Search results

  1. False Hope

    Pirate Party USA

    See also: PirateParty.Us Did a search for this, very surprised no-one's posted already. Regardless, Allison and Sigal seem pretty optimistic, and I definitely support the theory of it. In relation to the raid, though, I do think it's ridiculously childish of the MPAA to think they can...
  2. False Hope

    Scary Movie 4- Good or Bad?

    Haven't seen it, but I've pretty much heard the same as what everyone in this thread is saying. Save it for a rental.
  3. False Hope

    P*2*P on LAN

    Allowing to connect to the network. I can start up a program and it will not connect. In a P*2*P, as an example, it will not connect to the network on which the files are shared (I understand this isn't an actual site or anything). As for mIRC, it will simply not connect to servers. I have...
  4. False Hope

    earn free stuff (dvd's, cd's) by rating music!

    I signed up under the OP, but fuck....this is terrible. The prospect of getting free stuff is awesome, as always, but I don't know if I can stand all this...Especially since I'm operating on dial-up. This might be something good to do at school to while away the time if the site isn't blocked...
  5. False Hope

    P*2*P on LAN

    I need help getting a P*2*P program set-up on an LAN connection. It apparently doesn't just work like my dial-up, where I can start it up and it goes, so if anyone has information on how to do this, can you tell me/point me to it? I'm also trying to set-up this program on a censored connection...
  6. False Hope

    What The HELL Is This Song?

    Alright. Excellent. Thanks a LOT, man.
  7. False Hope

    What The HELL Is This Song?

    I've never seen the commercial myself, I'll go ahead and say that much, but there is apparently a (Wal-Mart?) commercial with a song in the background. My friend approached me with this to see if I knew what the song was, and I didn't. Of course, I began to look on the internet, using the couple...
  8. False Hope

    Best way to sell CDs?

    Holy shit. I looked at the first 20 names and immediately saw several I liked. These'll be gone in no time.
  9. False Hope

    Best way to sell CDs?

    $4 is fairly reasonable, yes. (They generally go for about $6 in exchange stores.) As for exchange stores, you're probably best-off making that a last option. As has been said, you'd do best to list them on here or a site like this one. People are willing to pay more for a CD if it's something...
  10. False Hope

    ???> Windows Movie Maker

    I've got an acquaintance who is trying to break into the music industry. He's working on a basic level, and he's running a one-man show at the moment, so he has to record different parts of his song one piece at a time (vocals, guitar, secondary guitar, drums). At the moment, he's using Windows...
  11. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    I suppose it's just a matter of personal tastes, but checkbook is a tad more reliable. I mean, unless you plan on doing what he said, you can't really prove how much you spent on something if you're overcharged. At least with a checkbook it's written down. On that same note, though, you could...
  12. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    The argument above is much better than mine. And besides, do you think I have the time to break from poetry to call the bank? I certainly do not.
  13. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    I'd say the amount of junk mail, harassing phone calls, and how screwed you are if you lose it.
  14. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    Sure, but it's just not worth it sometimes. I suppose. If you're talking about the ones who wait until everything is rung up to write anything on the check, then yes, it does. As for the escalator, that reminds me of the halls at school. Dumbasses will be walking and then stop and talk to...
  15. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    Okay, why does this bother anyone? Is everyone supposed to pay with cash or something? Whenever we go to the supermarket, we usually get over a hundred bucks of stuff, so check is just more convenient.
  16. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    Most excellent. But on your way, stop by the store and pick up some Dashboard Confessional and My Chemical Romance. I'll pay you back when you get here. That way I'll be in the right mood to show you my tricks. Plus, go ahead and write out a will. If I decide to show you my double-suicide...
  17. False Hope

    Who's that girl in the commercials?

    Are you talking about those Poser Mobile commercials? I dunno about Campbell's commercials, though. Whoo. Swing and a miss.
  18. False Hope

    Real life Master Chief armor?

    Agreed. Besides, convenience is no match for fashion sense.
  19. False Hope

    How difficult is it to learn to play guitar by yourself?

    Yeah, pretty much the same here. I know a little about playing (I can do A Major and E Major) but not much else. I just don't think it'd be worth spending money on anything, if not lessons. I spent $40 on a tutorial thing with a DVD and all, and it's just not the same when you can't ask...
  20. False Hope

    The "What type of people do you hate?" Thread

    When all you do is sit in your room and whine about unrequited love, you tend to learn some interesting....tricks. Drop by my house one day and I can show some of the more entertaining ones. Don't be bothered if you're stopped by my mother on the way in. Just pitcha fit and she'll leave you...
bread's done