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  1. gamerstop

    A Fallout movie?

    I was looking on Imdb for movies coming out next year because I was bored and I found this I can't say this is gonna be a movie but it looks like it. Hey, it might just be a movie about something else but just named Fallout. It would be pretty cool to see a...
  2. gamerstop

    FREE GEARS OF WAR 2 GOLD PLATED LANCER!! and other marketplace stuff!

    How do you people get all of these to work? the only one i can get working is the golden lancer. Have they fixed it?
  3. gamerstop

    Make sure your GF is hot BEFORE posting pics on the internet

    I would rather gouge my own eyes out with a rusty nail while having my testicles ripped of by a lion then date this thing
  4. gamerstop

    Make sure your GF is hot BEFORE posting pics on the internet

    that is just about the most amazing thing i've ever seen
  5. gamerstop

    Make sure your GF is hot BEFORE posting pics on the internet

    Asia has got 'weapons of mass destruction' Skasian page 22
  6. gamerstop

    Make sure your GF is hot BEFORE posting pics on the internet

    "If Sasquatch exists, it had horrific violent sex with the girl off of The Ring and multiplied for numerous generations of inbreeding and this is the result. Pull out your tranquilizer gun and put a god damn leash on that thing." JoshLV page 13
  7. gamerstop

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    hey Cheapy and Wombat. I was wondering with the new dashboard coming out if you guys were gonna host maybe a CAG movie viewing night. Where a few (I don't know how many) CAG's can join a session with you and wombat and watch a movie all together. I know Cheapy that you don't have netflix, but...
  8. gamerstop

    Hurricane Ike is coming!!!/Ike-carumba

    I live in texas also and am going to get 40mph winds and a whole crapload of rain. But luckily I am nowhere near the actual hurricane. It is supposed to be almost as strong as Katrina. I've been talking about this alot in science class and when it hits it will become a stage 3. So you might want...
  9. gamerstop

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hey guys I wanted to know the games you are looking forward to in 2008/2009. I myself am looking forward to left 4 dead.
  10. gamerstop

    Robo cop alvin and the chipmunks

    Yes. Robomunk. I was walking by my 5 year old sisters room today and was wondering what she was watching. I walk in and see this playing. Robomunk. Now the only reason I am putting this in here instead of my blog is because I just had to share this with all of the CAGs. Well here it is...
  11. gamerstop

    Best Videogame Weapons

    What does it do, what's its abilities and things like that. My favorite is the Painkiller weapon from Painkiller that shoots ninja stars and a deadly beam thing.
  12. gamerstop

    best SNL sketch EVER

  13. gamerstop

    REAL COD 4 ghost

    Yeah I rented that game a few weeks ago and I went into the bathroom and I saw this ghost thing in the mirror. It was very strange.
  14. gamerstop

    REAL COD 4 ghost

    Crap. Apparently you guys don't get tricked easily. I started this to see how many people I could trick but you guys don't fall for anything. Crap. I tried making up fake points but those didn't work either.
  15. gamerstop

    Pheonix Wright

    I'm done with those I only wanted to show a few I liked but I'm done now.
  16. gamerstop

    Pheonix Wright

    It's not supposed to. Its not like brain train. It's not a supposed to teach how to be a lawyer.
  17. gamerstop

    Pheonix Wright

    So I beat the first game and am working on the second right now. I was wondering who else may have beaten any of theses games or have enjoyed them or hated them. I my self love these games because I actually care for the characters. The game also gives me a great sense of accomplishment.
  18. gamerstop

    REAL COD 4 ghost

    Pretty much.
  19. gamerstop

    REAL COD 4 ghost

    Also another point that it is real is when he is near the boxes and the ghost is there and he backs away for a sec. the ghost walks around a corner. Then the guy looks where the ghost went and he is nowhere to be found.
  20. gamerstop

    REAL COD 4 ghost

    Okay I know you CAGs. You are just going to scream fake to this. BUT look at the guys points on how it is real. SO Don't go calling it fake before you know ALL the points. BUT if some how it is fake it's still freaking creepy.
bread's done