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  1. Holden

    Official Radiohead Topic - Bonnaroo 2006 SBD

    1 of 2? That is a pretty sexy theory. I hope it's true. If not, I still feel good about the $48 I just dropped to get all that pre-order swag. And even if they only ever release 8 songs, I'm still happy. It's like getting a lap dance from my headphones.
  2. Holden

    How bad are off-brand PS1 memory cards?

    I never had problems with the one I use. I say go for the six off-brand cards. Alternatively, if you've got a birthday, valentine, or other gift potentially coming up, capitalize on that and get someone else to buy an official card for you.
  3. Holden

    I need your help settle a bet: What video game has the single greatest storyline?

    Metal Gear Solid 4. That one killed me and needs no explanation or defense. It speaks for itself. Uhhh, but if that gets tossed out on a technicality for being part of a continuing storyline then my vote goes to Braid. BRAID I TELLS, YA!! Why? EVERYTHING about that game was gorgeous...
  4. Holden

    Netflix Streaming Thread 2.0

    Second the warm fuzzies. Might have to stream some favorite episodes, especially in light of this announcement of BSG: Blood & Chrome. A 2 hour pilot? Fingers crossed that it turns out well and that they bring it to streaming with due haste. Godspeed, gentlemen. Anyone know if/when Merlin...
  5. Holden

    Who here is vegetarian/vegan?

    No joke! Even when people are trying to be nice about it, it can be a pain. Like going out...I always feel a little guilty when my friends spend time trying to think of a place I can eat. Nobody likes being the one with "special needs." I can usually find *something* to eat no matter where...
  6. Holden

    I prayed for more Zombies Ate My Neighbors...but who would have thought...

    I...I'm not sure what to say to this just yet. So many memories. What happens if they don't get it through production before the zombie movies popularity wave has crested? I mean, god willing, zombie movies will always be popular. Somebody wanna talk Edgar Wright into directing it?
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