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  1. M

    Buy 2 Get 1 free (Used Games) at Blockbuster B&M YMMV

    The big problem is that Blockbuster has terrible prices on their used games. The only time they are any good is when they decide to dump some recent titles that are still $40 - $50 in the stores.
  2. M

    Buyer admits to ripping me off in e-mail, now what?

    PM this guy's info to me . . . I'm an attorney and wouldn't mind putting a bit of a shock into him.
  3. M

    30 in Widescreen HDTV - $320-$388 shipped, Philips Outlet

    You're a bitter moron who can't read. Did you just not see my prior post that said that Consumer Reports ranks Sony TVs at the very top of the list in terms of quality??? Further, this is for nearly any type of TV. Sony is the best in quality, bar none. I wasn't sure, so I paid the $5 to...
  4. M

    30 in Widescreen HDTV - $320-$388 shipped, Philips Outlet

    Actually, Consumer Reports lists Sony as far and away the highest quality HDTV on the market. I paid the $5 to access the site for a month, and Sony's sets own all others in terms of quality.
  5. M

    PS3 Unveiling Delayed

    Unfortunately? Isn't it good for all gamers to have the most powerful consoles possible out there? Who cares who makes them . . . unless, of course, you are a fanboy.
  6. M

    US PSP Launch Boxart

    Well, right now no one plays hockey, so it's gotta be Gretzky or some other highly recognizable name. I heard that the PS2 version was actually pretty decent.
  7. M

    US PSP Launch Boxart

    The Gretzky cover is the best of the bunch - one of the better sports games covers of all time. Being that the 989 games will be online at launch, I will scoop up all of them! 989 is on a comeback.
  8. M

    are u hype to buy umd movies????

    Your sig reeks of objectivity.
  9. M

    PSP will be online at launch

    Wow, this is awesome. I was wondering why EA dropped the ball and didn't have online play in their first generation of PSP titles. Looks like 989 has beaten them to the punch! I'll only be purchasing PSP games that can go online, outside of the GTA title(s) for the PSP. This is great news.
  10. M

    Any lag with wireless controllers with Socom 2?

    Do you know how I could remedy my problem, Snotnose? Will an upgrade to Wireless G help me out?
  11. M

    Any lag with wireless controllers with Socom 2?

    I don't recommend using a wireless controller if you also have wireless internet. My Linksys wireless B connection screws up my controller, causing double taps, and odd directional moves. You really can't play wireless online games with a wireless controller . . . or at least that's how it is...
  12. M

    Your SOCOM II Name

    I'm MgrRichardHead
  13. M

    PS4 vs the Xbox 3! ITS ON!!! (Actually about how gay PS2 online is)

    You gotta love the repressed sexual frustration in almost every one of MookyJooky's posts. Keep 'em coming, man, keep 'em coming! We want more MookyJooky!!!! Great entertainment. And please, use the word "fag" or "gay" a few more times, because they are brilliantly expressive and descriptive...
  14. M

    Finally found out about the ps2 online

    Hey Eclipse, you were right! These guys are out of hand. You are a strange bunch, those of you that come in here generating a fanboy fight for what? Nothing. I love it . . . some guy up in the thread says that I'm a PS2 fanboy, and yet I've uttered nary a negative word about the XBOX...
  15. M

    Finally found out about the ps2 online

    When you grow up, you'll learn to stop worrying about who's acting mature and who isn't, and that you will often have great difficulty distinguishing between the 2. Nice sig, BTW.
  16. M

    Finally found out about the ps2 online

    LOL at Mookyjooky!!! Get a life, kiddie. Are you related to Bill Gates? Why oh why do you care so much?? I use this site as a procrastination tool . . .what do you use it for? Sticky keyboards??? And BTW, in case you couldn't read . . . this thread sits in the "PS2 FORUM." If you are...
  17. M

    Finally found out about the ps2 online

    Look, it is clear that PS2 is the dominant system, in general. Further, I don't know many people who are grown adults and who game on XBOX Live. Actually, out of the diverse assortment of people that I know, all in their late 20s or early 30s. . I know of only 3 people who even own an XBOX at...
  18. M

    PS4 vs the Xbox 3! ITS ON!!! (Actually about how gay PS2 online is)

    This Mookyjooky guy . . . has to be some kind of major league tool. Hahahahahahaha.
  19. M

    Finally found out about the ps2 online

    Sorry guys, sorry to burst your bubbles, but your opinions represent a very, very small minority of the gaming population. You guys are hardcore gamers. I am one, too. However, the rest of my friends are not. They love gaming, but are not very hardcore. We range in age from mid-20s to...
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