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  1. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    Any recommendation for airlines?
  2. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    That's all part of the Gothic experience. It's not a bug, it's a feature.
  3. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    Sigh, people with the emotional intelligence of a 10 year old shouldn't be allowed to found companies.
  4. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    The Witcher games might have a better storyline, but non of them come even remotely close to the immersion the Gothic games have to offer. The mere ability to be able to attack everyone anywhere (granted main npcs are invincible), the fact that even in Gothic 1 people actually tell you to leave...
  5. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    I wonder if multiplayer could somehow be made drm free without hackers destroying the game. CDkeys and punkbuster seemed to do the trick in the past.
  6. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    Most overhyped games get their best quota during early access. Valve knew that and now cd project red has realized it too.
  7. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    Bleh AC2 and friends... For a game called Assassin's creed, the assassination part is about as bland is it could be. Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood is way better if you want to be a badass medieval assassin. If you make a mistake while killing, guards immediately spot you and the consequences are...
  8. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    What the actual fuck.
  9. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    FC2 + realism mod is where it's at. Way better than FC3's " beachboybecomeselitewarriorin2weeks-crapfest" And it's not like a little malaria ever hurt anybody.
  10. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    Though admittedly, a huge portion of the indies most of us have acquired is worthless bundlefodder anyway. I'd say we play about 10% of the games we'd genuinely want to play.
  11. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    Amen to that
  12. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    Team 17 need to get their heads out off their arses. The only half decent Worms games were released over a decade ago. Face the facts and move on, try something new for crying out loud.
  13. Tjee

    GOG Deals Thread

    These days everything is being monetized, games have become big business.
  14. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    I must admit my rebellious nature almost forces me to despise anything even remotely related to a global bureaucratic organization. That being said, Microsoft's monopoly in conjunction with global privacy violations is in itself a dangerous thing when certain information is leaked to corrupt...
  15. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    I just started using Debian, figure it's a nice way to learn something new. Also, Fuck Windows 10 and the new Windows 7-8 'critical' updates.
  16. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    What's the use of that? Problem 1 fixed by only keeping the US keyboard layout. Alas, new problem, Shadow Warrior (2013) refuses to detect the audio driver, even though the ALSA driver is installed.
  17. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    Jesus H Christ, felt like playing Skyrim again but apparantly the Requiem mod has received an update... Along with every goddamn patch that needs to be applied for every other mod to work.
  18. Tjee

    Humble Bundle Thread

    Crimsonland is well worth the buck, fun game to waste half an hour.
  19. Tjee

    Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)

    I'm not really familiar with the whole CS:Go and TF2 key trading business, but I have to admit, it's intriguing.
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