Search results

  1. S

    Newegg - Logitech G9x Gaming Mouse for $28.99 AR. Normally $99.99

    That's not true. I use my G9x's middle mouse button for opening new links all the time.
  2. S is back in business. Revival in about 16 hours.

    GOG's placeholder sites while they've been implementing the final steps of their upgrades have been playful, yes, but they couldn't have been much clearer that it was a PR stunt from the beginning. You either get it immediately like a normal person, or you go blog and post about how upset you...
  3. S

    (DEAD) Burn After Reading Blu-Ray $6.49

    Happened to see it on my own earlier today. Great deal, hope it comes back for y'all.
  4. S

    Overlord 2 (360/PS3) - $24.99 Shipped

    Under $9 for the lot of them was a damn fine deal the other day.
  5. S

    GalCiv I: Ultimate Edition for 99¢ on Impulse

    Sweet post, but why the **** can't we check out with PayPal after using a coupon???? EDIT: Also, I wish that I could just have it on GOG... stupid Stardock.
  6. S John Adams Blu-ray $24.99 (Amazon has matched!)

    Gosh, I haven't picked mine up from BB yet, but the fact that an HBO series is less than the MSRP of a standard Blu-Ray movie release should be good enough!
  7. S John Adams Blu-ray $24.99 (Amazon has matched!)

    Wow, fantastic price! Thanks!
  8. S

    Final Fantasy VII - PSN only $9.99

    Instant buy for me. Also, time to put up the 'ole GH version on Amazon.
  9. S

    Get 6 Star Trek Movies on Blu-ray For Under $80 at Amazon and Wal-Mart

    I'm really pumped to buy these Star Trek sets coming out! I must say, even though its kinda dumb, I want to see what these updated effects look like. Seems offensive to the original material though, so I'm glad you can switch on the fly. Original footage plus the original mono soundtrack! Woo!
  10. S

    The "80GB PS3 Won't Play This PS2 Game" Thread

    I have a 60GB that slows when playing Ratchet & Clank. It's pretty bad/can't imagine someone not noticing. Can anyone with a 60GB tell me their experience?
  11. S

    XBOX 360 Scene it for 24.99 at Sears

    Thanks a ton for this! I called, they said they didn't have it, and then when I went anyways there were two. I almost bought both, but left one for some other lucky gent. Good luck all.
  12. S

    Borders 40% off code

    Thanks so much! I got Genshiken Economy Collection (same as the more expensive one, or so I hear) and the new Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya set for $50 shipped! (Melancholy on is $41.99!)
  13. S

    Hellboy, Director's Cut (3 discs) $9, Hellboy Animated Movies + Comics $10 (Wal-Mart

    I also got that 3 disc Hellboy for cheap, about $9, at a Wal-Mart in Eastern Oregon last year. Glad to see they're maintaining it, though.
  14. S

    Ren & Stimpy at - $20 a box, Lost Episodes $15

    Seasons 1 & 2 Seasons 3 & a Half...
  15. S

    Couter-Strike: Source (w/ HL2 Deathmatch & Day of Defeat: Source) 15.99 on Not sure how long it will last, but I thought there might be someone who would want to grab this. It has been $20.99 the past few days.
  16. S

    (DEAD)James Bond Ultimate Collectors Set--$

    I think this is one of those times where I like the individuals better. Still, nice find!
  17. S

    HBO DVD sets 60% off at

    Just ordered the SFU box. Thanks!
  18. S

    X-Arcade Tankstick - $150, Ends Monday @ X-Gameroom

    This arcade stick is incredible. Simply everything you would expect from a top of the line arcade stick, including analog-digital switching and cusomizable controls, and they're pretty good about keeping up with systems by releasing adapters. Also, lifetime warranty.
  19. S

    Outer Limits (1963) Complete Series $34.99

    Definitely useful to me. All I had to do was mention it to my dad, and he wanted it immediately. Thanks!
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