one, thanks op
  13. distaph

    GameFly Used Game Sale With Free Shipping

    Ordered Wet, GI Joe and Conduit yesterday, and they just got delivered to my office. Not bad for free shipping!
bread's done