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  1. S

    CAGcast #80: Rebooting Your Face

    CheapyD, you need more structure in when you accept calls. You should have a specific time when you allow people to call in and ask questions or discuss topics. Calls would only be taken during one segment, either at the beginning or the end. That way, you wouldn't have any of these dumb...
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    CAGcast #75: Playing with Our Wizards

    Wombat thinks Insomniac didn't have access to the PS3 controller in time to map the shooting to the trigger button. I only know a little about game development, but I do know that remapping a control to a different button takes seconds. They had from May until November to do that. I'm sure...
  3. S

    CAGcast #74: Wombat's 30th Birthday Pachtacular

    I have something to say regarding David Jaffe: I am so fed up with his mouth. He's made two good games. TWO! But- apparently- if you aren't completely enamored with his games, you're wrong. Somebody really needs to put this pridefull douche in his place. You think Miyamoto would badmouth...
  4. S

    CONTEST: CAGcast #73 - Win the $60 game of your choice

    If I was jumped in a dark alley by a wombat, I think I could take him. That is why wombats are better.
  5. S

    CAGcast #72: A Doctor in the House

    CheapyD, Wombat, that was the best interview you guys have had yet. Dr. Markey was very informative and interesting. It's always great to hear scientific research that refutes the bullshit that spews forth from the mouths of "pundits" like Thompson and "Dr." Phil. Now, for a bit of...
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    CAGcast #71: Young Hero and Steed, Wombat 2000

    When CheapyD and Wombat are discussing the Xbox 360 keypad, CheapyD says something that doesn't make sense. Before his opinion is drown out by Wombat's disruptiveness, CheapyD says, "sometimes you don't want to take the time to talk to somebody..." It's quicker to type out each word of a...
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    CAGcast #68: Symphony of the Meat Spin

    I'm so sick of hearing people say that we shouldn't restrict minors from buying M-rated games because their parents need to be more involved. That is such a useless suggestion. What most people are too stupid to realize is how much you can do without your parents knowledge. No child grows up...
  8. S

    CAGcast #67: Touching (Yourself) is Good

    CheapyD referred to Mrs. Wombat's "down there" as the "Wombat Zone". That statement did have some element of comedy in it, but if he were to be just a bit quicker and wittier, he could have called it the true "Wombat's Burrough". Such a joke would have hilarious sexual imagery to bring a smile...
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    CAGcast #66: Gettin' Pizaid

    Call of Duty 3 for Wii was bad? I played that game and had a great time! Best shooter yet on Wii (of course, that's not saying much).
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    So what did you score on Black Friday?

    I got the $3 1GB SD card at Circuit City. I just saw it sitting in a little basket of items people decided not to buy. I got other stuff, but that was really the only thing I got a great deal on.
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    STARTING OVER! CC $8.96 Games Cross-Reference Trade Thread

    Have: Gun The Warriors Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Want: Indigo Prophecy Advance Wars Dual Strike
  12. S

    seattle area circuit city $8.96 deal?

    I was just at the CC by the Alderwood Mall on Thursday night. There's not much left. I managed to snag the last copies of Gun and The Warriors, but unless you are a 187 Ride or Die fan, you're pretty much out of luck. That is, unless they have stuff yet to put out. I only saw PS2 games.
bread's done