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  1. Chalk

    Steam/Origin/Desura etc Trade/Sell/Buy Thread

    Anyone interested in doing a 4-pack?
  2. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V7 - The soda wars have ended, but the deals rage on.

    Quite ironic, but I guess that'll inspire me to through XCOM onto the backlog. Honestly just figured I would never even consider playing it. Perhaps some day though, post-BioShock maybeh.
  3. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

    Cause it was cheap. Has anyone even played it any? And a little useless, but if anyone wants any of the vote discounts just post cause I feel like I'm wasting my vote by note voting.
  4. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

    Far Cry is definitely tempting. I sure do have enough games to play to last me till the next winter though... that's been a huge justification to not buy too many games on this sale. Not to mention next semester will probably keep me busy. ;)
  5. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

    Phew... was able to squeeze in that last vote since Steam is up again.
  6. Chalk

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    [Want] Mass Effect Collection [Have] PayPal
  7. Chalk

    The Steam Deal thread V5. The big sale is over. New thread coming soon.

    Thoroughly annoyed with Steam right now. On the second crash that it's given me for the day the download that I had going on Sleeping Dogs went back to 0. I've probably put around 24 hours into that download due to this shitty internet. I guess I'll have to wait to play that game until I'm...
  8. Chalk

    The Steam Deal thread V5. The big sale is over. New thread coming soon.

    After restarting Steam (to participate in the Steam Beta Update) I was given the Portal 2 coupon. Try restarting for those who haven't received it? (I thought I hadn't gotten it because I checked my inventory after reading that some got it.)
  9. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    Ughh moving right now so things are really hectic, things getting boxed, staging of the house. I want my games. ):
  10. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    That was I usually do. Always lurking on my iPad.
  11. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    I can vouch to say that the game is severely addicting (or, at least, was back then). I started in Elementary school, and continued on for years. As was previously mentioned, it's an extremely social game. But as the years went on I found it to get incredibly competitive, it wasn't hard to keep...
  12. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    :-( I want Sleeping Dogs so badly! Man I really do want to preorder this, but I definitely don't have any money to spend since the summer sale. (Well, at least not that much.) And sadly I have a $500 BB unused gift card, but of course they don't offer a PC digital download for pre-order. Fuck...
  13. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    Thanks, guys! Was able to redeem both. You guys are ridiculous. :-P Anything monthly makes me feel as if I am paying rent, which is why I tend to steer clear of those. Although when I first started F2Ps I remember spending a bunch of money on them for all the extra trinkets. I just don't...
  14. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    Doesn't work for some people. Not that hard to believe.
  15. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    I've heard so many great things about Dark Souls, but have seen limited game play. I was pretty excited when they said they were going to release it for the PC, but was a bit skeptical on the GFWL. I would bite on a cheap price, but I think I'd go expensive it didn't include that feature (and...
  16. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    I shall check it out. I got the Fallout pack the last time it was a daily. I had trouble playing it though, because I got that weird color scheme problem going on. Downloaded some mod given on the Steam forums to someone else with the problem, changed to run on Windows 98 and eventually fixed...
  17. Chalk

    The Steam Deal Thread V4! Insert witty comment here.

    Woohoo. Thanks for the links. I shall probably be trying them out. (: Huh. How how was that? (Lol... Extreme...) I feel you. But I also spent my GW2 money during the summer sale. ): I really wanted to try that game too. Oh well, either I wouldn't like it, then get butthurt that I paid so...
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