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  1. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Rangers if you see this, I am on right now.
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    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    I should be on tonight to play my games. This week has been a rough on for me so I haven't been able to play. Let me know when you guys can play tonight.
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    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Yeah that's what I thought too when I quit that would have given him the win. I hope he forgives me after this. If not i understand.
  4. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Okay enough guys I know what I did was wrong. I get it. If dark tower wants to play the game again that's fine. I'll stay back to run the clock down.
  5. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Yeah I get that. I'm gonna let dark tower decide if he wants to play again or not. Let him score 4 goals on me and I'll sit back to let the game go by faster.
  6. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Is that what you want to do then? Fine by me. That's if you want to play again. And I am sorry about the first game, I shouldn't have done that.
  7. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    I was going to let you win that game man. Nate, I'll just make easy for everyone and quit the league.
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    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Halo 4 looks really good. I was amazed with graphics and gameplay. Looks like this new company took the visuals into a darker route instead of the somewhat cartoon look.
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    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Sounds good. I'll see ya on around that time.
  10. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Boston, Pittsburgh, Tampa bay and Florida, I'll be on today to play my games. I had server issues with NHL 13 and it wouldnt let me connect to gm yesterday. Plus, I've been a little under the weather as well.
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    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Minnesota, Montreal, and buffalo go ahead and play my CPU because I'm not sure I'll be able to make it on tonight either.
  12. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Whaaaaaaat... You mean that wouldn't go through?! Lol oh well, people can dream. I hear Drayson Bowman is supposed to be the next Pavel Datsyuk or something plus Nate said we are rolling 25 seasons in this league so buckle up boys. Yeah I was trying to make some moves with New Jersey and they...
  13. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Indoassassin, we get paid after the season is up. That's why we are serious. Didn't you get the memo? We need some more NHL 13 WTF EA moment videos posted to loosen us up.
  14. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Hey MVP, here's the deal, last night the coach has spoken with Justin Peters about goaltending Montreal's game. Justin agreed to play in net. Well, we received a phone call from Justin this morning saying that he has the shits and would not be able to play in the game so Cam Ward is going be in...
  15. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    I think you have to play the game instead of having it simmed in order to receive the achievement.
  16. N

    CAGLS: Official NHL 13 No Hockey League - Playoffs! Rd 1 - Deadline 12/11!

    Yeah that's the rocket check. EA should be coming out with a video on that one soon. Rocket Check! HIGH FIVE DUDE!!
bread's done