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  1. ByRdO

    2008 Video Game Spending Tab

    Holding my spot.
  2. ByRdO

    What's A Good Gaming Pc?

    My current computer is from Ibuypower, and it was bought maybe 4 years ago? At first they shipped one but there was something wrong with it, and we sent it back and got a new computer within two weeks. I have nothing but praise for them.
  3. ByRdO

    You guys want the truth about GS? Ask me.

    What is the difference between a SGA and a GA? Just amount of time worked? And if a new store is to open, do they just start with managers, ASM, and GAs?
  4. ByRdO

    You guys want the truth about GS? Ask me.

    $7.50 is a little more than minimum wage.. I think it is around $7.15 or so. And if you start at minimum wage, are raises offered? Are they based on time, performance, a combination, the managers? Any other general knowledge or advice would be wonderful.
  5. ByRdO

    You guys want the truth about GS? Ask me.

    There is a new Gamestop opening up in my town, and I was considering applying for a part-time position until I go to college in the fall. What kind of pay can I expect? I'm hoping at least $7.50 / hour? Is that unreasonable?
  6. ByRdO

    If I could have only one thing for Christmas it would be General Gaming Thread #18

    This Activision / Vivendi merger isn't good... I'm afraid the quality of Blizzard games will slip. I wish they had at least released SC2 first :/
  7. ByRdO

    If I could have only one thing for Christmas it would be General Gaming Thread #18

    Started The Darkness today. Seems okay so far, but I haven't played more than an hour or so. For those of you playing Fire Emblem... I want to pick up the Gamecube one before playing the Wii version, but I want to know if it would be worth it to start on hard. I am a fairly experienced SRPG...
  8. ByRdO

    Alternatives to Gamefaqs?

    What could be better than a site with enough traffic that you never actually have to type your question up and wait for a response, but instead just have to find the right thread?
  9. ByRdO

    I Sold My Wife and Daughter Into Bondage To Generally Game 17. And So Can You!!

    Beat Bioshock today. Also have The Darkness lined up. I'm probably done for tonight, though - time to watch football and do homework.
  10. ByRdO

    The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

    Still playing Bioshock. Encountered a pretty big plot twist. BIG I'm planning a second playthrough, on hard, to get the rest of the achievements. Also have The Darkness sitting unopened that I will play through next.
  11. ByRdO

    The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

    Crotch, what version of Fire Emblem are you playing? I could use a good strategy RPG (really hankering for another run through of Ogre Battle 64) but I wouldn't know where to start. Also, hows Starcraft going? Maybe I'll join in again one of these days. Bioshock just keeps getting better and...
  12. ByRdO

    The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

    Played more Bioshock last night. I'm really getting more and more absorbed into the story, and the art style continues to amaze me. I'm playing in right now, and I especially love the world here, with the
  13. ByRdO

    The General Gaming Thread with a fabulous and interesting title #16!

    Just bought Bioshock, with the deal for a free The Darkness along with it. Not that great of a deal now that The Darkness dropped to $20 and Bioshock to $40, but it seemed like it at the time. Really enjoying Bioshock. I haven't been this absorbed in a game in a long time. Love the atmosphere...
  14. ByRdO

    Best place to exchange a game without a receipt?

    I didn't realize it was so frowned upon... the way I considered it, they wouldn't lose any money. They would just be exchanging one piece of inventory for an equal piece of inventory. I might just decide to play The Darkness and hold off on Mass Effect for a while.
  15. ByRdO

    Best place to exchange a game without a receipt?

    I recently bought Bioshock and The Darkness online ( and got The Darkness for free, planning to switch it in for Mass Effect or Super Mario Galaxy. Only problem is, I don't have a receipt (as I obviously bought it from Amazon and not a...
  16. ByRdO

    Buy Bioshock 360, get Darkness 360 free - $50 at Amazon/Frys, $60 at GameStop

    Great deal; I'm going to pick this up and then trade The Darkness in for credit somewhere, and pick up either Halo 3, Orange Box, Mass Effect, or Assassin's Creed.. haven't decided yet.
  17. ByRdO

    Mass Effect Limited Edition available - online only!

    I would like to know, too, if we get the bonus disc from Amazon... I can order some other things at the time too, and save on shipping.
  18. ByRdO

    "THIEF! I cut off your hands!" No, Monsieur! I need them to post in Gaming Thread 10!

    Thanks for the heads up about the free Oblivion content... I just downloaded it. I really need to get back into it. Anyways, haven't really posted much on CAG, more of a lurker, so I figured I'd start contributing :P. When Halo 3 was released, I wanted to beat the copies of Halo 1 and 2 before...
  19. ByRdO

    TRU Friends & Family Oct. 7-13

    I'm taking a wild guess here - but is there any chance that the deal would work for preorders? I'd love to hit this deal up for Bioshock, Orange Box, and a preorder of Mass Effect.
  20. ByRdO

    Starcraft Game Arrangement Thread. Also, buy House of the Dead: Overkill

    I'll definately be on sometime soon, just not right away - gotta get some things cleared up :P
bread's done